New Solution AND Only Working Solution against Camping and Tunneling! Pls Forward it to BHVR!

Hey guys! I am Killer main! I played survivor a lot cause Qtimes suck for killer. Killers started to camp and tunnel for more since this update then before.
The solution:
Team Hook Stages
As you can see in the graphic above the survivor team has 10 hooks as a resource.
The first 6 hooks highlighted in GREEN are team hooks and are shared between all teammates. This change makes it so that a survivor is only killed after 6 hooks making any survivor untunnelbal and beeing able to sit on a camped hook for 6 hook stages if the killer wants to camp this survivor.
The RED hooks are instant kill hooks, every survivor hooked here is sacrifised instantly and it doesnt matter if this survivor was hooked 4 times before or its his first hook of the game. A survivor team has to manage its resources.
AS you can see the advantage of not losing a survivor after 3 hookstages (camping/tunneling) comes with the price that the survivor have now 2 hookstages less. Potentialy if you (the devs) want you can have 12 Hookstages but doing 6-7 gens instead, but I think everyone would rather have less hookstages then more gens to do.
If a person is slugged on the ground everything is normal just as now BUT if the killer downs a second person the slugged survivor gets the opportunity to fill a new recovery meter that is half the size of the original recovery meter that gives him the ability to return from the dying state. This gives the slugged person the chance to recover if the killer slugs them for real (which is why it only activates if an other survivor is slugged) but you need to fill 1,5 bars of normal recovery bar for this which is also a protection for the killer who slugs only a little
If all survivors are hooked at the same time the oldest survivor hooked gets a free unhook and with this a chance for the comeback, BUT only aslong the hookstages are NOT exceeded.
Every 25s all survivor auras are shown to all surivors for 5sec beginning with the match start. This gives solo survivor a grip of people around them a information that SWF have in abundance. Kindred effect on every hook (of course kindred perk needs a rework after this). I imagine this effect in a corner of the screen with a visible cooldown (25s till activation and 5s of effect and always on during hooks).
All survivor perks and the current STATUS are shown to all other surivors at any time. Also something all SWFs have by default. Current STATUS means what is going on at the moment and includes: gen reparing, doing totem, blessing totem, being chased by killer, healing someone/self, searching a chest, interacting with killer property... (maybe more).
- Not losing a survivor to a tunneling killer after 3 hooks or a camping killer on first hook
- More fun chases for the killer! With the recent buff killers should love chases more.
- Less hookstages overall could make the game more spicy
- Weakminded survivors might get a hope to stay longer ingame and not DC instantly
- early DC is not a instant LOSS anymore BECAUSE the hookstages are team shared and even with 3 guys you still have 6 shared hooks (GREEN) until the killing hooks (RED).
- Slugging would be minimized to a healthy and competative amount but is still not free.
- soloQ buff without really buffing SWF by the New mechanic changes.
- Easy balancing! Because the amount of hooks could be "killswitched" to the amount needed.
- EDIT: even if you would die on your first hook at the end, its better then playing 3v1 at 4-5 gens left. just be logical!
- playing the game and seeing how it goes without DOOM POSTS!
- if killers need a buff after this one could lower the team hooks by one or even two.
- If survivors need a buff one could buff hookstages by one or even two.
- Better map balance
- removing map offerings - If you are proud in every map you made every map should have the same chance to be played. If you think that there are maps that are worse then other this is even a bigger reason to remove the ability to force them on someone.
DISCLAIMER: Dear BHVR. Everything said here is free to use for you, I DON'T need any kind of credit, reward or payment. please feel free to use everything you see, please forget your developer pride and accept help from people who play your game. please be better, so in return my favourite game can become better.
This topic is open for discusion.
Please post CONSTRUCTIVE ideas, before you post anything please ask yourself if you are objective in this topic and or if you are now mad because of bad expierences.
OPEN FOR DEBATE - lets make it to visible for BHVR
This type of idea has been suggested before but people were averse to the idea of dying on their first hook just because their bad teammate got hooked x times in a row.
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Unfortunately, what is stopping the killer from tunneling the weakest survivor? You can pick one guy out and keep hooking him. I don't have to interact with any other survivors but that one that isn't good in chase.
I took a stab at it if you want to draw more inspiration from mine.
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Its better then playing 3v1 (which is a loss anyway). This is will not heal humankind from being scum but will give us the chance to still play.
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Agree. If I consider camping and tunneling unfun, and not part of the killer's game to win the game, I may bring
Off the Record + Decisive Strike as anti-tunneling measures, along with Kinship + Kindred as anti-camping measures. That way, if the killer camps me, there's time for everybody to split and complete all gens.
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I'd rather not get one hooked and play a 3v1 to be honest. Making one mistake can end the game for you, that isn't very interactive.
I get where you are coming from though. Maybe take a few different angles with it. I was never able to get anywhere with that idea unfortunately.
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You want me to camp someone for 7 minutes? I mean... I can do it, but I thought the goal was to make the game MORE fun?
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It's all the difference in the world. Generally as soon as a survivor is killed the game is over unless the killer throws or if the survivors were just about done with generators anyway. This means that losing the game happens after 6 hook stages rather than just 3.
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good effort, but I think there’s a lot more simpler ways of fixing this than having a shared hookPool.
can you imagine poor poor solo queue ?
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So people have more time to complete gens and leave, yes. The killer can waste more time with that single survivor, sure. But again, that will ultimately not correct the tunneling problem right? That survivor will still get tunneled. And when that person finally dies, the next person, if they didn't complete the objectives, will get one hooked.
Aside from that, what happens when the person being tunneled just wants to leave the game out of frustration? They afk? Wasting more stages?
I am definitely for fighting the tunnel, but there are some edges that need to be accounted for with that method.
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Thats has been discussed several times and is just not a thought through at all.
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So if my team is useless and someone gets hooked 6 times, if I get hooked once I die. Sounds unfair.
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It’s not bad and the team information part seems pretty useful.
The “team hook” system will encourage Killers to tunnel weaker teammates and Killer stronger Survivors on first hook, which is already a thing but will get worse.
One baby Survivor could ruin the game for everyone else getting hooked back to back super early
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right now tunneling 3 hookstages on one guy effectfly ends the game for the survivor team.
With the team hook system this would be 7 hooks on one guy until he is dead. If a team sees that the killer is tunneling 3 other guys can do gens because of the TEAM EYE mechanic (baseline kindred for everyone).
THERE IS NO SOULTION FOR HUMAN ERROR. But everything you said is "yes it will make it a little better but not perfect"! THERE IS NO PERFECT! We can only have steps in the right directions and noone here seems to be able to admit that this would be the right direction!
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I understand the frustration. I suggest going at it at a different angle. Yes, the problem needs to be fixed, and there are multiple ways to fix it.
Again, check my post out for another perspective. There is another way to fight the tunnel. Reading mine could give you inspiration for something else.
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I thinks its a good idea, but it will not be implemented, bc it changes the game too much.
One problem is that it reduces the comeback change. If there are enough hook stages left at the endgame, the killer can give up. Thats fair and makes sense, but it could make it boring.
And it is not enough: getting camped is still boring and the survivor does not get rewarded. Some would be happy with bp but many just want to play the game. Can a survivor still suicide? I always stay on hook for the full duration, but triple the time and then the other survivors dont do gens, would be hell.
For the aura reading/solo que buffs: how would they interact with blindness? Should it be removed bc it doesnt affect swf?
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This only works if they remove the ability to suicide on the hook. Otherwise what is to stop a person from getting hooked and then just going through your team's whole hook states because they got mad they got caught. At least now all they can do is remove themselves.
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That's true, but somehow if you're not as bad as your teammates you can still get the hatch. This method punishes you for others failures.
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Also, it would allow for a whole nother level of sandbagging, where you could fail your hookstages repeatedly / chase the Killer just to burn through your teams lives (basically, anyone suiciding on hook would now screw their team over significantly more than they already do now)
While I do agree with OP that a system like that can help, it comes with its own problems that would need to be pointed out and addressed beforehand to avoid exactly those issues.
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Mate, what happens if you hook 4 different Survivors before they die?
They stay on hook forever? if the last guy gets a free unhook what prevents the Killer to camp the last guy?
What happens next, you hook the last Survivor again, free escapes forever?
What if the Survivor decides not to escape and/or gives up?
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Sorry to say it's not a new idea (but thumbs up for having it)
Alas it doesn't work for several reasons. One being it can be exploited.
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Now imagine finding an afk survivor...
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None of these prevent tunneling or face camping, and barely make them any less effective. Especially against high mobility killers. They delay the inevitable kill marginally, and with a minimum extra 50s of gen time in game plus only a 3s DS stun theyre even less useful.
We have all seen the vids of just how useless DS is now against all killers let alone a nurse, blight or spirit, you might as well just jump in a locker without it and watch the animation of the killer pulling the survivor out the locker
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Bhvr doesn't want to remove any of those 3 mechanics because it would require them to overhaul the entire game this would just make playing the other side unbearable and no one would play the game anymore, this wouldn't fix it frankly and would likely just kill the game with massive buffs to survivors across the board swf included and removing almost all methods for killer to create / keep pressure besides hooks which means never standing a chance against any level of decent survivors
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This would be a marked increase in QoL, and most of the naysayers are against it specifically because it could theorhetically lower the amount of hooks they get (a purely selfish opposition).
They refuse to acknowledge that if someone dies at 4 gens, the game is over, and they aren't likely to get their 3 hooks anyway. The viewpoint that it's a 1&1&1&1 vs 1 game, and not a 4 vs 1, is the underlying issue. If they added a scoring event for someone else escaping after you die, that would really help shift the perspective (could just be a stack of "the next item you purchase in the bloodweb is free" to remove any BP calculation complications)
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It's not about winning, it;s about having fun in the game. Getting one hooked is the worst feeling in the game.
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So it's like Devour Hope where I get killed on my first down because my teammates kept getting hooked through out the match. That sounds miserable.
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Well this would make my games easier as killer I mostly get 10-12 hooks in my games and most of the time I will not kill first until 6-8th hook.
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Will you camp someone for 7 minutes? I dare you.
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Most of this is OK/GOOD and has been suggested before, the instakill hooks & shared hooked thing needs more brainstorming, plenty of "exploits" could happen here that arent intended.
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He has a bubba profile pic, he'd camp someone for a full 9-hour shift without a care in the world lol