You guys wanna hear a Survivor Joke?

Decisive Strike.
That's all.
Tbh I actually would laugh if this wasn't so sad.
I'm enjoying being a menace, but this ain't it chief.
this time it doesn't seems to be a DS issue.
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It's a deadzone, so it's a down.
New DS requires strategy and to think where to go down / hide in a locker to avoid... What you just showed.
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You can't even make it to a vault now, let alone make any meaningful distance against an M1 killer. Every survivor I've ran across with DS has only gotten ran over mercilessly.
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I caught this girl with her pants down with my power, she didn't really have the luxury of choosing where to go down.
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The only thing to laugh about is her decision, if she went straight to the window, she would make it.
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This content has been removed.
And I said I doubt it.
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DS needed the end game change, but the stun duration is a joke
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"You guys wanna hear a Survivor Joke?"
What did the Wraith do after he sacrificed Mikaela?
He sang "Bing-Bong the Witch is Dead".
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the end game change is fair imo. If it doesn't work in the end game and still requires a skill check, I think it's absolutely fair for DS to be 5 seconds
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That's funny
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I do think DS was overnerfed, but this gif does nothing but show that people are not used to the new stun duration and not that the new stun duration is inherently too short. If you go frame by frame you can see that Kate is pretty much in the center of the Shack by the time Oni appears in the door frame. She was probably aiming for the door in order to do a long loop around shack or possibly attempt to get to a different tile. Then she notices that the Oni is way closer than she thought he'd be, so she course corrects towards the window, but by that point she's taking the curve way too wide.
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Again, give it like 7,8,9,10 seconds, I don't care, I'm just glad it's not activated in endgame
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Against higher tier killers it’s not up to the survivor to decide where they go down
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I’ve been calling it “inconsequential strike” because already I’m seeing almost nobody running it and when I do get hit by it the survivor goes down 2 seconds later
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Wdym Base kit BT with haste, OTR... This meta has so much to take a hit and create distance. You can choose where to go down.
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It also requires you to get downed and picked up within 60 seconds of being unhooked, without first having done anything to help your team, and before EGC.
Should we add another two or three conditions? Why don't we make it require two safe unhooks and a gen before it can work, or maybe it only works on a full moon on a sunday night in november!
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Yes and ? Thats the purpose of this perk. Anti tunnel. If you re not tunneled you re fine.
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I think it's more she was looking behind her, while running toward the Shack Pallet, but didn't know it was already used and gone. So then she course corrected. Panic vault and down. DS wasn't over nerfed IMO, this Laurie just had a bad running plan cause she didn't know Shack's God Pallet was gone.
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And now, if you are tunnelled, this perk won't do jack for you.
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Bt + haste = go to a safe spot.
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Oh, so now we need another perk to scaffold it into something resembling function. This is almost as bad as Power Struggle now!
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Hehe, I liked this one.
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I think I’m about as killer biased as a person can be, but I thought DS was fine with a 5 second stun (and I didn’t really have a problem with it still working in EGC). All I ever wanted for it was to deactivate with actions, and we got that months ago.
3 seconds and it deactivates in EGC seems way too harsh IMO.
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Bruh in the clip she takes it so wide she basically asked for it.