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Killers should not let survivors win



  • Member Posts: 113

    I always let 4 survivors escape if they weren't toxic, so I guess that's because of me killers were buffed, sorry guys :(

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    people just got to remember behind every killer and survivor they person try to have fun to remember this video game.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Killers bought the game. They're free to play it as they think is fun, whether that is aiming for consistent 4Ks or having pacifist games.

    I like my serious games as Hag, but I'll spare the newbie who has obviously never gone against her and keeps walking on my traps.

    I also like my silly games as Bunny Legion playing hide and seek and racing survivors on pallettes.

    This game can be incredibly toxic at times. A lot of people forget that games are supposed to be fun. A lot of killers forget that survivors are actual people trying to have fun, and the other way around, survivors forget that killers are real players too.

    When some survivors are reduced to hope they'll get AFK killers to finally secure some bloodpoints or do tome challenges, and when some killers are anxious in lobby because they're afraid of being bullied by swfs, a little kindness goes a long way.

    So I'll keep giving hatch or sparing people with funny usernames, just like I'll keep complimenting the killers that did a really great job killing my lobby but who in their next games will be called sweaty c*nts.

  • Member Posts: 191

    You're clearly a man of great principles.... in dead by daylight video game.

  • Member Posts: 293

    No if the killer out plays the survivors for trying to save someone then they deserve the kill. What type of comment is that, at that point they are just playing the game. My issue is when a killer will drop someone on the hatch or open the gate and just let them run past them.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Your objective as killer is to get as many survivors as you can. If you wanna let survivors go then do that just know that when you do you are skewing the numbers. It seems that a lot of the killers on this post are saying they will let full groups of survivors escape in multiple games they are playing. If this keeps happening of course the average is going to be off. Play how you want to but the game is intended for the killer to get as many survivors as their skill can allow. Same with survivors if they are better than the killer they deserve the win. Letting survivors escape doesn't help them to be better at the game.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Oh your right I'm so terrible for letting the killer get the kill when they should have done it in the first place. Get the kill you deserve it if you can get it.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I'll do whatever I want thank you very much

  • Member Posts: 293

    Yes anyone can play as they want. Its their game so why not, just bringing attention to the fact that the numbers are skewed because killers let survivors go. From the responses I'm getting here it seems like a lot of killers are just letting people escape even letting full parties escape. Proving the point that the numbers are not correct and that killers before the patch were just fine and had no problems getting kills. On top of that there are plenty of killer players that don't interact with the forums that also probably let survivors escape. I'm starting to think that the numbers might be skewed quite a bit more that I originally thought.

  • Member Posts: 293

    If BHVR does include a 5% oversaturation they should explain that in the developer stream instead of just saying "killer numbers aren't where we want them". More transparancy goes a long way and if they explained how they calculated their kill rates instead of just providing a graph to look at then this whole post could have been avoided. It takes a few extra minutes to explain how they reach their numbers.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Man people really don't come here to have a conversation do they. Just coming on here to be internet trolls I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 3,448
    edited July 2022

    I'm so sorry that I play games to have fun rather than win, if I want to mess about and have a fun time with survivors, I will. You can't tell anyone what they should/shouldn't do in a game like this.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    We have come to a point where even letting the survivor live breaks the survivor rulebook.

  • Member Posts: 113

    You can't be serious about the numbers, and if you are - I press F.

    The amount of killers that let survivors escape is so small that it can't affect statistics in any way. Through my 650h in-game, where I play 75% as a survivor, I haven't met totally friendly killers, which want to farm or just let anyone escape even 10 times. I played nearly 20 games for the last 2 days and only one killer let the last survivor escape. So the situations where I let survivors escape as a killer, or give the killer free kill are just a statistical error because 99.99% of the playerbase play for the win.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Well u are talking about something most people don't care about. So u are gonna have those people.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I'll change my original comment. People can play the game as they with. The game intends the killer to kill as many survivors as possible. If you want to let survivors escape go for it. Just know that by doing so the devs are not getting accurate numbers to determine whether they need to buff/nerf something.

  • Member Posts: 293

    There have been multiple comments on this thread of people saying that in multiple games they let full groups of survivors escape. Unless these people are lying to troll the post. Letting survivors escape just skews the metrics and puts them in a higher MMR than they probably should be in which could ruin their gaming experience because they are being paired with higher skilled killers.

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2022

    Regardless its unnecessary. I made this post to have a discussion about it and point out a flaw in the way the devs calculate kill rates. They might even take this into consideration and if they do they should be more transparent on how they come to their numbers instead of just posting a graph for us to look at. If you don't care don't post. Why take time to be an internet troll these people must lead a sad life if this is how they get their joy.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Yeah, and also there have been multiple comments that weren't written here because people don't give a #########, they just play DBD and do 4k. I played hundreds of games and only in few killers let all survivors escape. How many such games did you have? I'm assuming it's you who is trolling here, because you must understand that these ultra-rare situations when killers let survivors escape don't make the difference.

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2022

    I have had plenty of games where the killer lets me or one of my team escape. Fact is that if killers let survivors escape the numbers are skewed. If you can't understand that logic then you should go back to school. Ultra rare situations please, I played for a few hours yesterday with some friends and in 4 games the killer let someone escape. It sounds like you are mad, kinda sad to get mad over facts tbh.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Naah, my friend, I understand that you must think that school is enough, but I would recommend you to enter university or at least college, where you will learn some basics of statistics and the law of large numbers.

    Btw, I did it again, don't be mad :(

  • Member Posts: 228

    Don't worry my friend. I always slug for the 4K. And during end game chat I get swored at and I just laugh at the Saltyness of the survivors 🧂

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2022

    Cool play how you want to. As long as people know that the numbers are not correct then I've succeeded. Thanks from proving my point for me. I enjoy how petty killers can be it makes me laugh.

  • Member Posts: 110

    Last night I just memed around with survivors, whom all seemed grateful. Gave me the opportunity to try 3 killers I've never played with.

    I have bee playing 80/20 survivor/killer for the past year. I know it rarely happens.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Not according to a lot of the people on this post. They are letting them go in droves it seems.

  • Member Posts: 110

    That's not the game I play lol. I've played too many hrs on this new patch, soloQ. Even with the uptick in DCs, killers do not let up. Tons of bp offerings, 1 hook, next.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    If BHVR doesn't like it, then the game needs a casual mode or something for the non-serious gamers who just want to meme around. Otherwise, I guess I'm stuck in the normal queue letting all four survivors escape. Sucks for BHVR's numbers, I guess.

    I've always known I'm theoretically skewing the numbers, but if both of my accounts haven't been blacklisted from BHVR's stats (given how I'm an outlier in terms of how on average maybe 1 out of every 40 survivors I play against dies), then that's on BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 110
    edited July 2022

    I've always thought letting someone go was good sportsmanship. If I crush your team but I can't catch you until it's 1v1 then you go free.

    I get the point. It would throw the numbers but it's always been part of the game and not super prevalent.

    If the devs knew how to define outliers, which I assume they do, they could prevent it from skewing the data.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 293

    I agree its definitely a BHVR problem if they don't already account for the large amount of the community that seems to let survivors escape. The whole point of my post was to make people aware that by letting survivors go the numbers are skewed and the amount of kills killers are averaging would probably be higher.

  • Member Posts: 293

    So its good sportsmanship for one football team to let the other have the win because they can't score points in that game? So you've never had a game where you got 4k but it was well deserved and the survivors almost escaped but you managed the win? If the devs do define outliers and prevent it from skewing data all they have to do is give the community some insight into how they come up with their numbers instead of just showing a graph of the average number of kills per killer that gets picked.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    It has been game etiquette since...basically forever, that the killer gives the last survivor hatch. I know that people still complain in postgame if I don't do this.

    Outside of someone AFKing, I've seen this...maybe twice in the last year. It's usually someone smurfing down their MMR, which - I agree - isn't good, but needs a mechanical fix.

    That said - the mori changes will fix this all for you anyway.

  • Member Posts: 293

    When I play killer I will give the final survivor the chance to find the hatch before me and if they do gg. If its game etiquette to give the last player the hatch then why do I run into killers that will drop me close to hatch then close it? I guess they didn't get the memo. I am very excited for the mori changes I think it will be a great addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 110

    One person getting hatch is not a win for team survivor. Nor is that a loss for killer.

    Recognizing that a single survivor is better than you but you crush their team so you commend them by giving hatch IS sportsmanship.

    Same goes for someone who clearly has never played more than 10 hrs. I was given so many free escapes when I first started. Killer could tell I was genuinely lost lol. The killer and sometimes other survivors would make me sit on a gen, pointing at me, doing old ruin skill checks because I could not hit them (as a solo). That is sportsmanship. That changed my experience of the game.

    Beyond that, it also acknowledges that the player on the other side is a person. Sportsmanship shows you kinda care about their experience as well.

    As far as stats go, they'd be doing everyone a disservice if they didn't know how to DO Stats. That would be wild.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I try and be nice and let groups win sometimes and put a survivor down the hatch. It pays to be nice sometimes and goes a long ways. Othertimes I have groups that complain about supposedly throwing and its just like "no, im trying to be nice. I need a "cool down" so get gens done, and be on the way. and people still are rude about it and threaten reports.


    I'd like to see fire-up increased and Brutal strength improved.

    I think Warden would be kinda funny if they had added a new twist to this perk.

  • Member Posts: 110

    I don't like that pending mori change. It does not seem "organic" to me. It'll be interesting to see what happens if everyone is slugged.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    What did I just read???

  • Member Posts: 416

    Unfortunatly, I can't help it

    When I played killer on the day of the update I felt pity for them

    Smashing them at 4 gens, I just let them do their thing and went afk

    I don't have fun when people can't do anything

  • Member Posts: 8,077
  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited July 2022

    The numbers are fudged, anyway. BHVR designed a game with a team role that isn't a team role because on their own Steam page they say, "or play selfishly." How do you balance for that? It only takes one survivor to tank the team. One. And yet we don't have HUD icons or anything else to help with coordination. Not long after SBMM went live, BHVR themselves said SWF in higher MMR escape 15% more often, yet we're still here without improvements for solo players.

    Survivors skew the numbers more than anyone. Constantly in my solo queue I get people who suicide on the hook or sandbag the team. Survivors who refuse to participate and even touch a generator. How do you adjust the game for that? The game is balanced to be a 4v1, not a 3v1v1 or 2v2v1.

    In most of my survivor matches, there's at least one if not multiple survivors who practically do the killer's job for him. Meanwhile, I don't necessarily come across a single friendly killer in a week's time. The overwhelming majority don't even give the hatch to the final survivor. The occasional friendly killer does not make up for the number of survivors who get themselves and their teammates killed. At least not in my region/MMR bracket.

    By the way, here's BHVR saying that getting the hatch does not correlate to skill and does not count as a win for the survivor or a loss for the killer:

    Refusing the hatch is unnecessary.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    They're not getting 100% accurate data anyway.

    Back to my scenario that you fobbed off:

    The survivors have absolutely demolished the killer. 5 gens repaired and <3 hooks, no sacrifices. They open the gates. They then get cocky and rush the hook, they keep trading hooks until the killer gets a sacrifice, then the EGC times out and they all die.

    Who deserves the win in that scenario?

    The survivors won for 90% of the game, then they lost due to the killer camping, plus cocky altruism. They clearly outplayed the killer for most of the game, they deserve at least some escapes, but they threw the game right at the end.

    If the killer gets the credit, and the figures keep adding up and we keep getting kill data from games where killers were wrecked by survivors but they all killed themselves at the end... resulting in killer nerfs because they have a high kill rate... forcing them to camp and tunnel even more because apparently that's the only tactic that works.

  • Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2022

    Honestly I appreciate when killers let the survivor win the odd time even thou I don't expect it all the time.

    What I hate is when someone puts in high bloodpoint earning items like the Bloody Party streamers etc only for the killer to kill off every survivor so fast that they can't take advantage of it like the killer can and not get alot of bloodpoints from the match too. No reason the killer can't play the match to last a bit so that the bloodpoints gained at the end benefit more than just them.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    So 2 minutes of camping should trump 10+ minutes of gunrushing, looping and completely wrecking the killer, and the game should be overtuned in favour of survivors so that killers only recourse is to camp and tunnel?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2022

    Not if the killer should have gotten the kill in the first place. I've probably said it 3 times now. I know the hatch doesn't matter but the killer could have gotten that kill instead the game doesn't count it toward kill rates because they gave the survivor the hatch. This is why I refuse the hatch because if they have me on their shoulder and can hook me then hook me. That shouldn't be hard to understand.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    So you're not at all interested in game health, you just want to inflate killer numbers for the... sake of the numbers?

  • Member Posts: 938

    "Sorry baby Nea, you did your darndest and were able to survive last, but a rando forum poster said I can't inflate 'the numbers'. See you in the spider void!"

  • Member Posts: 938
    edited July 2022

    Whatever you want man, like I said don't expect anyone to actually listen to you.

    "Having a Conversation" is code for "I wanted to complain".

  • Member Posts: 293

    Don't care if people listen. The facts are there and killers that let survivors leave are skewing the numbers. I guess thats too hard for some to understand. 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    As the thread is going around in circles and devolved into attacks and arguments, including those from the OP as well, and the OP has stated their feedback to the community, I will go ahead and close this here. Please remember, even if you strongly disagree with others, keep the responses and comments civil and respectful, as per our Forum Rules.

    And as a reminder; whether Killers decide to let any or all Survivors go is up to them, and statistics for the game and gameplay are taken from many different facets and aspects of the game itself.

This discussion has been closed.

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