Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

this update was not what was promised

I'm just going name every issue i can think of off the top of my head that was added with this update or not fixed

Camping/Tunneling 5sec BT not enough

10+ min killer que for mid to high MMR

DS,DH, iron will and selfcare are worthless now

bloodwebs nerfed you can never get rare add ons now if you need/want them

Solo que survivor is unplayable

Disconnects run rampant

Cheating/Hackers everywhere

Killer was overbuffed thanatophobia did not need a buff

Bad map layouts

No nerfs for nurse, blight, and spirit

if you can think of anymore let me know and i will add them



  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Don't forget nerfs for artist, bubba, legion, pinhead and twins either. And the constant BM from killer mains BC they know they will always win against solo q now and are rubbing it in your face

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    i know your like the best spirit player ever so get your games in now i got 5 4ks in a row on spirit and im not even that good at spirit so im curious to see your results cause she's is way 2 strong now without iron will in the picture

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, then the title is a bit clickbaity, you said what was added with this update, not trying to get too technical, just saying

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Genuine question, what do you do when a spirit is phasing at a loop with her broken addons? I drop the pallet she can hear which side I’m on I’m dead. I fault windows she knows I’m dead. I stand still? She has headphones I’m dead. I walk backwards she knows because she has headphones I’m dead. What do I do genuinely asking? Not saying she’s OP.

  • Phantom2144
    Phantom2144 Member Posts: 5

    I like that they increased the max BP per match but they didn't change or add any new score events. As an example I just played a killer game and hooked everyone 3 times no one regressed from a state to the next and the last hook was a late hook and sacrifice after closing the hatch which gave me extra points but I still couldn't get max sacrifice points.

    Then for survivor you would maybe ones every other year get max survival before patch but now with the increase to max BP I rarely see the survival points be more than 6000 unless you're the obsession and get a free 6500 points for escaping. Survival points are so hard to get especially if you don't escape. Only times I've gotten more than 6500 survival points have been dependent on what I bring but also which killer I'm facing, Pinhead, Deathslinger, Onryo, Legion, Trickster, Blight, Ghost Face, Plague, Doctor, Nemesis, Trapper, Pig, Freddy. These killers (apart from Legion) have certain unique score events that give you survival points but are either decently consistent, situational, limited or a waste of time.

    • Pinhead: Breaking free from chains and solving the Lament Configuration. (Decently consistent and situational)
    • Deathslinger: Struggling against the chain, escaping the chain (if closer than 3 meters you get extra) and somewhat consistent need to mend if he leaves you alone. (decently consistent)
    • Onryo: Delivering the tape and escaping the trial while fulling condemned. (Decently consistent but unless necessary a waste of time and situational)
    • Legion: Only has consistent mending but if you're the first person hit it's almost guaranteed for you to be able to mend yourself. (Decently consistent)
    • Trickster: If your laceration meter goes down you get points (if it's very high like in the red you get extra). (Situational)
    • Blight: Causing Blight to miss a Lethal Rush gives points but this is hard to do. (VERY situational)
    • Ghost Face: Outlasting the Marked duration. (Situational)
    • Plague: Cleansing at a fountain. (Decently consistent but also somewhat situational)
    • Doctor: Snapping out of madness tier 3. (Decently consistent but also somewhat situational)
    • Nemesis: Using a vaccine. (Limited)
    • Trapper: Escaping his traps by yourself but this is highly unlikely. (Situational)
    • Pig: Removing the reverse bear trap (limited)
    • Freddy: Waking yourself up via the alarm. (Consistent but a waste of time)

    Also Behaviour said they removed the extra BP from WGLF and BBQ & Chili because they didn't want people bringing perks for BPs but now I see Prove Thyself on at least one survivor per game (I do this too but still see other teammates doing it as well) most likely so that they could cash in on the double coop action points to max out objective and altruism which are also somewhat finite to either gens, chests and exit gates (hatch gives extra as well but so what) for objective and most altruism is gotten from hook saves and then healing afterwards.

    I've had to have a very specific build to just get a good amount of points. (This is also goes toward my second part of my rant about survival points)

    • Prove Thyself for above mentioned.
    • Any Boon usually CoH for 1500 Boldness per Booning. Also CoH gives a reliable way to heal yourself to get survival points.
    • Built to Last for the repairing points for survival 200 per repair so 600 if used completely.
    • The 4th one is a wildcard for either DS or Deliverance for survival Points or Bond to find others on gens or healing for Prove Thyself
  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Now about the broken add ons (mainly Mother-Daughter Ring and Dried Cherry Blossom) doesn’t really have reliable counterplay other than actually predropping which is why I really want those add ons removed entirely or changed into something else. They’re not healthy for new Spirit players nor is it fair to go against.

    I can help out countering Spirit in general though. She’s different from most killers, I would certainly recommend playing her yourself a little to get a feel for what survivors do against you.

    Anyway though, the most important thing to note is to use your ears. Being unpredictable is the way to go, and switching up your plays. For example, you can double fast vault a thrown pallet one play, run the direction the audio is traveling to throw her off the next. Faking your scratch marks like you’re going to be at a pallet and then walking right past it does work and can throw her off. You can even just walk without running at all away from a loop when you know she’s phasing.

    Some of this stuff is a bit hard to explain on just text so I’m doing my best, but morally of the story is to forget about the standard looping, and use Spirit not being able to hear survivors to your advantage. Thinking outside the box as long as you’re unpredictable with it is the way to go against her.

    Hope this helps a bit.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i mean i dont know much about artist but bubba dont need nerf facecamping needs to be adressed legion dont need nerfs its just thana that didnt needed a buff pinhead also dont need a nerf and the twins need a good rework that keeps the spririt but makes them better to play.

    and lets be real you cant pin bm on one of the roles because both bm like you get bp for it

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Not to mention the de-sync and rubberbanding that is still rampant for console players that has been going on for over 3 years now at least. 7 out of 10 games for me have that involved. Oh, and pallets are still screwed up as well.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    None seems to contradict with the promise they made, "make game more balanced for lot of killers", which actually they succeeded.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    you can literary hear where she is, iron will was pure stupid as she could do nothing to you when you have it

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228
    1. Bring BT if 5 seconds endurace is not enough
    2. 10+ min killer que for mid to high MMR
    3. DS,DH is not useless, you just have to be more exact rather than just pressing E to get to a safe pallet. Iron will is not uselss, its 75 percent which is still very nice still he same if you use Ace or any quiet Surv. Being able to heal yourslef many times with self care was a joke. and especially with that speed. No more blendettes hiding in corners.
    4. bloodwebs nerfed you can never get rare add ons now if you need/want them
    5. Not True its too soon to tell. A week has not even passed and people are freaking out.
    6. Cant say, I have not seen anyone Dc. No comment
    7. I havent seen cheaters in a while... No Comment
    8. Only for Plague and Legion. but they still need to work for it.
    9. It do be like that
    10. Spirit is fine just the way she is, It was so unfair for her when iron will destroys her power. For nurse, The ones good with her deserve to win. They deserve to be rewarded for putting effort trynna master the killer. Same goes to blight.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Spirit is nowhere op, she's very balanced, although not that interactive to go against. Now, if we talk about MDR and DCB, those should not even exist, but that's an addon issue, just like for Blight.

    Agree with everything else you said.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I disagree, IMO DC tier Killers are Killers where DCing and eating the penalty is faster than the match itself, Legion and Twins fill this tier, I mean you can DC against Legion, eat a 30 minute ban and most often than not the match is still going on for the poor fools who decided to stay there.

    I would put current Spirit in "first hook suicide" tier, she may get upped to "spam fast actions on locker and then suicide on first hook tier" in the following days tho.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Camping/Tunneling 5sec BT not enough

    Can't really stop camping.. nor tunneling,

    10+ min killer que for mid to high MMR

    Yeah seems normal..

    DS,DH, iron will and selfcare are worthless now


    bloodwebs nerfed you can never get rare add ons now if you need/want them

    Pfh, green and below or none at all, (Cept billy and blight... need them speed addons)

    Solo que survivor is unplayable

    Yeah that ain't new..

    Disconnects run rampant

    Also ain't new..

    Cheating/Hackers everywhere

    Been like that for a hot minute..

    Killer was overbuffed thanatophobia did not need a buff

    PFH, that still only affects plague and legion.. stop complaining about thana, it's not that bad lol, and killer needed a buff to begin with. Survivor was the main power role in this game for 6 years AND counting, glad to see the killers getting love..

    Bad map layouts

    ...Yeah that's normal,

    No nerfs for nurse, blight, and spirit

    none of those need nerf...they're powerful for a reason.. And spirit? Again? Nerfing Spirit? Isn't she already balanced enough for you survivors, do we needa take away her weapon and instead give her a knitting needle and help make sweaters and hats for the survivors for the next christmas event?

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71

    How is thana the first slowdown perk people think about when there is still a very real heal meta? how is it not gift of pain, or sloppy? or eruption??

    Also spirit def doesnt need a nerf, and only blights addons need a nerf, cmon use your noggin now

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    None of these except for the queue times were promised, and we already have an ETA on when thats getting fixed

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,441

    Can I show you my slinger 4k streak now that DH is out of the picture so we can nerf him again? i can asure you he is very OP,

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,501

    This update changed survivors unfair and annoying meta.

    Thats what they wanted.

    So you're wrong.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Spirit has counterplay, this is coming from someone who used to hate facing spirit but I promise you she has counterplay

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,538

    This update is like a random cave in Minecraft.

    You might find one or two diamonds...but most of it is coal.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    I got what they promised me

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    All of this sounds good but when I do a double vault unless it’s a god pallet she’ll just go around and downs me. I try to fake the scratch marks but with her addons she can stay leased for an absurdly long amount of time (which also increase her recovery speed) so she’ll know they’re fake listen for my footsteps, breathing, and then I die. It onl works against like half way decent spirirt. Good to decent spirits just know lol.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Then switch it up, maybe delay the second vault after crouching by the window for half a second. If it doesn’t work once, it won’t work again. Creativity is key.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    The devs specifically stated that they wanted to improve kill rates so it's looking like they've kept their promise.

    The list you put forward - please point out where they'd promise to address them?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2022

    Her addons definitely need a pass they were strong before, but now they're even better. MDR, Amulet (Duration still gives 75% faster recharge rate when the green recharge only addon gives 25%), Teacup/Uchiwa, Cherry Blossom really shouldn't exist the way they do.

  • Phantom2144
    Phantom2144 Member Posts: 5

    Yeah the heal meta is too good still. Self care nerf? So what there's still CoH and the new Botany with it's 50% speed buff to healing is nutty. Sure Botany gives a 20% Med-Kit deficiency but so what, bring good charge add-ons and Built to Last and Streetwise which counter the deficiency and still gives a 5% efficiency on top.

    If you have a Ranger Med-Kit with green and yellow charge add-ons you get 60 charges and with built to last streetwise combo you get 11.5 full self heals even with Botany, Without Botany it would be 13.9 Full self heals.

    So a build of BTL, CoH, BK, Streetwise and the aforementioned Med-Kit gives you a healing speed in a boon is double speed so self care without Med-Kit is the normal 16 seconds and 20 in Mangled and with the Med-Kit it would be 8 seconds of healing and 10 with Mangled.

    Oh yeah if you heal someone else with this build in the boon without the Med-Kit it's the 8 seconds and 10 with mangled but if you use your Med-Kit you which would be 50% more speed so 150% of the normal 16 seconds which is 6.4 seconds. SMH

    Also if Thana bothers you and let's say you have a single friend you play with have them run Desperate Measures alongside this build so they get their own heal boost at max 56%. If they run the same build but swap CoH for DM but you still have it they also get the boost so it could get even faster.

    I said this back when I found out what would happen to Self-Care that if the same isn't done to CoH it would cause disaster.

  • Phantom2144
    Phantom2144 Member Posts: 5

    Yeah it's the add-ons the same is for nurse and blight

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    this is the best explanation of the update i have seen yet

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Please play killer, play nurse, spirit, and blight, and decide whether they still need a nerf. If you haven’t learned them, guarantee you won’t get a single kill. I’m guessing you haven’t played them because you making an ignorant statement like that. Playing those killers takes time and practice.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    i exclusively play killer if friends are not on and mainly play nurse just so you know

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    worst update they have ever put out

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Some stuff to add to your list OP:

    • Pinhead's chains should not affect you while you are trying to solve the box
    • Revert thanataphobia buffs
    • Revisit all exhaustion perks to determine if any can be on cooldown instead of exhaustion; not all of them need to share exhaustion
    • Focus on solo queue; people should be able to buy the game, play it without Discord, and have a decent experience
    • Give all slowdown perks an "exhaustion" like mechanic limiting their use OR reverse gen speed changes since many killers are running 2 to 3 slowdown perks on top of the increased gen speed
  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    you know every surv that play killer means the game needs 5 more survs, don’t you?

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    How's that 1 up vote doing for you? Learned that you're wrong yet?

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited July 2022

    In my experience, when playing as the Spirit, when I'm being lopped and I start phasing; survivors who leave the loop are more likely to avoid me than survivors who stand in the loop or at the pallet. A survivor who stays in the loop or worse at the pallet is almost guaranteed to take the hit.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2022

    Lol, you act like people have nothing better to do with their life unlike you checking forums every day. Who cares about up votes? 50 people barely replied to this discussion and Literally nobody cares about it besides you from what I can tell. But I can see that dbd is a life or death game for you irl where if it isn't a balance game you get a panic attack 😂