A Simple and Effective way to solve the "camping madness"

There is a very simple solution to fix this:

increase the time it takes for the entity to drain survivors' life to the next hook stage.

Simple as that. This will make proxy camping a hook much less appealing to killers,

as that means the rest of the survivors have plenty of time to do gens and still be able to save their teammates on time, which forces the killer to try another approach instead of straight up camping one person to death.

Time is the key here, and currently survivors are lacking this after all the changes.

After increasing the gen time in 6.1.0, I can confidently say that the game can last long enough to make such a change.


  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 264

    thats something they can consider- as right now survivors can’t get the gen pressure for camping killers.

  • NiiiCX
    NiiiCX Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2022

    And if the killer is near the hooked survivor it take 50% more time. So EVEN more time.

  • icey2022
    icey2022 Member Posts: 2

    that I have to disagree, for two reasons mainly:

    1. Let say your teammate is looping the killer into the hooked person. That would be their stupidity for killing their teammate and should actually be punished.
    2. Huntress and nurse for example can camp the survivors from a distance by hold their m2, so this doesn't really work for all killers.

    I think increasing the hooked time in general would already be fair enough,

    overthinking too much and implementing other rules would just eventually break the game.