The new meta is the best we ever had
And yet you were complaining about having 20h teamates lmao.
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Killers statistics are and were always artificially low, because devs don’t apply the results of dcs, and people’s dc when they’re loosing, not winning
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Your point?
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May I know where can I find these data?
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Oh my bad, usually people use SB to refer to sprint burst
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No problem. It can be used for both.
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No they didn’t
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When was solo queue fun?
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I have not faced a single Killer since the update running four slowdown perks. Not a single one.
Unless you have some GROSSLY huge definition of a slowdown perk, I don't think Tinkerer, Insidious, STFBL, BBQ, Lethal Pursuer, or the like to be "slowdown". The last game I just got out of was Bubba running Deerstalker.
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??? you said what killer not solo q
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That 0.3% from 24.3% 0 Kills was from me
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so the base kit bt and haste when unhooked is a nerf? Gotcha
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Lmao IKR haha
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he is not even in b tier, He is low C tier or high D ier at most
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Survivors wont stop complaining till their Prove thyself perk gives 100% bonus speed boost when working on gens together
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I could be like others on the Forum and say "sEeMs lIkE YoU ArE NoT HiGh mMr".
But I will just say that you are lucky. Not saying that I face Killers with 4 Slowdown-Perks in every game, but way too often it happens. And the game is still complete snoozefest when this happens, probably even a bigger one than before.
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Its not a nerf it's a meaningless buff. But I'm sure you're bias approach wont acknowledge that
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You clearly dont play killer that much, Its always double standards for survivors. Devs give you good things but survivor mains always find something to whine about.
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The meta is exactly the same, but worse, more genrushing and more camping/tunnelling
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You are wrong, genrushing and tunneling dont exist anymore.
There is just camping left.
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Couldn’t disagree more.
There we’re some good changes but mostly awful changes for survivors. With many of the issues that run rampant not addressed.
Glad you’re enjoying the update tho!
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I never used meta perks, I hate BT, DH, DS.
So yes I love the update because they made average perks better !
I think the ones who dont like the update are the ones Who cant play without DH, which is very sad.
Now we will see only true skill players escaped, which is gooooooood!
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That’s just not true. I used DH before but I also would switch up to other perks and still did quite well without DH. The perk was also fun and for me DH was a double edge sword because while it shines in certain scenarios it wasn’t good in many others.
You are stuck in this “You are just mad because you are bad without X/Y/Z” That would be like saying every killer that camps regardless of the circumstances is bad.
Sometimes it is a straight result of a survivor being reckless.
The problem with your post and many posts I’ve seen like this one, is that they disregard any type of legitimate concern while pigeonholing everyone who used one perk simply because you feel a certain type of way about said perk.
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Grrr Survivors aren't able to have fun anymore this guy is clearly a bot >:(
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I'm sorry what did you want? Them to just delete every slowdown perk from the game?
I don't agree with effectively removing pop and ruin as well as weakening other slowdowns being "not really an improvement".
Like survivors are still running exhaustion, second chance, and healing perks. OTR is the new second chance perk of choice, BT actually got buffed, CoH is still here, Unbreakable is still here. Just because it's the same category of perks it's "not really a nerf"?
Both sides are running the same types of perks. But other perks got more viable and the meta got weaker. Its not like people are running Premonition and Deja Vu with a map now.
But I am seeing a lot more variety than before, which is good.
Post edited by MrPenguin on1 -
I agree. Well, to the point not the insult.
While it's technically a buff it barely does anything and is easily avoided.
The duration or speed can and should definitely be bumped up if they actually want it to help against camping.
I think a larger speed boost would be the better of the two to help the survivor actually get away and to minimize body blocking shenanigans.
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It is not fun to verse "different" slowdown perks, longer gens, and save the best for last every game, while survivors have nothing.
Survivors got massively nerfed again. DH was ruined, DS was ruined, and the so-called DS replacement is completely countered by hitting someone off the hook. Perks don't even work in the endgame when happened to get there against a killer way less skilled.
There is variety, killers got a stronger variety with a stronger base-kit.
Survivors got a MUCH weaker variety and much less fun variety. Survivors got nothing where skill can be useful.
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BT basekit, OTR mega buff, 10sec plus on generators.
What do you want ? Invincibility ?
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OTR is not as good as it was being portrayed on the PTB. Most killers I face, score the hit and then chase down the person anyway. Faster hit recovery, and shorter speed boost times just make that even easier. So it is not the end all defense for the average survivor and killers appear to know it and use that knowledge to continue tunnelling effectively.
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10s doesnt mean that gens cant be rushed, and you can also still tunnel someone w BT...
please, stop
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You’re kidding right?
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BT basekit is a really good thing for soloQ
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It’s 5 seconds though, I don’t think you know how little time that is for something like that.
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5 sec on dbd is big
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Calling out someone pretending to be a soloq survivor main when they're not, so it was helpful. But I guess there's a lot of people pretending on here right "dunkin" lol
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HUH? they did not
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They did.
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Exactly. OP can't see that lol
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you're lying if you're claiming Survivors are running the same perks. I've seen all kind of variety in survivor loadouts and very little in the killers because the perks just got replaced with other perks that do the same thing
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I'm giving up on DBD now. It has just become too frustrating. Even matches that I win as a survivor feel terribly unfair now. It's no fun anymore. I understand everone who dcs.
Post edited by kungfuratte on0 -
Ur telling me that 5 second endurance is going to anything for solo? With the killers buffs on top of comes to a negative for solo this patch
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Most SoloQ problems are not balance problems, they are matchmaking problems.
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But they did, whether you like it or not, that BT basekit is in fact considered a "buff"
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You know what you were doing lol
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spoken like a true killer main
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Showdown Meta is Never going to end the reason Showdown Meta exist is because Gens are the only objective and they are Way to fast the 10% at Gen Speed hasnt done anything
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Ah yes, I'm sure just because you've seen it that it must be the same thing that everyone else sees. Anyone with a different experience must be lying. Maybe you're lying? Your experience is different than mine so you must be. No, that's not how experiences work.
That aside, like I said, "I am seeing a lot more variety than before, which is good."
Both sides are running a larger selection of perks in general. Sure some players are using the same type of perks as before. Slowdown/tracking on killer side, heal/exhaustion/second chance perks on survivor. However, the meta got nerfed enough where different perks can come into play a lot more. At least currently.
I'm still seeing CoH, BT, and Unbreakable on some survivors like before the patch. I'm still seeing Pain Res on some Killers like before the patch. But it's a lot less of the same build ever game.
The argument I was responding to was saying "still 4 Slowdown-Perks. Just different ones. So not really an improvement".
Despite the fact it was an overall nerf across regression perks. That's like saying Second Chances are just as bad as before because people are running OTR now, ignoring the DS nerf just because they're both second chance perks. Like saying the DH nerf didn't matter because people are running other exhaustion perks.
That's silly.
Post edited by MrPenguin on1 -
I was honestly to lazy (just as I am right now) to search the correct term for the boost.
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That’s the point: killer can play meme builds and gets easily hooks and kills, but imagine a killer with strong perks, camping and tunnling: it’s unwinnable for survivor, unless it’s a bad killer against a good swf…