Games are so easy now they're not fun anymore.

Coder Member Posts: 747
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

I rarely post on these forums and I know it will sound like a survivor main bait, but it's not. I'm DESTROYING people at 4 gens with plague, wraith, myers, bubba... it's ridiculous. Plague get the best part since I'm running corrupt, pain resonance and thana (I know, disgusting). Sure, if I get some 4 man comp SWF they COULD win, but solos? there's virtually nothing they can do. And even if I'm losing I just go to "tunnel mode" and win anyway.

Also, if only a 4 man comp SWF on Discord can win against a Plague, the balance of your game is broken.

And as solo Q player, I just don't care anymore, I just try to farm as much bloodpoints as I can, finish my challenge and die/leave, but if the killer is half decent and has regression it's a long battle uphill.

The game "as is" is not right, I'm not saying it should be reverted, but now killers have a decent chance against SWFs, but maybe buff solo Q?



  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    The thing is, when you run regression is because you're preparing yourself against good teams, but in the mean time you stomp 10 regular teams just in case you get a 4 man SWF. And probably if you don't have regression, you'd get rekt when you face them. So it's mostly a matter of maximizing your chances.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    They probably just need to nerf slowdown perks. I've noticed games are a lot more fair and fun when I've been using 0-1 slowdowns compared to an entire build of them. And technically it should be that way where the base-game is more fair for both sides. That shows balance, for the most part, from just normal gameplay without any perks. Perks should boost certain playstyles but never be overpowered individually or stacked where it makes games unfun or remove skill and that is why I think slowdown perks should be looked at more (along with map design and base survivor information).

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Totally agree. When you run 1 slow down perk, the match is balanced. But if I stack 3 slow downs they stand little chance. Some even DC or ask me to kill them.

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2022

    Let's take your numbers then:

    You take your regression perks and have 10 boring games bc there are too easy. Then you get one 4-man lobby which will probably turn out unenjoyable aswell, bc normally perks won't help you against them either.

    You take off regression perks, you have 10 exciting games and 1 where you get stomped on. You get to learn how to chase more efficiently, learn how it is like to get punished for your mistakes and overall have a more dynamic game experience.

    You see what I'm trying to say?

    I've swapped off gen regressions 3 years ago and haven't regretted it since.

  • Malkraz
    Malkraz Member Posts: 112

    Name a single time this favor was ever given to killer players over the past 6 years.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747
    edited July 2022

    That's like saying to a 4 man SWF "well, if you think the game is unbalanced, then go easy on killers, the game is balanced, you're the problem, not BHVR."

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    Let's take your numbers:

    You take regression perks:

    You get 10 boring games because they're too easy and one (probably) unenjoyable game against a 4-man bc perks probably won't help you either.

    You take off gen regression perks, you get 10 enjoyable games and one where you get stomped on (but you need to remind yourself you probably would have gotten stomped on nevertheless). On top of that you learn to chase better, efficiently, learn how it is like to get punished for once mistakes and give all parties a more dynamic gameplay.

    See what I'm trying to say?

    I got rid of all regression perks (except maybe a corrupt on my trapper) 3 years ago and I haven't regretted it since.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I did not meant for SWFs. They are still good. But there is no reason to go hard on solos. And you can kinda figure which team you are going to against .

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Is this a new trend? Killers complaining about easy matches?

    Maybe switch your loadout and go a little easier, so everyone has some fun. Just saying.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    No, I can't figure it out, unless I check their steam profiles or matching names. And even then, maybe they're just a goofy 3 man SWF trying to have fun and I destroy them.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited July 2022

    But most of people loves to use strongest perks on both sides. And actually everyone cares about their own fun.

    I never saw 4 Man SWF started to be easy while i had 2 hooks and lost 4 gens.

    Or i never saw any Nurse (i am giving her for an example, this can be true for all killers) took game a bit chill and let us finish some gens while 3 people dead on hook at 5 gens.

    You are complaining about easy games? If games feels so easy for you, change your game style and perks. If you are not gonna do that, why you are complaining about easy games? Weird.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I usually go easy on survivors when i notice that they have lower skill. Go for 8 hooks and then depending on how many gens are left, i slug instead of killing until only 1 gen is left. Giving both the chance to escape while also giving everyone the possibility to earn bloodpoints.

    But sometimes i regret that decision afterwards, when i go soft, 1 escapes via hatch and they start to call me names, despite not tunneling or camping them. It sometimes feels like some survivors "want" to get camped and tunneled or something like that.

    Anyway, right now is a good moment to play around with new perk variations. Like no slowdown at all, but full aura reading.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I noticed in some of my matches that my teammates don´t do gens at all. Almost like they are allergic to gens. In others they plain out sabotaged the game by suiciding on the first hook.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    You must have been so bad at the game you have the lowest mmr possible or you just installed the game if you face so many bad survivors and therefore you have no clue of what you are talking about. High mmr matches are just as hell as before. Stop spreading false informations about balancing when you clearly are not in the condition to speak for everyone. Talking about nerfing gen speed perks is just the next attempt to push devs changing the game in "SWF SWAT the Game" (a game when they can finish all the gens in 3 minutes and spamming gg ez at the end of the match. Wow so fun. But it's the killer's fault (just apply pressure 4head). (insert spongebob chicken meme here).

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Whenever killers get cocky, I wish we could return to the days of stringent mmr again. I would prefer reading their tears to whatever nonsense this is.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747
    edited July 2022

    I have around 6k hrs in the game, I play almost every killer, and this was just yesterday with no slow down perks (except corrupt maybe?). WRAITH IN AUTOHAVEN.

    I 4kd all of my games since this patch came out, except for a 2 escape against my bubba. And I'm not using nurse or blight, but I'm guessing nurse and blight mains are winning games with their eyes closed.

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    When I was still playing I used to do it all the time and have seen it quite a bit and I've been playing since the beginning. If the killer's having a hard time I might allow him to sacrifice me or at least hook me and I've definitely been on teams that we all allowed the killer at least one hook each if they were struggling.

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    I suggest by your tone, you're high mmr right? If so, what's your average kill rate if I may ask...?

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Yeah I have the same experience. I've kind of lost the drive to play killer because of it.

    Solo queue is miserable so I'll probably just not be playing unless I get a SWF together.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Game is much more fun thanks to the freedom of choices.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Games are fine and how they should be. The change to dead hard just showed how brain dead that perk was.

    Without BBQ, I don't even care anymore.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    your playing against really bad survivors if your winning at 5 gens. plague could win against solo survivors pre-patch, She lost to 4 man swf's.

    most of the killers did alright against solo-players because solo-play plays the game poorly. they lack critical information to do the most basic actions... like finding teammates to heal in time efficient manner, doing generators when teammate are in chase, looping away from teammates so that your not bringing the killer near worked generators, going for unhooks and so much more. I think awhile back they said they're working solo-q icons to bridge soloq and SWF. who knows when that is happening.

  • Omputin
    Omputin Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2022

    Probably mmr thing. Against competent SWFs game are definitely not too easy now.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    That's the problem DBD always had. People think they are the ones who should balance the game for the Devs. Via "survivor rulebook" or now "nice killer rulebook". There are many people out there who don't give a ######### about other players fun. They will stack their 4 slowdowns and take the easy wins and feel good about themselves. Balancing means you have to take every possible loadout and playstyle into account. You can't just say "oh when the killers see they have easy matches now, they will go easy on the survs and have fun with them".

    Yea some people will play "fun perks" and go for 12 hooks, the same as not every survivor before the patch was a DH/DS/UB/BT playiing scumbag who t-bagged in the exit gates. But many won't, as there were many survivor swf's who played with 4x DH+DS before the patch.

    If you play like before the patch the games are much easier now. That's just a fact. Not saying it's impossible to lose, i mean it shouldn't. A good team should still beat you. Taking a lose is part playing games. But in general playing killer is much more chill and you have much more second chances now after making mistakes.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats where the MMR eventually kicks in and the stomping players suddenly face skilled players that aren´t stomped easily.

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 266

    I actually don’t think MMR exists… I literally get 3k hour killers or babies-

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    I don't record kills every game I play but I can guarantee you if I want to win a match I have to play super sweaty and tunnel and camp in the worst possible way. Aka not funny gameplay. my average killrate is around 2/3 per match but just because I don't play every match that way. I don't consider the 4th kill since it's often binded to luck thanks to the hatch and I don't want to slug everyone just to get the last kill. Anyway I get the 4th on a 50% basis. And yes I am high mmr. Just sweaty swf with all kinds of meta perk and broken add ons such as bnps, agents and insta heals. So yes I often get 2 or more kills but saying it's easy is just a lie, especially if we're talking about ALL killers in the roster. Killers like sadako or the dredge are awful compared to one like the nurse. So even then the killrate is something too complicated to summarize.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    Are you really bringing the example of a 4/4 game with a perkless and addonless wraith with 0 gens done and you are using it to say the game is now killer side? Maybe, just MAYBE you faced 4 really bad survivors. Do you think that's the average match killers get? You stated you have 6k hours. So there are three options: 5,5k hours played as survivor and you think you are entitled to speak for experienced killer mains; you are the luckiest person in dbd because I never get to face so many bad survivors in a row; or... you are just lying.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347
  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 635
    edited July 2022

    My soloQ survivor games have become actually more challenging and fun. Before this patch, they were nothing but a "pop up a gen simulators" that lasted about 5 minutes, mostly. But I hardly ever used those surv perks that got nerfed (DH, DS, IW etc...)

    Like many have said, you're probably facing really low MMR players (new players or just plain bad) and/or survivor players that are tanking their MMR on purpose to protest and to send a message to BHVR on how they don't like their crutch perks (which boosted them to levels where they never should've been) were nerfed.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    Because you are actually good at the game and trying to win without second chance perks. It's the real way to become a good player instead of relying on the old broken dead hard and so on... The reason of the recent cryout of survivors is because 90% of them were absolutely sure to be skilled players without considering they were just carried by the perks.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The game was so survivor sided because of DH, DS on Gen and old Boon. Those were the reasons why playing Killers were so frustrated. All of those are dead now which make it fair, the buff wasnt needed.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    Because you are actually good at the game and trying to win without second chance perks. It's the real way to become better at the game and to become a good player instead of relying on the old broken dead hard and so on... The reason of the recent survivor cryout is because 90% of them were absolutely sure to be skiller players without considering they were just carried by the perks.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    Ok, explain. I have plenty of time. Your statement is invalid unless you prove it.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    You just too good, it's not at all because the overbuff to killers or solo matches have gotten worst . I'm surprised I still get killers that camp and tunnel at 5 gens, you gotta be really bad at that point.

  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    The reason of those matches is because of unskilled and salty players spamming dcs and leaving you with gens to finish not because of op killers. I play survivor only in solo and I know it sucks. But I don't blame killers, I blame my salty and unskilled teammates.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited July 2022

    When they are at 4 gens, your survivor-lobbies are kinda sht. Lets be honest: Most of the "Top-Survivors" were up there thanks to Deadhard, nothing else.

    Now, we will see which survivor-players are really top and which are only relied on Deadhard + Map Design.

    Now they have to learn to loop. In a couple of months, Killers will suffer again, when they have adapted.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    So this is currently my favorite build of months.

    Everything is to heal my teammates fast and back to game, with Empathy to track injured and soft info where the chase is. With a Brown Medkit for myself. The update make Botany stronger, however, Im not able to self heal with Brown Medkit, certainly I can use Yellow Medkit or addon, but its too much investment for a single self heal.

    The first thing I ever do with this build is to get a Green medkit with addons and give to a teammate. Now I have to get hooked to get use of Pharmacy. Yes, I dont think I can ever escape chase being injured, but make chase as long as I can, which I have to get hooked.

    I dont think most Killers can understand the update hurt non meta players more than meta one.