God i love 2 minute gens.

Trust me i enjoy the updates from a 50/50 perspective. I think this patch was overall healthy. But as a killer and survivor i hate thana pentimento. Wheres the skill in playing legion and just forcing forever gens? On the bright side it was the first time i found out the game map can run out of pallets. Because the legion was so cocky he just followed me shaking his head yes as he broke every pallet. I hope theres no chance this stays a thing for to long. But i know some updates take forever. Also from a killer perspective its the one build i refuse to run because i actually want to feel some pressure. For whoever else has faced this build you have my sympathies and how did you approach it?
- Pentimento : cleanse the hex
- Thana : heal if that’s smart or ignore it and repair gens.
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Even though build itself exist since forever and nothing really changed except 2.5% thana buff (which translate to sub 4 seconds), and worked for like 80-90% efficiency even before update.
It's stupid but probably not strong or oppressive, tbh.
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The thana buff is 2% max, which translates to 2.5 seconds if gens were still 80 seconds, but 5 seconds since gens are 90 seconds. Gens take 115 with Thana maxed, rather than 100. That's significant.
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I dont think it needed buffed in the same patch that they increased the gen time.
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80 seconds with 2% is 2.5 seconds, but 90 seconds with 2% is somehow 5 seconds? that doesn't really makes sense.
I asked it to google and I think 2% is 2.5 seconds prior patch and 2.8 seconds post patch, 3 additional second is pretty small.
Probably, but buff is so small to the point it pretty much has no effect on actual gameplay.
maybe it should've been nerfed just like all the strong slowdown perks because it worked fairly well for certain killers even before patch, but I doubt it is anything new because gen time increase is only 1/8 of actual gen times and slowdown itself only got 3 seconds worth of buff.
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Does 2 minute gens matter when you are up agains a basic m1 killler with no power?
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There is no such killer in the game.
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What killer are you talking about? Because thats not a thing.
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legion when every one is injured comes pretty damn close, do they not : )
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doesnt matter when with maxed thana they can double the games overall length does it? :)
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Wait, not the main point of the post at all but, is shaking your head yes at pallets considered toxic?
I do it pretty often (ironically, as Legion!) in my games, but in my perspective it's to show I'm good sports? I usually do it if the survivor teabags after getting a pallet stun, to tell them "hey congrats you got the stun!" or "Yeah that was pretty funny" if they barely got it.
I didn't think anything from it and the survivors I go against generally seem to take it well? I feel like emoting like this as killer reminds survivors that I'm an actual person and if they were taunting or clicking, they often lay off it after a couple exchanges like this, at least in my experience.
(Before anyone comes at me for playing Legion, I play them super friendly, and I run Discordance, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit and Spies From The Shadows. I also haven't played killer since the update)
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Well here it is.
80/0.8=100 seconds (20s added)
80/0.78=102.5 seconds (22.5s added)
90/0.8=112.5 s (22.5s added)
90/0.78=115.3s (25s added)
You get the drill right? Because of increased gen times, those 10 seconds being reduced by 22% already adds another free 2.8 seconds to thana after the buff.
In short, before the update Thana added 20 seconds to 80 seconds, 100 seconds.
After the update, thana adds 25 seconds to 90 seconds, 115. That's a pretty significant buff, right?
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Fact - it's really difficult to ban all perks across all types of players/killers AND in conjunction with all perks, addons, powers, etc. (not to mention future perks, addons, powers, etc.)
Thus, I believe BHVR needs to become open to banning combos. Like you can't pair thana with pentimento. If you try to put both in your loadout, it gives you an error.
Not the only solution to this problem, just using is an example. We all know there have been some almost game-breaking combos over the history of the game (remember undying 1.0 and ruin 2.0?).
They now have the ability to turn off maps. If they had the ability to "turn off" (aka ban) combos, they could not worry about balancing everything together and take short-term action.
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Also as a mini update these are only 2 perks. A full slowdown legion can also run pain res to knock off progress, Or pop to tick off more.
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I just push through and keep repairing. In that situation it absolutely doesn't bother me if I don't escape. I hate long games so I won't heal against a Legion with that build because it'll just make my game even longer.
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Hardly fun but hardly the worst thing to face. Thana is strong on legion for sure, no doubt. But at the end of the day its still legion. On other killers (except plague) thana is pretty meh because nobody is going to just stay injured.
Thana is overhyped. Legion is meh and i imagine less and less people will be using him after the initial wave after the patch.
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Why not create a new identifier (that is clearly labeled on the Perks) called "Slowdown" that causes the effects of the Perk to diminish if they are stacked? For every Slowdown Perk that is stacked, decrease the efficacy of the Perks by 3/4/5%, which would make stacking slowdown perks still viable but nowhere near as rewarding as it currently it.
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No because most people aren't running it to win by it's strength. They figure that Survivors will just give up and if they don't, they'll suffer through a 30 minute game.
Seriously. The Legion we had last night just kept using Frenzy to force us to Mend. Filthy Blade + Defaced Smiley Pin with Thana, Overcharge, Eruption and DL.
Absolutely miserable and this is exactly why I thought Legion should be reworked.
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Old ds: hit again
old dh: press m1 again
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Your exemple are wrong. They are situations where you can’t hit the survivor again after a DS or DH.
As for Pentimento, you can remove it, unless it’s at max tokens but at this point you deserve it, it’s a major mistake from the survivor team.
As for Thana, it’s way too overestimated. Sure it’s decent on Legion and Plague but I am not going to play it on anyone else for such a small buff.
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Judging from your use of "probably" in this sentence, I'm going to guess you have yet to play AGAINST it.
Go against a Legion running Thana, Jolt, Eruption, and either Overcharge or Pentimento and come back and tell me about the joyous experience and how it supposedly isn't busted
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lol nice, beating perverted oversimplified logic with their own weapon.
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When playing killer I love it when the pallets run out (or at least all the ones in the main areas). If some of the survivors are potatoes and at least one is a competent runner, I'll spook the potatoes into hiding and chase the runners for a few mins until they've thrown every pallet they can find. I consider letting them reach the next pallet when I could've otherwise downed them to be bonus points. With Bamboozle slotted, once all pallets are down and problematic doors are destroyed, it's a blast playing survivor whack-a-mole until hit/find/chase points are maxed out. Kick a few gens and damage points will be maxed as well. Guaranteed iri Gatekeeper and Chaser emblems every time, even when letting the survivors go. :)
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I didnt know ignoring it makes the perk go away. Damn, I need to takle this in the psychological way
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I didn’t know survivors must have the power to 100% counter all the killer perks.
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who is a basic M1 Killer??? Been playing since 2016, what secret Killer am I missing rn?
Dont waste your time, they will never understand or accept
Or kick gens with reducing 2.5% while having overcharge and eruption. Once he cleared a lot of pallets (which he has plenty of times before gens pop) he can just down any injured survivor in that area and KABOOOM, progress lost on all kicked gens and survivors incapicated for 25 seconds.
ye its only that simple as a survivor. As Killer na na, prepare for an essay why old DS and DH were absolutly gamebreaking OP and like cheating while current Killer slowdown meta is "just ignore it bro"
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Once you grasp the algorithm behind this logic playing DBD becomes a cakewalk.
Too many pallets: break them if it's smart or ignore and go around them
Sweaty SWF: kill them or find another game
Gens going too fast: catch survivors faster or ignore and hook just the ones you can catch
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Legion when every one is injured is a basic attack killer.
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Alright, so we are supposed not take a strong build so survivors have a breezy time every match? I don't think so
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I mean idk about you but since the update ive been able to run nicer builds because of having 50 more seconds and survivors gaining less distance. So i don't mind giving survivors some leeway with not going gen control central. I don't know about your mmr though.
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Yeah it's big TOGETHER, but you should cut the baseline generator buff when we talk about thana buff.
Thana got a 2% buff, which is still 3 seconds and pretty negligible for the gameplay, 20% penalty and 90 seconds gens still takes almost 2 minutes, not a buff issue.
Sorry, that still worked with like 80-90% efficiency even before the patch, especially when we talk about the legion which got rather small effect from all the baseline killer buff.
So yeah, this is nothing new, same old infinity legion, if we gonna say he is busted now, we should've said that when he got a rework too.
Also I didn't really had problem with thana, in most matches when we lose with thana we gonna lose without thana too.
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it already works like this btw - for slowdown perks the stacking is not "additive", but multiplicative on the outcome:
let's say 4 stacks of thana (22% slowdown) + pentimento (30%). The total is not 52% slowdown (22+30), but ≈45% (100 - 100*(0.78 * 0.7))
If anything I think BHVR should nerf a lot of numbers now that gen speed has been changed.
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Oh remind me again, how is Legion keeping everyone injured again? Within seconds making all windows and pallets obsolet?
Legion is not a basic M1 Killer. 2016 Trapper when people sabotaged his traps were a basic M1 Killer.
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You know I love more? Doing the gen 2 or 3 times because of Call of Brine/Overcharge/Eruption. Absolutely exhilarating
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I was gonna say wasnt overcharge dead on arrival? But then yeah you have the other 2. Lol.
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seems like It has a bug now lol
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Nope. He can still use his power to force the survivors to mend, and locate additional survivors anywhere within his terror radius just for hitting one survivor in Frenzy. The killer was made for killers who can’t track or apply pressure normally. Also extending matches into a 20-minute plus snooze fest.
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So in a game where you have two health states we'll just call the dude who specializes in halving that a basic attack killer. Cool.
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But then the survivors are all 1-shot. So it's not like an M1 killer with no power.
Either survivors heal, and Legion uses his power to get them injured very easily again. Or they don't, and are constantly one shot. Plus you can still use your power on injured survivors to force them to mend again, and for information on where other survivors are.
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They really need to cap things like this to a maximum speed increase or reduction.
It boggles my mind that self healing speed and gen progress slowdown are still not both capped.
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Theres a million small things in this game that people take as toxic, or as a sign of being nice and they often overlap from my experience lol
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You think everything is easy for survivors don’t you?
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I never said that bestie.
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I, of all people, don't doubt the devs' ability to mess things up, but wow I did not expect that.
Individually, changes like the Thana buff and DH nerf are good. Combined with the rest of the patch and unnecessary changes...
The situation is really bad this time.
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This is such a boring, sloppy and unintuitive solution to a problem that does not exist
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I thought of something like this, like having perk points and every perk is worth a certain number, so you could have three strong perks or five weak ones or something like rhat
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I approached it like any other pvp game. Sometimes I'm going to lose games, sometimes I'm going to win them, and sometimes they'll be fast, sometimes they'll be slow. I don't DC at the first sign of discomfort. These games are not taking 40 minutes like some bad actors are pretending. They aren't instant losses either. The game is a little slower. Everyone quotes gen times as if there are max thana/dying light/pentimento stacks and that's just false. Most of the time the gens aren't going to be anywhere near that slow. If survivors did a bad job doing bones and aren't working together, sure the gens can get super long near the end, but that's your own fault.
Every game is a different threat. I know this from playing killer. But the survivor role is used to being coddled, and they just want to "smoke and vibe" while kickin back with a controller and playing every game like it's the same. Since I'm not used to those luxuries and killer is a very tactile, visceral playstyle, I find the survivor side exciting when I take control of the nuances that change each maps objectives.
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Survivors exaggerated so much about this new patch being busted. They just whine cause they haven't adapted to the new patch yet
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It's annoying but definitely not busted. This build or builds like it get their power from the survivors playing poorly. Survivors that spread out, heal when appropriate, and cleanse totems make these builds worthless.