New Solution AND Only Working Solution against Camping and Tunneling! Pls Forward it to BHVR!

cacao1 Member Posts: 89
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Hey guys! I am Killer main! I played survivor a lot cause Qtimes suck for killer. Killers started to camp and tunnel for more since this update then before.

The solution:

Team Hook Stages

As you can see in the graphic above the survivor team has 10 hooks as a resource.

The first 6 hooks highlighted in GREEN are team hooks and are shared between all teammates. This change makes it so that a survivor is only killed after 6 hooks making any survivor untunnelbal and beeing able to sit on a camped hook for 6 hook stages if the killer wants to camp this survivor.

The RED hooks are instant kill hooks, every survivor hooked here is sacrifised instantly and it doesnt matter if this survivor was hooked 4 times before or its his first hook of the game. A survivor team has to manage its resources.

AS you can see the advantage of not losing a survivor after 3 hookstages (camping/tunneling) comes with the price that the survivor have now 2 hookstages less. Potentialy if you (the devs) want you can have 12 Hookstages but doing 6-7 gens instead, but I think everyone would rather have less hookstages then more gens to do.



If a person is slugged on the ground everything is normal just as now BUT if the killer downs a second person the slugged survivor gets the opportunity to fill a new recovery meter that is half the size of the original recovery meter that gives him the ability to return from the dying state. This gives the slugged person the chance to recover if the killer slugs them for real (which is why it only activates if an other survivor is slugged) but you need to fill 1,5 bars of normal recovery bar for this which is also a protection for the killer who slugs only a little


If all survivors are hooked at the same time the oldest survivor hooked gets a free unhook and with this a chance for the comeback, BUT only aslong the hookstages are NOT exceeded.


Every 25s all survivor auras are shown to all surivors for 5sec beginning with the match start. This gives solo survivor a grip of people around them a information that SWF have in abundance. Kindred effect on every hook (of course kindred perk needs a rework after this). I imagine this effect in a corner of the screen with a visible cooldown (25s till activation and 5s of effect and always on during hooks).


All survivor perks and the current STATUS are shown to all other surivors at any time. Also something all SWFs have by default. Current STATUS means what is going on at the moment and includes: gen reparing, doing totem, blessing totem, being chased by killer, healing someone/self, searching a chest, interacting with killer property... (maybe more).


  1. Not losing a survivor to a tunneling killer after 3 hooks or a camping killer on first hook
  2. More fun chases for the killer! With the recent buff killers should love chases more.
  3. Less hookstages overall could make the game more spicy
  4. Weakminded survivors might get a hope to stay longer ingame and not DC instantly
  5. early DC is not a instant LOSS anymore BECAUSE the hookstages are team shared and even with 3 guys you still have 6 shared hooks (GREEN) until the killing hooks (RED).
  6. Slugging would be minimized to a healthy and competative amount but is still not free.
  7. soloQ buff without really buffing SWF by the New mechanic changes.
  8. Easy balancing! Because the amount of hooks could be "killswitched" to the amount needed.
  9. EDIT: even if you would die on your first hook at the end, its better then playing 3v1 at 4-5 gens left. just be logical!


  1. playing the game and seeing how it goes without DOOM POSTS!
  2. if killers need a buff after this one could lower the team hooks by one or even two.
  3. If survivors need a buff one could buff hookstages by one or even two.
  4. Better map balance
  5. removing map offerings - If you are proud in every map you made every map should have the same chance to be played. If you think that there are maps that are worse then other this is even a bigger reason to remove the ability to force them on someone.

DISCLAIMER: Dear BHVR. Everything said here is free to use for you, I DON'T need any kind of credit, reward or payment. please feel free to use everything you see, please forget your developer pride and accept help from people who play your game. please be better, so in return my favourite game can become better.

This topic is open for discusion.

Please post CONSTRUCTIVE ideas, before you post anything please ask yourself if you are objective in this topic and or if you are now mad because of bad expierences.

OPEN FOR DEBATE - lets make it to visible for BHVR
