Shrine of Secrets is too expensive
Before the patch, yes it was very long to get every single perk on every character, but at least the Shrine of Secrets was nice to grab perks with a discount of iridescent shards if you didn't bother unlocking the new character.
For instance, when there were a survivor I felt like I would never play them, I had the mindset to only grab their skills from the shrine, resulting me to only spend 8,000 shards by unlocking their perks instead of spending 9000 shards by unlocking the character.
Now, unlocking every perks of 1 character for everyone costs 24,000 iridescent shard! That's WAY too much. It's more than the price of 2 characters, and more than the price of epic skins.
Because the bp grind is reduced, it feels absolutely pointless to unlock original characters' perks through the Shrine, and it feels like a huge backstab if you want to freely unlock dlc characters' perks.
Why not making the tier 1 unlock cost 2,000 shards, and make tier 2 and tier 3 unlocks cost BP instead of iridescent shards? Like 500,000 BP to unlock tier 2 and tier 3 each?
I misunderstood the changes done on the perks: I though the only way to have a tier 3 perk was to prestige 3 the related character.
Indeed as hastarkis mentioned me, you don't have to purchase tier 2 and tier 3 perks in the shrine to be able to get the corresponding tier 3 perk by progressing through the bloodwebs.
The awful price in iridescent shard is less concerning this way, but remains strange: why is it so expensive? Who's going to spend 8,000 iridescent shards to unlock 1 perk at tier 3 for all characters? This is just ridiculous.
Well, think of it like this - if you want all three perks on a given character unlocked then you get a nice discount if you simply buy that character as a package deal of sorts. If all you want is to buy one perk ala carte style it costs a bit more. So it’s encouraging you to get the full package instead of the one offs.
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But it doesn't really makes sense when shrine of secret is such a random thing, yeah it's okay if it had ALL perks to buy, but probably not great for a system that randomly changes and only changes in a week.
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I’m with you there, I’m fully behind the idea of replacing the shrine with a full page showing all the perks all the time.
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Hence why I think it's too expensive. Why would anyone want to get perks from the shrine except perks under licensed characters?
I don't really care that it's now cheaper to unlock every original characters even though I only play 2 survivors, but I'm concerned about licensed perks being awfully expensive.
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>>Now, unlocking every perks of 1 character for everyone costs 18,000 iridescent shard! That's WAY too much. It's the price of 2 characters, and almost the price of epic skins.
But no? Unlocking every perks of one character for everyone costs the same price, 6k shards. Moreover, previously you bought a CHANCE to find those perks in bloodweb and then spent good amount of BPs to get em and level em up. Now you buy the perk itself for all your characters, and all those perks are not only unlocked for you, they also are available to equip right away on all your characters on tier 1. If you want, you can level them up through bloodweb and it costs much less bp now to upgrade those perks to tier 3 (no need to look for and buy first tier).
And if you want more than that, in additional you can pay for upgrades. It's new feature which you didn't have early. It's much cheaper to just buy character and prestige them then, and it's perfectly logical in terms of both: saved time cost (time and BPs invested to upgrade this perk for all-all your characters) and BHVR economic (they want buying character be preferable). If you don't want to use this new feature - just unlock perks for 2k shards each and level them up just right you did before. It's cheaper now for you since you get tier 1 automatically.
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Your response isn't super clear, do you mean we can still upgrade perks through bloodwebs and not through prestige?
To make it clear, here's an example:
- I have prestige 2 Wraith
- I level up my Hillbilly's bloodweb
Will I get Shadowborne lvl 3 through Hillbilly's bloodweb?
If the answer is yes, that's a relief. Although it shows that bhvr didn't do a good job at explaining the shrine modifications in game.
I understood the change as "You pay 2k iri shard and you get the tier 1 perk for everyone. If you want an higher tier, you pay more".
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Yes, you can! No matter prestiges 1-2 or shrine, you can find other tiers by leveling character up, nothing is changed here :)
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So pay to win?
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You don't need to buy lots of specific perks to win.
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What's stopping them from creating busted perks for new chapters then.
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You don't need "busted perks" to win either.
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Everytime they did they were nerfed later (in some cases it needed years): MoM, CoH, Undying, DS, DH, STBFL, Tinkerer...