Hey, you with the flashlight in the waiting lobby!

Stop being a monkey and switch to it last second. I keep watching ya'll load in with it then you go for the save and surprise pikachu face when the killer isn't effected because they had a brain enough to put Lightborn on. Use your heads more. We have loadouts for a reason
Really? You give up a perk slot for a mechanic that can be avoided 9 times out of 10? Ok
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Lightborn for a single flashlight isn't a great idea
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Lightborn is a waste of a slot imo. I’d rather them try for a save, fail and waste their time as opposed to figuring out I have lightborn and just sitting on gens
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It's not for sinlge. I keep seeing like 3 people loadin gin with flashlights lmfao
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How to tell everyone you're pety.
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Switching to a flashlight at the last second is a quick way to end up on my "No Mercy for that person" list. By default, you no longer qualify for the Hatch if I have the option to do so as a killer and while I still won't go out of my way to tunnel you, I will no longer not go out of my way to not tunnel you (like if someone is unhooked in my face, I go after the unhooker instead of the unhooked because I feel bad for them but if you did a last second switch, I'm going to do the "smart" play instead and drop you right away again).
If you're gonna try to do me dirty, I will respond in kind
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And it's using your head. Not being Petty. If you don't like Lightborn, like a ton of people don't. Then use your head and make the swap. We have loadouts now. It's not that hard
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I don't really wanna hear about "no mercy list" during this current iteration of gameplay where 80% of matches is camping and tunneling with 5 gens left.
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I mean, if there's 3 flashlights, yeah, you're asking for Lightborn. But most killers aren't going to waste a perk slot for just one beamer, and if they do, that's probably a good thing.
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Avoiding a flashlight save is the easiest thing you can do. Perhaps the monkey here is you
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They're not a killer player complaining about flashlights.
They're a survivor player complaining about their teammates being obvious.
You guys will take the time to comment and upvote, but can't actually read the post you're replying to?
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Now your chasing the only survivor who is planning to go for flashlight saves. Meaning 3 survivors are working on gens now instead of 2.
Not very effective…
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"Easiest thing to do" - Yet I consistently get them on the regular, even when they face walls and think they are slick. You'd be surprised the smallest angle you need pumpkin
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Except I specifically said "I will not go out of my way to tunnel you but I won't go out of my way to not tunnel you".
As in, I'm not going to exclusively focus on the person who did the quick switch BUT if an opportunity arises where I have the choice between going after the flashlight switcher or going after someone else, I will choose the flashlight switcher.
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You said you'd go for the unhooker if a survivor gets unhooked in your face, but you also said that if the unhooked survivor quick switched you'll tunnel them. Am I correct?
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Yes, if the person who is unhooked is the flashlight switcher, I will go after them instead of the person who unhooked. Normally I would not do that as I feel like that is unsporting and I like to play "fair" as a killer. But someone doing a flashlight quick switch has forfeited that.
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Then it's probably not a good idea to antagonize those of us who do still play clean and show mercy. Blows my mind how ######### we can be treated when we go out of our way to try to ensure everyone has a fun game.
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Lightborn feels nice but as soon as they realize they’ll just crank gens instead. Imo it’s better to have them follow you around and you’re basically chasing 2 people at once, they’re not that hard to counter. I rather use fire up for flashlights because it gives so much more value on other things too
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It's hilarious the one time out of 10, literally never not had it on, bought it in the shrine on like my 3rd day of playing, and it's never come off, lol
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But that's the neat part, it never enters their brain that you have lightborn
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What if I drop the flashlight where you can see it?
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That's what they are there for, swapping different builds.
I do the same thing except I use fired up
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Do you mean Franklin's? Fire up doesn't do anything for flashlights
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Fire Up is great against flashlight because mid/late game you pick up survivors way faster which more often than not cause them to mess up their timing. Try it out, it really works
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GENERALLY survivors who drop their items at the end as an offering I will let go.
...generally 😈
Although if you want an honest answer, it would depend on how I feel at the end. Someone who quick switched and just had the flashlight without being a giant nuisance I'd probably still let go like I normally would. If you were an annoying clickity click who was annoying and clickity clicky, then I'd probably still murder you for it :D
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Can't wait to run into eachother because I am a MENACE with a flashlight. Lightborn or not, I will find some way to piss you off like a fly that just... won't... DIE!
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I don't even pay attention to lobbies. I just keep Lightborn equipped 100% of the time. It's in every loadout. On PS4, it may not be strictly necessary but it is nice. On Switch, maneuverability is bad and the sensitivity is horribly low: I can't avoid walking into objects, I can't avoid getting stuck on the environment, I can't avoid missing about 80% of my attempted hits, and I can't avoid blinds.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on1 -
I'm not gonna last second switch to Flashlight.
I WANT killer to take Lightborn/Franklin so the potential annoying teammates with flashlight of a brain will be more useful during the match.
I don't use flashlights, I don't care about wasting them, I want my teammates to do more than swarm the killer 24/7 and then cry in end game chat that no one did gens
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Slamming someone for taking lightborn instead of another slowdown perk…
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That is a great idea if you are good at running and want to get tunneled. Most boosted flashlight users are not actually great at looping in my experience. So... They leave the game relatively fast.
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With the new update it’s almost impossible to do the, anyway against any killer that’s good so it’s fine lol, waste the perk slot
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Ain´t true. Flashlights are a major pain and it´s super nice to have Frankling or Lightborn. I always equip them, when I don´t I tend to repent.
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No, I mean fired up. Faster pickups thrown off their timing pretty well.
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If there's even a slight chance that the flashlight carrier will attempt to use it and get foiled by Lightborn, you have to run that perk. It's just too juicy to pass up
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Ooohh, ok, honestly I forgot what fire up does, lol, and I'm sorry, but nothing can replace my lord and saviour lightborn
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Fair, lol, I use a flashlight every so often just to get my teammates attention, and I never switch last second
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Hm, interesting