Let's start the DC penalty at 15 minutes.

drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game is already annoying enough with incompetent survivors to also have to compose with rage-quitters (and other kind of losers).

Why are they even playing?


  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Let's not. Some people's games crash. Some of us disconnect once in a blue moon - I don't think I've ever DC'd more than twice in a day, to the point where I didn't realize there were longer penalties for people who disconnect repeatedly until I read it here.

    It's okay to disconnect once in a while. Sometimes there's even a good reason for it if something important or emergent is going on IRL.

    People who disconnect repeatedly should be banned until they learn to stop doing that, and I think the current system is effective considering how ridiculous the DC rates become when the penalty is turned off.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    I say 10 minutes. That's usually enough time for your connection to stabilize if you have internet issues, but would still be twice as long as the current timer.

    Also add a "skip" button for the sacrifice animation, no point in being forced to watch it. Although I don't understand survs who DC during it, may as well help them out.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    The game crashes once every few months. That's not too much. Any other inconvenience does not warrant a DC. (Bad teammates, bad map, annoying killer, being the first one to be hit, playing Dead by Daylight, ...)

    If it's something important IRL, you can wait 15 minutes before coming back.

    I can understand DCing for external reasons. It happens to me regularly, but I don't come back to the game that day.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Let's be honest, if people crash that often, they really shouldn't play this game.

  • Deme
    Deme Member Posts: 59

    if its an emergency 15 minutes wouldnt do anything lmao so dumb

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    That's a good point, I guess.

    I'm not saying I never quit for selfish reasons, either. I try not to, but it happens once in a while. I almost never disconnect as a survivor, but I had a moment of weakness this week where I was running a full aura breading build with Lethal Pursuer and there were no auras visible at the beginning of the game, and I DC'd.

    I'm okay with bumping the penalty up to 15 minutes for people who use their free 1-2 disconnects every day to ragequit games (I'm sure that's where 95% of this problem is coming from), but I don't want to be punished for doing it once every couple of weeks or whatever.

    Yeah, it's a small gripe, but that penalty should be there to punish people who regularly use DC's to get out of games. Maybe the DC penalty shouldn't necessarily reset at the end of the day, but rely on a weighted system that detects how often you disconnect and decides your first DC penalty from there. People who disconnect every day for three days in a row might get 20 minutes on their first, while people who haven't done it in a while get 5.

    tl;dr: I don't think you should bet getting free disconnects every day, but I'm not against cutting someone a little slack for doing it once in a while.

    Again, this is a good point. There have been situations (I can think of one in the last week) where I was back in 10, but I guess that's an outlier. I can't think of another time where this was the case.

    Refer to my above response for the rest of my thoughts on this, but, basically, I don't think someone should be penalized for more than five minutes if they disconnect once a week or whatever. If someone is doing it 2-3 times a day, the system should flag them and give them a harsher penalty until they stop doing it for a while. That alone would bring the numbers down.

    I'm not saying I never disconnect for selfish reasons, but I also notice the high number of disconnects (hate it as survivor, love it as killer; won't lie), and I'm pretty sure most of those people are just abusing the system to get out of any game that doesn't go their way, multiple times a day. But I'm not one of the egregious offenders, and I don't want to be punished like one.

    This probably isn't important enough to keep responding and write multiple paragraphs about since I don't ragequit a whole lot, but I had a lot of caffeine this evening, and there you go.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    15 minutes is too punitive for people whose internet dipped out for a second, or who got caught on Steam's weekly refresh, or who were playing during a thunderstorm and the power went out for two seconds...

    When it comes to the people who DC on first down, they'll do it way more than once per day. Start low and ramp up hard.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    All rare occurrences, a minor inconvenience compared to the mind-less DCs that I see way too often (as survivor and as killer)

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    No <3

    let's reduce it to 0 minutes

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Real quick, only one reason I disagree with this and that's cuz sometimes the game will just randomly disconnect and say "no network connection" even though everything else is functioning fine, until they find a way to differentiate the two (actual disconnect or a game error) then the penalty does not need increased. Once they find a way for this, then yes, I'm all for increasing the penalty to 24 hours even.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    How about 1 free dc per day and after that its a 24 hour ban and you only get your free dc back if you go a 24 hour period with no dc and if you dont then its an extra 24 hrs the next time.

    So if you dc twice in 1 day 24 hour ban come back as soon as your ban is over and dc 48 hour ban and keep going maybe cap it at 1 week

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Yes. Fifteen minutes is a long match duration. A good deterrent IMHO.

    Five minutes is nothing, "nobody" really cares.

    A free DC will not be a good deterrent for the many idiots who can't project themselves into the future. And the 24h will be overly punishing for the odd, rare, issue.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The 1 free dc is actually for the odd rare issue.

    15 min is still basically nothing and wont do squat.

    So lets try a compromise.

    1 free then 2 hours ban doubling for consecutive bans in a 24 hour period, 24 hours with no dc earns you your 1 free back, and then every week with no dc you earn a stack, up to 4 max stacks, of additional dc tokens.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390

    No thanks