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[PC] Off the record - Deactivated if hit during a vault and get downed (not a conspicuous action)

While off the record is active, get hit during a vault animation, will get you downed instead of gaining the speed boost and the need to mend.
In my example I was hit during a vault on pallet while being second hook.
- Character played: Meg
- Perks played: Off the record, Overcome, Lucky break, quick and quiet
- Map: Doctors map
I'd like to note, since this seems related...
Compare the descriptions of Off the Record with DS:
Notice that DS has that part in the notes about "conspicuous actions".. Meanwhile Off the Record doesn't have that. Did they change it to remove the "CA" part for OtR? did I miss that?
Also, to address your problem directly.. did you get hit and downed or grabbed off the vault?
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Were you already in deep wound when you got hit through the vault? That would cause OTR's endurance to not work.
Additionally it will not work if you get grabbed.
It's not mentioned in OTR because conspicuous actions disable all Endurance effects now; this includes things that previously applied it (so Soul Guard and Styptic Agents were indirectly nerfed). They don't disable the other OTR effects.
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"It's not mentioned in OTR because conspicuous actions disable all Endurance effects now; this includes things that previously applied it (so Soul Guard and Styptic Agents were indirectly nerfed). They don't disable the other OTR effects."
Oh. Heck. Good to know; thank you. 😅
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To add to this: Im on console, I got unhooked with OTR, unhooker healed me, yellow circle still there, im fully healed no conspicuous action, he hits me. I get injured no deep wound and yellow endurance remains on screen. Im only teabagging so he'll hit me as im testing OTR btw lol
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That's how it's intended to work. Where's the 'bug' in this? (The Endurance will be used up once you're hit again; it's to prevent you from going into the dying state, not from getting injured.)
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It also doesn't deactivate after it's triggered. Well, it does no longer work, but it's still showing the timer
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Thats what I figured but it's still a bug it shouldnt show the endurance status effect after im fully healed no? I put the video in my original comment btw
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No, it's still there. It hasn't been used or deactivated by a CA, so the effect is still there. (Kind of like how I could get healed after being unhooked while running OtR (before, idk about now), and OtR would still be in effect; it would still hide my aura for the remaining duration, and if I got injured again it would hide my noises.)
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So presumably it's still there for if I get injured again (assuming I did nothing to help the team and just waited for the killer to hit me twice lol)?
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Yes. Lol.
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BHVR just did a dumb here, they make a mechanic but keep the effects hidden from everyone by not including it in the perk description for endurance perks. I suggest they put that in because poeple will be flooding the bug report section with reports saying that off the record isn't giving the endurance effect.
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What are you talking about?
If you mean the 'conspicuous actions', OP already knew about that, and specified that that was not the case. They vaulted; that's it.
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BHVR didn't make it clear that Conspicuous Actions cancels Endurance caused by anything, so people will be pretty confused when they use Soul Guard/WGLF and the effect is cancelled when they heal a teammate (or do any Conspicuous Action). BHVR only said they made the change to Off the Record, so even though this post isn't caused be their bad wording, there are likely to be many more posts/complaints/bug reports regarding this shadow change
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I got hit. Not grabbed.
I wasn't in deep wound state. Also didn't get grabbed.
Well it didn't give the endurance effect the second time, only on first hook state.
Yes, vaulting seems to remove OTR effect if you get hit during the vault.
Healing, doing gens and other meaningful activites you do will remove the endurance. I don't see vaulting as one of those though.
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I caught this bug with my instant replay feature, so have a video file of it. I had my endurance after vaulting yet went from healthy to injured... OTR never activated. Vaults seem to be considered by the game to be conspicuous actions yet they aren't?
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After two years this bug is still a thing. I was playing as Mikaela against a Pinhead in my last match, was unhooked and had Off The Record as well as Second Wind active, but got straight downed while vaulting, regardless of my perks. I dont know if one them counteracted each other, but I was getting tunneled and as soon as I vaulted a pallet, got downed instantly with neither of my perks working. Did not get healed by Second Wind, which I was not paying attention to see if I should have been healed or not by the time I got hit, nor I tanked the hit and got the deep wound effect from OTR, I just was instally downed, very frustrating.