Survivors are literally throwing games
They are pretty much the same perk, like I said the only difference between them is u have to let the killer hit u to activate. The original dead hard was able to let u sprint boost with the touch of the button. They may not be equal but still they are both perks that give u a sprint boost to get away from the killer and the perfect subsitute for the nerfed Dead Hard.
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As long as it’s the best strategy it’s naive to expect people not to take advantage of it. That’s like telling all old deadhard users not to use it because it’s scummy to be able to extend chases for double the time because you pressed a button. The only time this doesn’t apply is if people are taking advantage of exploits. The problem is the developers enable these strategies. Changes need to happen, and until then don’t expect behavior to change from either side.
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Posts like this are extremely important for the devs to see so that these peoples stupid plan doesn't work. Anyone if you see this post, please upcote it.
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Yeah but aren't you a survivor main? Aren't you doing the very thing survivors throughout the community are reeeee'ing about at the top of their lungs? Besides you never learn how to play killer properly camping and tunneling you'll never learn when to drop a chase or proper time management or how to force a 3-gen, amongst other things.
Plus it's just gross.