Soloq is destroyed!!!

CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

It's either:

  • to lose: get 2+ slowdown above average killer and get killed, which is 90% of games.
  • to win?: get a noob killer
  • HEY, you don't need BT anymore. But you need prove thyself now to have decent gen flow.

If you wanted people to play SWF more, you did FANTASTIC job.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Yes i think there will be more SWF + Gen rushing. i for one have not playes since vhs came out

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    it's just people switching over to kille because they killswitched bp bonus, also it's less painfull.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    it's almost as if it's always been #########...

    what kind of solo q were these people playing before?

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195
    edited July 2022

    Solo Q is a little more bearable when your team at least sort of tries. The anxiety levels of survivors have gone up, so in one weird way I've been finding some really awesome solo teams since the update(like, full on Endgame Heroes), but they are just so spread out because morale is at an all time low. It's a weird dichotomy

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    It's just more punishing for survivors. As some said. morale is very low because killers started crutching.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'm gonna have to disagree, if actually found it easier now the killer doesnt have the ability to regress insane amounts of my gen quickly.

    Sure gens can take longer but their actual regression is far worse so it's not much different imo if anything it's easier.

    But as usual the games I lose is because of a DC, players giving up or being so badly mismatched they get like 5k points and have no idea how to play

  • babayagasaga
    babayagasaga Member Posts: 115

    The killer absolutely has the ability to regress your gen very quickly. If they're lucky enough to get multiple Pain Res hooks very quickly, or they run the new meta of Pop/Call of Brine/Overcharge, that gen is never getting done.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yes they will... theres 4 of you so split up on gens, if you arent aware the killer need 400% regression speed to match a single survivor and even then you can just tap the gen to stop it and he cant be in 4places at once.

    If you're all going down really fast you shouldn't win.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Nah, I can win in soloQ against good killers. Looks like a skill issue tbh. Try to improve instead of asking for free buffs.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    True after playing more I think it's the main issue, my teams have new players but killers are pretty good with sweat builds it's weird, had one game against a 2500 hours Artist and one player in the team had 20 hours played..

    it's not cool but I suggest dodging lobbies with 0 prestige default outfit players, survivors queues are instant anyway

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    This update has actually improved my survivor games.


  • babayagasaga
    babayagasaga Member Posts: 115

    I don't disagree, but I also don't think the two things are mutually exclusive!

  • babayagasaga
    babayagasaga Member Posts: 115

    "I'm doing fine, therefore everyone else must be bad." Nice.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    So your escape rate is bigger than the 90% you had before? I mean, according to your own information...

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Good killers will kill all your teammates very quickly so you alone fix 5 gens?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    SoloQ's main problem is the amount of people who rage quit over the most minor issues.

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    As someone that only plays solo when playing survivor.

    My experience as survivor is mostly the same now as before the patch, mostly dependant on my teammates. If you get decent teammates that don't rage quit for something it usually ends up being a good game, but sometimes matchmaking matches you with one or more people that rage quit when they see something they do not like.

    And sometimes sadly matchmaking kinda screws you over by throwing in one more teammates with less than a few hundred hours with you against a killer with over a thousand hours, which usually ends in a worse experience since you cannot repair five gens by yourself when keeping the killer busy.

  • PapaQuintus
    PapaQuintus Member Posts: 41

    Yup, i'm done playing survivor for now, and switched to killer instead. If i want to win the game and get an easy 4k, i'll just tunnel or camp a survivor with save the best for last, enduring and spirit fury. So dumb that if you lose 2 gens, and decide to tunnel and camp you get rewarded for it.. Hopefully BHVR decides to do something, and stop being scared of killer mains.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Wasnt ever 90%, I still escape more than I lose sure, but the game has definitely felt easier on a personal level and I have probably about the same escape rate as before give or take a small margin depending on the day

    But mmr definitely isn't working as well as it use to I can say that for sure, I'm getting some very bad players on my team and versing unlike before

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    Don't forget people getting tunneled out in half the games. Gens are so slow tunneling is a guaranteed win. Killers are taking advantage of that.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502
    edited July 2022

    No, soloQ is still pretty viable, you just need to play consistently good enough not to get thrown together with the lambs who suicide on hook or can't loop.

    BTW, the thing with Proof Thyself is becoming the new meta. Its also encouraging survivors to play together instead of quickly slamming 3 different gens. I guess that was partially intended.

  • PapaQuintus
    PapaQuintus Member Posts: 41

    So how does a solo squad play together if they are camped / tunneled out of the game? Any ideas? Oh, let's all go and take bodyblock hits, so the killer gets free hits, the gens are never worked on, and eventually the tunneled person dies at some point. I would really like to know your strategy.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Well, being camped / tunneled is the big, pressing problem of the moment, I give you that (and if you look through my history ((but why should you :P)) this is literally the aspect I have given the most thought about the last couple of days) and I hope that BHVR does address it in some way, better sooner then later.

    Some most killers seem to be enjoying the freedom the new changes to the game give them, but other less enlightened souls seem to got the notion that its now their turn to make the survivors suffer for years of (perceived) abuse and t-bagging.

    But trying to be cute I would say this: you can't win every game. Getting camped sucks, but in the worst case scenario you are out of the game in 2min and past the queue in 15s for the next one. Not every killer camps and tunnels, as a lot really enjoy the new phase of experimentation. Back in the olden days there was literally nothing a non-nurse, non-blight killer could do if a SWF bully squad wanted to slam 4 gens and then bully you, or just touch up the last one and leave, and this is now kinda a reverse situation. I would advise not to let it get you and just shrug, enjoy your short queues and get into the next game.

    That being said, of course you could always run my favorite soloQ build, ie Bond+Kindred+Open Handed+Borrowed Time and then you got quite the fighting chance of getting someout out of a camping killers clutches, especially if its you and everyone else gets 1/2 the map-wide wall hacks against the killer, letting them win any mindgame. This still won't help you against a Bubba who is deadset and camping you out, but against basically anyone else your rag-tag group of lone wolves has now a chance of banding together and see what everyone else is doing and where the killer is at all times.

    A lot survivors scoff at such a build, because you forgo any perk that lets you fight back or that is really flashy, but its my build with my highest escape rate and its really good. Maybe give it a try :)