Update the Score Event System

The Problems

  • It is currently too slow to gain the maximum amount of Bloodpoints necessary per match for all categories due to the fact score events were not changed.
  • It is currently impossible for Killers to get the maximum amount of Bloodpoints when playing normally. This is because the Brutality and Sacrifice Score Events require more points than is currently possible under normal gameplay.
    • Killers deliberately need to go out of their way to harass Survivor players by consistently downing them to get Brutality points.
    • Killers need to basically hook multiple Survivors once the Exit Gates are open to get late Sacrifice points.

The Solutions

  • Increase the amount of Bloodpoints gained in all Survivor Score Events by 25%.
  • Increase the amount of Bloodpoints gained in the Deviousness and Chaser Score Events by 25%.
  • Increase the amount of Bloodpoints gained in the Brutality and Sacrifice Score Events by 50%.

This should optimize the amount of Bloodpoint earning potential for Survivors and Killers under normal gameplay without leading into high farming potential (without the use of Perks).

Please implement this, or something like it, as soon as possible.


  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I think this topic should be talked about much more.

    When discussing the grind and how BP gains don't feel good at the moment - especially for soloQ survivors - people often mention that you can now earn a maximum of 40.000 BP per match.

    At least in my experience as mostly soloQ survivor I don't even come close to that cap and looking at my team mates' scores on the post game screen it is the same story. On the average winning game scores are usually somewhere in the 20ks, bad matches can be as low as 5k. So the new 40k cap does basically nothing to improve the grind.

    On killer side and maybe SWF survivor the scores usually look better but it also depends on which killer was used for example.

    So please, Bhvr, look at the score events for all roles and also specific killers and adjust them appropriately. It would really help so much to feel playing a match much more worth it again.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,851

    If their goal really had been to decrease the grind, then they would have done that.

    Truth is, the grind reduction is meaningless because they increased the grind in other areas. Prestige tax, no bonus bp from BBQ and wglf and the incentives, which they said would balance this out apparently won't always be at 100%, increased bp caps without changing score events, meaning only farmers will ever hit those caps.

    In the name of the oh so important "Bp EcONoMy" we are bound to suffer forever. I mean god forbid I earn enough bp to buy one whole bloodweb in one trial

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I agree with you to a point. The positives of the progression rework have unfortunately been overshadowed by the prestige cost (which was not even there during the game update showcase on twitch) and the loss of any sort of bonus BP.

    Since they increased the maximum BP you can earn per match, it seems to me that they at least wanted this to somehow offset these things. Without an update to the amount of BP earned from score events though it does not change anything for the average player who is not farming and seems like an oversight from the devs (Yes, I want to give the benefit of the doubt here.) and should be pointed out more until they fix it.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Agree with everything you said, but I also think the Survival category needs a look at. It's by far the hardest category to max for a survivor - there just aren't enough events related to it. Adding some new score events, like escaping a chase or successfully hiding from a nearby killer giving survival, would help in that regard.

    As for Deviousness, that probably doesn't need a flat 25% boost as it does a look at individual killers and their scoring events. Doctor, Spirit, and Wraith don't need any help maxing, but Plague, Pig, and Myers absolutely do.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    They never said the matchmaking bonus had anything to do with the BBQ and WGLF bonuses.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Eh, I thought it was at the very least implied. I can't remember which dev post this was on, but they did invoke 'new ways to earn bonus BP' when people expressed concerns about BBQ and WGLF, and that's the incentives (since they didn't raise the cap until afterwards.)

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    I've always thought survivors should be awarded a "completed self-heal" scoring event in the Survival category if they successfully complete a self-heal. So like, healing points PLUS a bonus for specifically gaining one health state using the self-heal action. Not a ton, per se, but it would be one additional way to get more points in that sad category lol.

    But I agree with you, OP, as a survivor main, this snail pace is far more frustrating than engrossing. Hopefully this will catch some more wind!