Place your bets: Killer Q-time after patch



  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    as if all survivors will start playing killers... 😉

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I still think that solo queue being dead is definitely an exaggeration, but I do agree that quite the amount of solo survivor players, and probably even some swf survivors, will take a break from the game. My guess is honestly 20 minutes, at least after a few days or a week or two.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Well I don't know, I'll play see whassup with killer, see if it's cool.

    I'll also play soloq because I can, see whassup there too.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    OP survivors finally getting some nerfs they have needed for years. "REEEEEE I QUIT"

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Actually, solos can still win if they too have a couple of working brain cells. At least in the current version of the game. A lack of information that swf survivors have just makes this a bit harder, and matchmaking likes to screw over solo survivors quite a bit as well. But killers are surely not overpowered, except maybe for Blight and Nurse.

    Problem is, killers are now getting some nice, impactful baseline buffs, which are all great, but survivors are getting nothing against camping and tunneling, which is not good, especially for solo survivors. Camping even getting buffed is the most ridiculous part here. So killers in general are getting some nice buffs, meaning there normal gameplay is being improved, making them less reliant on slowdown perks, and it also means more killers will be viable.

    But tunneling is barely nerfed at all, and camping is not only not being nerfed, but buffed, which is ridiculous, because killer buffs like the ones we are getting should finally allow the devs to nerf these extremely unfun strategies to go against for survivors. Yet nothing is being done. And I am positive this will show noticebly in killer queue times.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Most survivors are casuals, and casuals don't care for escaping.

    Probably wouldn't change that much

    ...although, I can't say I'm not hoping for better que time for survivors.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    You underestimate how many people will que for whatever role gives them more blood points.

  • Gratxla
    Gratxla Member Posts: 82
  • Gratxla
    Gratxla Member Posts: 82

    You act like you're any different than sluzzy, lol.

    Both of You are biased and thats a fact, just look at your post history and think for a minute, please

  • emodeshort
    emodeshort Member Posts: 180

    BT is basekit + speed buff after getting unhooked, ######### are you talking about?????

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    Maybe we'll get those old 2019 queues, 15 minute waits on killer with streamers getting snipes from their friends and viewers.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    The decent players will adapt and survive. The crap players will wahhhhh about their dead hard crutch being gone and quit.

  • babayagasaga
    babayagasaga Member Posts: 111

    when i play survivor, it's mostly solo. i'm going to give it a chance, because i'd like to believe it won't be as bad as people are saying. but i will say - i'm pretty nervous.

  • itsHammyyy
    itsHammyyy Member Posts: 24

    i think sluzzy deserves the award for most dedicated troll on the forum.

    seriously, how long have they been doing this for at this point? years?

  • itsHammyyy
    itsHammyyy Member Posts: 24

    the survivor part of this community tends to be incredibly overdramatic when things on their side get nerfed. remember the giant outcry when DS got nerfed not too long ago? how that would supposedly make the game unplayable?

    as somebody else said, survivors are not going anywhere. it is the easier role in the game and gives you the option to play with your friends, so it will ALWAYS be the more popular role in this game (as it should be, since we need a 4 survivors to 1 killer ratio).

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I played against him and smoked him with Trapper. Then I beat on him on hook like a pinata to celebrate after I snowballed into the finish!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Same old bitter people saying the same old bitter in and day out....

    Hope things get better for them.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I will play whatever role is available, especially with the incentives.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    Again, survivors aren't going anywhere. There will be no mass exodus of survivors.


    Cause DBD is the only game they are good at. They'd get their ######### rocked in a game that actually required some semblance of skill.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    This. People play survivor because it's brain dead easy and killer is too hard. 90 second gens and slightly faster kicking is going to do very little with the way the busted maps are

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Kicking time is actually negligible in chase (few content creators demonstrated this) unless a bunch of pallets are already pre-burnt.

    I don't know the total distance lost from the 'mini sprint' on hit with the nerf, though.

    If anyone has the math/difference using Hold W logic (straight line), I'd like to see it, please :)

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2022

    What affects my que time is a dramatic increase in killers. I see it every time a new chapter releases. There has never been a lack of survivors yet.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,140

    Casuals do care for escaping, they just won't sweat their balls off to ensure they escape.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Crap players already have sub 5% escape rate but still playing this game, they wouldn't go wahhh about their dead hard crutch cuz it didn't help anyway.

    If they do care, pretty sure they aren't playing this game or playing in SWF, either way nothing really affect them.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    So...I'm gonna guess you didn't see all those endurance changes before coming to this conclusion huh?

  • Sybarite
    Sybarite Member Posts: 49

    expect they don't. old graphs released show solo que survival rates vs SWF they don't just look at high mmr. As demon baby had metion, the kill rate was at a lower level then the devs wanted (what level they wanted they have not said or I can't find any info for).

    Que times wise as they have started before seems to be really region specific in my area even if I play at ungodly hours or new killer release it has never gone above a min wait time for killer. So for my area even after the patch I doubt it will make a difference.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Killer's easy. Had Otz put all the time in Fortnite that he has in DBD, he would never get placements or earnings. In contrast, a top Fortnite player like Bugha would 4k every match after one or two months of learning the game and role. There's no example of a killer main switching over to CS:GO and playing it at its highest level. DBD is not that hard and the players that try to take advantage of every broken perk or playstyle are probably those that cannot succeed at other competitive games.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Then you play at ungodly hours or in an unusual region.

    Playing between 8pm-1am in Eu, on PC, with crossplay on here (btw that's how you give comparable information for queue times arguments) and my killer queue times haven't been above 30 seconds in the last few years.

    Early mornings can be 5+ minutes but even on a workday in the afternoon they were 2-4 minutes tops.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,625

    pre nerf ruin times were short for me... less than 1 minute... the problem of solo survivor aren't the perks, but your teammates, who are more dangerous than the killer itself. (my last match as solo told us everything: looped a freddy for more than half game with only 2 pallets, once he finally started to think that chasing me was a waste of time since he couldn't down me he went for the others, who did only a single generator in all that time... they lasted less than 30 seconds in chases... in the end i died due to the exit gates too much close, but i did 30000 points while the others barely reached 15000...)

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2022

    I play North America between 4:00pm - 9:30pm.

    You probably haven't played the game for as long as I have, because this happened a few years back. I don't even remember what caused it but Killer queue times became absurd for a while. In fact, that was the moment I switched from purely Killer to half-and-half, because I couldn't stand waiting in queue for extremely long times. Its been several years, but it was averaging around 15+ minutes for killer queues.

    It took months before they became normal again and I was playing solely survivor because the killer queue times were unbearable.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    My friend, i also play this game since release and am on this forum 2 years as a lurker and made my account over 2 years ago.

    And yes i can remember the short time killer queues were incredible long. But survivor queues were even longer at some points, for exampe in the last months before the crossplay implementation on console. And the general notion for queue times for the last 2 years during prime time (aka when the most people are simultaneously playing, 8pm-1am) has been that killer is instant and survivor takes 3-10 minutes.

    Your post made it sound as if this 15 min killer queue would be the current state for you. Maybe make it clear the next time.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    When a survivor deliberately kills himself/herself early (i.e. by skipping one or more hook states or straight up DC'ing), they are MASSIVELY hurting their teammates. I have absolutely no respect for players who do this on purpose. It's the most childish and selfish thing to do. Please wait the full 60 seconds in each hook phase. Your teammates might be trying to finish something before unhooking you. If they don't unhook you within 60 seconds, then you have something to complain about. Even if you're downed/hooked in the first 30 seconds of the match, you have no idea how the rest of the match will go.

    I don't care what you post about on the forums, but please don't actually do that in the game. If you don't want to make any effort to play as a member of a team, don't join a survivor queue.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I've never experiences queue times so insanely long as the killer queue times with survivor. Like I said, I played Killer exclusively and switched to solo survivor because of those horrible queue times. I never experienced anything like that as survivor. Sometimes they were longer but I had some killer queue times where I waited 30 minutes.

    And if you think about it logically, a influx to people playing survivor, affect survivor queue times a lot less than an influx to the killer queue. The killer queue is a lot smaller than the survivor queue. A small change to the killer queue affects it probably 4 times as much as it does to the survivor queue. (1/5 of players are killers, 4/5s are survivors, so my guess is 4 times as much).

    Killer queue is a sensitive beast, it doesn't take much to set it completely out of whack. This patch will probably do exactly that.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I'm a killer main and was worried about longer killer queues in mid-Chapter, but with the new matchmaking I think I'll just go with the flow and play soloQ survivor if it lessens the wait time, plus get a little BP bonus.

    If I change to doing that, then if anything, my wait times will be the same or less.

    Only after mid-chapter comes out should we bother trying to speculate doom and gloom.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Are you talking about the same otz that does no hit run in fromsoft game and no hit runs with crazy restrictions but yeah he's only good at killer because it's easy. Aslo didn't QxC or whatever try dbd and quite because the game was way unbalanced against the kill and count hit a Huntress hatchet to save his life???

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    I don't think solo q will be dead (saying this as a solo player myself) but the experience is definitely going to change imo. I fully anticipate less team work and less altruism. Plenty of 'every man for himself' builds.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Single-player games are not the same as multiplayer games. There's predictability to it that's not present in competitive multiplayer games.

    A lot of the notable killer mains in DBD are approaching middle-age or are middle-aged whereas top Fortnite players are in their teens; they have greater neuroplasticity and reaction times at that age. Survivor movement is slow in DBD. As far as xqc, I typed in his Huntress gameplay on youtube and the first result is a CoconutRTS reaction video to it. In the video, he's not even half-way to Devotion level 1 but in the first trial he hits a Nancy vaulting a window from 10-15 meters and minutes later downs a Bill from about 30 meters. The only times he missed were because he wasn't being patient and going for lower probability hatchets. The video furthers my point. If he played the game consistently he would be a top-tier Huntress.

    To add, though, what is there to make of SupaAlf's 200-game win streak as Nurse if this game is so hard on killer? I've gone up against Pro Vengeance three times in the last month while he is going on 50-game win streaks with lower-end killers. He was finishing up a 50-game win streak with Doctor one time. The other two times he was at whatever consecutive wins with Leatherface. This is only getting buffed in the coming update. My concern is with solo survivors and this game is becoming increasingly unfair towards them.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    My initial response was to a post along the lines of "survivor is easy, killer is hard". If killer is hard, why does SupaAlf win 200 matches in a row as Nurse and why does Pro Vengeance win 50 matches in a row with C-Tier killers? These win streaks will be even easier with the coming update. Multiplayer games have to be balanced and not just a power fantasy for one side. 50 wins in a row is as imbalanced as 200.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    They just want to farm salt for their steam profile, the comments suggest that they do their best to provide a miserable game for survivors as killer too

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    It will stay as it is or even improve, cause the changes are good and healthy for the game.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2022

    Killer may be harder than survivor, mechanically, but there still is a code you can crack and the code isn't that hard to crack (strong perks, strong add-ons, camping and tunneling). It easily overwhelms solo survivors. Gens are about to be longer, chases shorter, but two solo survivors will still run for the same unhook. Some are bad, but it also happens because they're not allowed some baseline coordination to keep up. Commonly on this forum, solo survivors losses are a result of no skill and killer losses are because "Plague is c-tier". That's not the case.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Yes, we aren’t semi gods as killers, perhaps because we have real lifes

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    if killer ques during the day (about 5min right now) will be 20min, I will eat my words and shorts on top. They might get a lil bit longer during daytimes, as more people try killer out, but not a lot of those survivor mains will be cut for the constant stress of the killer role and soon enough they will join the swf crowd in the evening, giving me again 20s ques max.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,908

    Heck if average killer queues hit even 5 minutes I will be stunned. For it to go from 10-20 seconds (even the high end daytime queues for me are like 1.5-2 minutes) to 15+ minutes, essentially nearly the entire surv base would have to quit, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.

    People unhappy with the lack of action on tunneling/camping (a fair thing to be angsty about) and the meta being upset are trying to manifest this reality where everyone just leaves en masse and BHVR and killer mains are left holding a bag of regret, but that almost certainly isn't what is going to happen. We might see a slight bump in killer times as some survs already on the fence leave, but that's it.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Did it, though? I am not experiencing killer queues longer then 5min during my evening play times and in a weeks time things might adjust a bit, when more and more survivor mains get back into their roles after coping with the changes. I haven't experienced a 20min killer queue, yet.

  • babayagasaga
    babayagasaga Member Posts: 111

    I was surprised at how much longer killer queues have become. I went from instant queues to waiting 5-10 minutes, whereas on survivor my queues are instant.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    My formerly instant evening queue time is now 2 minutes on average. And people are still trying to do survivor side rift. I haven't been able to do the one "Survive while 1 other survivor escapes as Jonah..." because I haven't been in a single match where more than 1 person survived after trying for half a day. I gave up eventually and switched to killer.