Please stop dcing and suiciding on hook...

Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

I understand the game is not easy right now for solo players, specially not with the amount of killers that are stacking slowdowns and camping/tunneling in the majority of games, but please stop giving up so early.

Since the update came out I think 90% of my matches have had at least one person suicide/disconnect at 4/5 gens, and gens taking so long to repair it's impossible to escape in a 3v1.

My escape rate right now is at easily 15-20% and it sure is not because of "dead hard" since I didn't even use it before the update, but because most of my games end up in a 3v1 at 4/5 gens or everyone just slugged at the same time.

It's ok to not like these changes and how tedious doing gens is right now, but take that into account before loading up into a game and ruining the last bit of it for everyone else who is still trying their best.

