There is a small upside to the update
Survivor toxicity is down. I used to see teabagging and flashlight spamming left and right. Now I only expeirenced one toxic survivor so far (granted it's been two days). Say what you want about the game balance wise, but I'm enjoying not dealing with cocky people who think they're better than you just because the meta served them well (not saying I totally approve of the update, but seeing survivors more or less respect the killer as an actual threat is a nice change).
Well when their crutches are gone, the feeble can't afford to get cocky.
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as a survivor main I do think that the update was a bit much for solo q, but I can’t stand toxic people on my team (I try to help the killer if someone is overly toxic) I just think that there needs to be a change for toxicity to go down without making survivor bad
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you seem like the type to complain that survivors are still overpowered and say that prove thyself Is a crutch perk
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As someone who plays exclusively solo I will say solo is definitely alot tougher not as impossible as some make it out to be but I would say I went from a 70-80% escape to 50-60%. I've also played against some baby killers that can't have more then 100hrs in game and I have 1500+ and I've had the reverse when playing killer where I shouldn't be playing these guys they had no chance.
I felt so bad one game I just stopped and let everyone go the one time I checked before the match started.
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I appreciate that you actually care enough for that. I used to get teams that almost seemed to get BOLDER when a survivor got cocky. It was annoying even when they turned out to be not that good. I also agree that it was a bit much to nerf survivors so hard so suddenly. I like to think there will be a way to comeback from this for survivors but right now it seems like no one knows what or how that could make it happen.
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There is lot of upside in this update.
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Personally this update hasn't stopped me from playing cocky
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Do you stream? I would have loved to see your 80% escape rate in solo
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A small upside to this patch?
This entire patch is amazing. If I have ANY complaint it is the Decisive Strike nerf from 5 seconds down to 3.
Everything else is great.
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Unfortunately if u want to end toxicity killers have to be stronger so next time that toxic surv face a killer will think twice to t bag or not, there will be toxic till the bottom of their heart and will keep but now he wont be such cocky
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Ive never read prove thyself to be a crutch in forums
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In my opinion, as well, I don't be toxic either anyway but I have seen since the update I have been getting toxic killers. Yesterday had a few matches where the killer used the new knockout and slugged everyone and just stood over their bodies nodding. Every time someone would get up killer downs them again. I asked the killer in end-game chat why did he play like that. He just said because he could and told me to cry more... I wasn't upset by it lol sure was boring I was curious as to why play like that.
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I don't but I just played smart kindred as all most always in my build and I also didn't get camped and tunned every game maybe once in every 10 games someone would get camped or hard tunneled. I said somewhere between like 70-80% I definitely escaped way more often they I died. Even spent 5 match where I didn't touch a gen but chased the killer around with a flashlight trying to get good at saves 3 of those ended in a 4 man out.
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Guess I'm dumb and a lot of other people are too since my build has kindred on it 100% of the time and I surely don't escape 70-80% of the time.
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In fact now it's the turn of toxic killers, I have already encountered quite a few since the patch arrived