Why slowdown perks can be stacked if endurance can't be stacked for survivors?

Weird design choice
Because they're 2 completely different types of Perks?
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My question is I thought they wanted to switch the meta. Because in the games I been having me and my teammates not been using the survivor meta perks. But killers still using the same stuff lol
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Thats the problem.
They removed DS but gave nothing in return.
Meanwhile killer got few slowdown nerfed, but got other slowdowns in return, the meta same for them, use as much slowdown as possible
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Because there is 1 killer and 4 survivors?
Potato moment?
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Let me guess, survivors should fear you and respect the power role right?
You are big bad scary killer, how dare survivors having chance
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Sorry I'm sure you'll find a perk to replace dead hard and decisive eventually.
For now just keep relying on your last crutch windows of opportunity til that's nerfed ;)
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Make the comparison with speedup perks next time. Prove thyself, leader...
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Face camping with STBFL should be a "conspicuous action" for killers.
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Jeez calm down dude lol go touch grass or something lol
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Bc stacking endurance is way more busted, esp when all four survivors are doing this.
Sure there are still killers stacking gen protection, which is really not necessary. But the individual perks changed massively. Ruin is extremely rare, pop is rare, PR+DMS is barely used. I had way more Thana and Overcharge games, even jolt was used more often. BBQ is also used way less than before. So the meta did change, just not so much as hoped (yet).
But I feel the patch was the right direction. When playing a killer, I feel much more confident to run gimicky or meme builds adn not be totally stomped by the survivors to do so. Let's hope many "casual" killer players recognize this as well and experiment more with the lesser used perks.
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The slowdown meta is even stronger because by buffing base chase mechanics you dont need as many chase perks as before thus liberating space for extra stalling perks.
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Why do you think it is "way more busted"? For them to do it, they had to be standing around doing nothing or else the conspicuous clause would shut it off.
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Cause devs dont know how to balance the game properly even though they got massive feedback.
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Why slowdown perks has to be treated like endurance perks when they are two completely different type of perks?
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Actually it pretty much is?
No slowdown perks work without killer interaction, even thana gets disabled because all other survivors heal up.
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Because perk stacking has always been a major issue throughout dbd's life.
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you are right survivors should fear and respect killers as they are meant to be the power role in the game not survivors but yet how long has survivors been the power role for?, people need to calm down about this update instead of running to the forums to have a cry about something, yes the devs changed a lot of things and made killers more of a threat now the next move is to leave these changes for i.e couple months then adjust what needs to change.
They can get feed back from the PTB but not everyone can play the PTB and people don't take it serious in the PTB, but once it hits live servers that's when they can really get good feedback because people play the match serious.
Survivors do have a chance but they also have to remember it's a 1 vs 4 and the odds are better for the 4 survivors when they work as a team, which is what solo q really needs is a way to work as a team be it action symbols showing what your doing or a ping system they need something.
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Huh, why aren't we complaining about the fact we can bring four perks then? more or less perks have synergy even if they aren't in same category, especially killer perks.
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No it’s not lol. First off if you could stack endurance and tried to take a protection hit with OTR while someone is getting chased that means 2 survivors are not doing gens. Not to mention even if they do take a hit STBFL HARD counters the meta and even works in your favor. What is “busted.” DH is dead and you can still bait it out 5x easier than before.
So as killer you have less people doing gens (on top of hit recovery increase, speed burst after hit decreased, 90 second gens, buffed breaking speeds time) and you get more chase interaction. No idea why there is anything to complain about if you could stack. No compare that to Slowdown. You have to hold M1 longer on a 90 second gen. Woo so much.
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But 2 people not doing gen is same as 2 people doing gen, if they can ridiculously waste killer time with just two people they will win.
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How are you gonna waste the killers time when 2 people are looping. You either hit the person whose body blocking and with you’re hit recovery and survivor speed nerf you catch up. Double points with STBFL which is an already good perk even without endurance stacking. And either way you get more interaction. And do you realize how long and how BAD the killer has to be for the endurance Mets to work? And the set up to do is literally insane.
The only perk that’s even reliable is OTR because DH is trash and killers can still bait out but even easier since you won’t get anywhere. And maybe MoM which who complains about?
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You mean because it's double standards, lmfao
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It's been quite consistent, killers are allowed to have stacking perks, while survivors are generally not allowed to have stacking perks.
Idk why but probably something to do with survivors having 16 perks total.
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Forgot to mention you could hit the person with OTR and tunnel him out. Killers love tunneling so again I see 0 problem with endurance and even encourages you to tunnel people which killers already love doing so what is there to complain if this meta were live? In fact Thana Legion would be even stronger? So would Oni and other high mobility killers since they would not only recovered faster from the protection hit you would catch up in time and down them quickly. Force them in a bad position and boom free down from someone whose just been hooked. Now you have free pressure and 2 people weren’t doing gens the entire time. Again ######### would be wrong? Survivors would realize how bad the “meta” is and only ruin it to meme rather than to win.
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Ruin is busted now and can combo with any perk that blocks gens....DMS and PR don't combo anymore because of the change to PR. Very few slowdowns actually can stack with each other successfully.
Yes there are some that can but the selection is slim. If a Killer is running 4 slowdownsore than likely there is conflicts between them
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Probably like that instant heal CoH which lived a little tbh.
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Tell me you don't know how to run tiles without telling me you don't know how to run tiles
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Oh you mean with the new instant regress times and speed increases and 90 second gens? Oh noooo you have to kick a gen.
The killer has to WHAT? CATCH A SURVIVOR? Impossible make it base kit and make it so all gens are blocked for 20 minutes. Can’t believe the killer has to catch a survivor and be next a Scourge hook (the entire point of the perk) for it to work. Imposible to get.
If ONLY there were killers that excel at injuring and keeping survivors injured like Plauge, Oni, Legion, Blight, Nurse, and Wraith. Bawling my eyes right now.
You have to run a specific build of OTR, DH, and MoM. DH is trash, MoM is trash, OTR will get you tunneled when body blocking. High mobility killers would eat you up. You and 1 other person isn’t doing gen if you’re body blocking which to get MoM you have to. You’re literally throwing the game just to 1 hit state maybe 2 if the killer is bad and then right back to hook you go. Where’s the problem compared to making survivors do 3 minute gens?
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Bc it guaranteed you free escapes in the end game, better than prior BT+DS could ever do. And it allowed for BS body blocking and build up MoM tokens insanely fast. It may not have been so bad in solo Q, but against highly coordinated swfs it would be a complete nightmare
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Because Slowdown perks have different activation conditions and Endurance doesn't have that many ways of activating
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The Oni, excel at injuring survivors, wow.
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Well, regression perks affect all 4 survs
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Yes but they do not give you an instant auto-win. Stacked Endurance and end game gave you exactly that. They deactivated DS in end game exactly to prevent such situations, but the stacked endurance just added it back in. Of course it would be removed again between PTB and live, no one should be surprised by that.
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Perks that allow free escapes in endgame are more busted than a set of perks that slow the game so much that 90% of games you wont even reach endgame? it doesnt make sense for me
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Actually, regression perks only affects generators.
Probably because that 90% is the number you made up, I think.
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No. Survivors can't have stacking Endurance Perks because there's 4 of them. If every chase consisted of 3-5 Health States, not even Nurse would be able to win
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It's LITERALLY the meaning of double standards.
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Because apples vs. bananas
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Maybe, but it's an asymmetrical game, Survivors and Killers can't be equal
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No his power revolves around keeping them healthy /s
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Yeah exactly. a problem by any other name still needs a solution. We don't need smoke and mirrors to understand that.
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I think the argument could be made that exhaustion should be a perk-specific cooldown to expand our options to run multiple exhaustion perks. So much else has been nerfed that having a separate sprint burst cooldown from another exhaustion perk wouldn't be a problem.
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Repair speed reductions should be capped out at 30%. Whether you reach that limit with one active stack of Hex:Pentimento or a combination of Thanatophobia, Dying Light, and/or Gift of Pain is whatever.
But you shouldn't be able to stack two of the latter with Pentimentos instant 30%.