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Killers should not let survivors win



  • Member Posts: 1,252

    If devs look at numbers to balance the game something like this midchapter happens. Worst thing ever.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I dunno man. I just came off a LONG losing streak as survivor. Everyone is still adjusting to all the changes from the new patch and i felt bad. I still have lots of flans on my artist so I loaded some up and had a few games where I double hooked and let everyone farm and leave. It felt nice and the survivors sure did seem to appreciate it.

    Must we always tryhard?

  • Member Posts: 293

    yes because then the devs will have correct numbers to look at.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Maybe the killer felt bad about the ongoing bloodbath in mid/lower ranks?

  • Member Posts: 208

    He is a grandpa, you gotta talk a bit louder haha

    yep I have no mercy for any survivor. Im "sweating" for the 4ks aka I slug 3rd to catch all. I dont give hatch, I kill everyone. I feel bad for them, usually I often give last one hatch if they were good players and didnt try to piss me off. But rn as I said no mercy, BHVR will get real kill rate numbers from me at least

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    It makes complete sense, it's not a valid escape.

    The hatch can spawn at 5 gens, it just requires that 3 other survivors are dead. That's a loss for the survivors.

    The hatch then provides a 50/50 hail mary for the survivor. It's not an earned escape, it's a consolidation prize.

    That's why it's not counted in escape figures, and why it's MMR neutral. Survivors don't gain MMR for a hatch escape and killers don't lose MMR either.

    Like I said, you're literally wasting everyone's time, yours inuded, if you think refusing the hatch is going to send any kind of message.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Where did you get the information that the hatch doesn't count? Have the devs said that it doesn't if so please provide a source and I will gladly start taking the hatch when the killer gives it to me. This still doesn't account for when a killer will open the door and let survivors leave.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited July 2022

    Eh, if somebody quits in the first minute, I've decided to stop crushing the team and go easy on people (especially if they put double points into play). I'm so behind on this grind it's become better to just farm it out when this happens and get something out of it.

    I'm still going make sure at least one more is dead, but I wait to see if anybody volunteers themselves first before I pick a victom. That way it at least comes out to a draw.

    However, if you want to crush them, have at it. I'm of a mind that most players aren't trying to bend the metrics to their will anyway, so the law of numbers will wash it all out anyway.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Yes please do. I've started playing killer more since the update and I don't let anyone escape unless they find the hatch first (which apparently doesn't matter to kill rates). I've been getting 4k all day and I'm pretty good as killer but no where near a pro. Killers just need to stop expecting 4k as a win.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    How do you expect me to track down an off-hand remark made by the devs months if not years ago?

    It doesn't make any kind of sense to include it in escape figures, because it's not an earned escape, survivors do not need to win in order to get the hatch.

    It is neutral, it doesnt count as an escape, and it doesn't count as a kill.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Roger that! I'm gonna kill every single survivor no matter what mmr, no human feelings, no hatches.

    If anything, blame this person, not me!

    If honestly, if killer decides to let survivor\s escape, it's his decision and he's aware of lowering his bp reward for doing so.

    I personally, don't give a single *** about numbers or ratings. If I want, I give them a hatch, If I don't - I don't.

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited July 2022

    Ok, so first of all... Come again? Now it's not ok for a killer to let a survivor they respect live? What about survivors who kill themselves for the killer? I've seen both and honestly this is a much healthier alternative than everyone sweating every single game and hating on the other side. If you want to be stressed by a game, good for you, but many, probably most of us, want to play the game, sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience because life is stressful enough.

    I know you might think that's why the numbers are so low that the devs decided to do something about it, but let's be real here. If this was the issue, why now? Why now all of a sudden would the numbers go down? It doesn't happen more often than before, does it? So if it makes any difference at all, this difference would be more or less constant over time, thus not altering kill rates in any meaningful way.

    If you can't be happy or grateful for someone trying to be nice, that's on you. The rest of us will enjoy encountering nice players every and now and then.

  • Member Posts: 293

    ahh the standard I'm not gonna look it up but take my word for it. Regardless if a killer drops you on the hatch then they could have gotten the kill thereby skewing the numbers and not providing the system with the proper number of kills that they should have gotten.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Cool blame me for you playing the game as intended. A killer should not let a survivor win my any means unless the survivor is skilled enough to escape.

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2022

    The numbers aren't even low. Killers were already averaging 2-3 kills per game anyways. The fact is that these cry baby killers complained enough that the devs decided to give them buffs. The reason is because more people would rather play survivor than killer so they have to bend over for the killers to keep them playing. You are playing a game that is literally designed to cause stress and that's why people love the game. Its stressful being a survivor and hearing the heartbeat and no knowing if the killer knows where you are. Its stressful for a killer that is dealing with a survivor that can loop them for 5 gens. If you aren't experiencing some stress while playing that means that the devs have failed. I mean you are running from a killer what's for stressful than that? I've also never seen a survivor kill themselves for the killer yet I've seen a killer lets multiple survivors escape in countless games I've played. Not saying it doesn't happen I've just never seen it and I probably play this game way more than I should.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Pretty much everything you just stated is either factually wrong or completely contradicts your arguments. Numbers aren't low? Devs want kill rates to be something around 60% as it seems. So by their definition kill rates were too low. Killers cried until they got their buffs? Killers have cried for years and have even quit the game because survivors were getting stronger and stronger with new maps and their precious, now thankfully nerfed, E key. The devs did not make these changes just to please killer players or they would have acted years ago. Also, you just went on about how killers altered the numbers by showing mercy, therefore convincing devs to make these changes. How do those two arguments fit together? Next up: The game should be stressful?! The game was literally designed as a party game. We've come a long way since then but the fact remains. A game that is stressful above all else has no chance of surviving for long. Tell me, who is scared of the killer in DBD? As a survvivor you do gens and try to loop the killer sometimes even running up to them so you have some interaction. Of course you might experience a thrill, but this has nothing to do with stress. Stress means you're feeling exhausted afterwards, not wanting to play again. The number one reason anyone ever plays a game is because they want to have fun in any way. Killers were stressed and therefore left the game. The ones that remained were the sweaties, including the campers and tunnelers, and the more chill sort of players. Even the fact that MMR was added to the game doesn't change the fact that you should be paired with players that are more or less as good as you so that there won't be someone that can loop the killer for 5 gens straight or end every single chase in under 10 seconds. More balanced matches = More balanced outcomes = Less frustration = More fun = More players = More money. At least in theory.

  • Member Posts: 1,914
    edited July 2022

    My friend, as much as I hate survivors and want them to be dead in matches, I also respect them and adore the most "chadiest" one of them.

    Survivors who don't give a F about bloodpoints, they're always here for you, they're ready to sacrifice themselves just for you to escape, they will put 100% in their matches, they will go for unhook even being injured and death hook, they will bodyblock even if they go down, even if you ditch him or sabo him, he's still be there for you to help...

    I hate survivors, yes, but this kinds of survivors will NOT BE KILLED by me, I'll make sure...

    The thing that I like about this game - I don't have to kill survivors that I like.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    So where's your source for those figures?

    BHVR themselves said kill rates were lower than they'd like, which is 50%.

  • Member Posts: 337

    There have always been killers that let the last survivor go, or farm after a really good exciting match. I know because I'm one of them and I've been playing since before clown. You come off like you want killers to tryhard every match with no mercy so you can then say kill rates are inflated. Thats some fisher price level psychology, man. I'll show mercy if I feel like it. You really, REALLY want those killer nerfs don't you?

  • Member Posts: 293

    I've never once said that killers are purposefully altered the numbers by showing mercy, I was simply stating that by showing mercy the killers are skewing the numbers. By no means do I think that a killer will join a match just to try and skew number. Yes games can be stressful that doesn't mean that you don't want to get better at the game. Have you ever played cup head? That game can be stressful as all hell no thrill at all but that didn't stop it from becoming a game that people love and enjoy. Just because a game is stressful doesn't mean that it isn't fun. Jump scares happen all the time in dbd, I've seen killer steamers that have gone out of their way to try and scare a survivor. Are horror movies scary? Not all the time but sometimes a jump scare happens and that's the point. Why would you watch a horror movie if not to get scared? Did killers deserve a buff, sure but that doesn't mean that each game should provide them with 4k which has happened in pretty much every game I have played as killer since the patch. If you want to talk about money then the game should cater to new players who will spend much more money than anyone that has been playing for years. Do you think that the $10 you spend on the tome is enough to keep the lights on or the dlc that will be purchased once by a player that has been around for years. New players will bring in much more revenue than any die hard because they will buy dlc and cosmetics that most have already purchased years ago. Fact is most people will start the game playing as survivor so by your statement since the game is now much more stressful for survivor players then why would they stick around? We can already see that survivors are leaving the game in droves or switching to killer by the long match making times. When I play survivor in a group of 4 I find a match almost instantly however, when I play killer I find myself sitting for 5m before I find a match. Matchmaking times will only get worse as more survivors leave considering that most of the games killers get paired with are solo queue matches.

  • Member Posts: 556

    I personally think that both survs and killers should play the way they want, I've never played any game until today besides DBD from which people create rules on how to play the game, the game has broken things, many, but the devs who have to fix this

  • Member Posts: 293

    Nope I've actually stated that killers needed a buff. The buffs they got destroyed solo queues which are most of the games that killers get paired against. They need a way to distinguish SWF from solo. The point of the game is for a killer to kill the survivors. Play the game as intended and this wouldn't be an issue. It's funny to because people keep posting about how they let survivors escape all the time which kinda proves that it happens quite often and does skew the number. Try not to be so condescending with your comment it really shows your character as a person.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Play how you want. That won't change the fact that by letting survivors go the numbers are skewed even if its only 1% (which imo its probably more).

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Giga Chad move to prevent a killer from tanking their MMR is the whole SWF group running a circle around the killer till The Entity snacks them all simultaneously. That will show that killer!!1

  • Member Posts: 685

    Nah. I play the way I do because it's fun for me, and i enjoy everyone getting something out of it. If the devs can't take that into account with their stats, that's on them. I punish afkers, survivors who ######### on thier teammates, and survivors who decide to push it too far with me, but otherwise we are gonna do some chases, I'm gonna get my 8 hook states, i might mess with the survivors heads a little, and everyone is going out the gates unless they fall into the previously mentioned catagories (or I forget which hook everyone is on). I care not a bit about BHVR's stats.

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited July 2022

    So First Killer got Blamed if they plays 4 Kills and doing there Job and now its wrong when a Killer give a Survivor the Hatch ?

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I concider it a win if i get 20k+ bp and all survivors atleast have 12.5k

  • Member Posts: 293

    Just another killer proving my point that they will let an entire party escape which does skew the metric.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Sure will. If they want more accurate numbers use a better system. Thier metric is not my problem.

  • Member Posts: 411

    Nope I like the chases. Could care less about the stats. I like to play until I get everyone 2 hooked and then most of the time I'll let everyone go or farm with them. Unless I'm just in a mood to play differently.

    If a survivor runs to a gen or points at a hook I'll let them work on it or hook them so they can leave. I'm not going to force anyone to stay in a match to farm either.

    On the flip side about the same amount of times I let survivors go I will also let killers hook or sacrifice me in the end game. Especially if they had a bad game and maybe didn't get many bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I understand where this post is coming from and in spirit I agree with it but in reality one given escape is not gonna effect mmr much especially if it's hatch, so feel free to take it.

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited July 2022

    This post might be the best evidence I've seen that people will complain about anything. One more item to add to the killer rule book, I guess. How many pages are we up to now?

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Usually when one dc at beginning I let others go but hook them 2 times but sometimes they suicide then thought. Sometimes I just kill two of them but fair way and let last get a hatch. Usually I do bit farming too if I have not maxed out bp yet.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Exactly. This guy is also probably just lying. A lot of flexing on the forums but I think homeboy sprints to that hatch if they let him

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I don't think tunneling is legitimate stragedy it's dirty one and wrong way to play. But sometimes it's neccesary evil to win. Facecamping is dirty and lazy play too. But in some situations camping and tunneling are not dirty for example if survivor is farmed off the hook in front of you is not dirty go after him but nice play would be go after the unhooker. Going back to hook if you don't find other survivors is fine too and if they don't save hooked enough soon it's smart to camp second hook state even it's bit dirty still.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2022

    @CyberRoninX looking at old records it comes from a Q&A back in Oct 2021. The original q&a I can't find but there are many people who go over it and complain about it. Otz being one of them.

    I have seen no metion of them changing this. For steam users most stat websites like show how many hatch escapes so they are clearly counted differently. so no hatch doesn't count

  • Member Posts: 293

    Nope. I will stand around if the killer should have killed me. I will lay on the hatch till I die. Meet me in the fog and ill go ahead and prove it. BP means nothing when you have all the perks already unlocked.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Again I don't care if hatch counts or not. If a killer picks you up and puts you on the hatch they should have gotten the kill. Even if the game considers it not being a win or loss the killer didn't get that one kill they should have and it skews the numbers.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Then just play the game as intended. Get the kill if you can and if the survivor out plays you then good for them. If every killer played to get as many kills as possible and didn't let people escape then the numbers would be correct simple as that. If you cant understand that im sorry. Please by all means continue to complain about people complaining though. 😂

  • Member Posts: 35

    If they're looking for numbers in their game in order to balance the game, I'm looking to chocolate in an hardware store.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    I'm a evil killer and you can't stop me from letting you escape!

    I will open the gates, carry you up and repeatedly drop you at the front of exit until forced wiggle out eventually manages to let you escape!

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Pre-patch survivor was like playing mario kart bestie. I could do it while listening to music and watch a movie at the same time. Most of the time you are not even chased.

  • Member Posts: 337

    We don't get killer sided patches much round here. It's apparently created quite a stir.

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited July 2022

    I've had survivors whine at me for not giving them the hatch in certain situations.

    This community is something else, man. "Play the game as intended" actually means "play the game the way I think you should" and in a 1v4 there's going to be four different expectations about how the killer should play, and the odds are that at least two of those are going to conflict.

    I've just stopped caring at this point because it's impossible to play "acceptably" for everyone, but I never thought I'd see the day when survivors complained about the killer being too nice. Geez laweez.

  • Member Posts: 516

    Bruh, if I feel like letting the babies go, I will. I'm not an #########.

  • Member Posts: 106

    I understand your concerns about killer mercy invalidating BHVR's data, but let me assure you, killer mercy is an outlier from my own personal experience. When I am the killer I personally sometimes spare survivors. This could be because they did something during the game that made me laugh, they could be wearing an AOT outfit and so I spare time because they bought an expensive skin to support the game, you get the idea.

    From my post-patch games as survivor, I have have only been spared a single time. In that one specific instance, the killer was having ping/lag issues and gave up after the other three survivors escaped through the gate. Every match after the patch excluding that outlier I have had to fight tooth and nail doing generators and frantically helping my allies recover. A fair number of times I died, other games I lived, but only because someone else sacrificed themselves to save me off the hook. BHVR will likely assume that there's a 5% or so oversaturation with escape rates from a small number of killers when looking at the data after a while. Your data is safe.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    What about when survivors open the exits, but then try to get a final hook rescue, play overly altruistic and turn a 1K into a 4K?

    Killers should refuse to kill survivors once the exit gates are open so they don't skew the figures.

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