DCing and Suiciding on Hook is a Symptom

If Suiciding on Hook and DCing is increasing, this is a symptom of poor game health. In fact, this is probably the biggest red flag there is for a game.
Yeah it's a symptom of people being immature instead of adapting.
Post edited by EQWashu on63 -
Let's adapt to sitting 3 mins on gens while thana and other BS are in force at the same time
Post edited by EQWashu on39 -
You feel better getting that out? Good. Now let’s try to think practically about what the game needs instead of throwing around unhelpful superiority nonsense.
EDIT: this post was a quote to the first commenter, not the original poster
Post edited by scenekiller on27 -
fun fact, deciding to ragequit by DC/suiciding on hook and ruining the game for the other 4 players in the lobby because you don’t feel like facing something that’s a part of the game that is available to be used is on you, not them
something being potentially unbalanced doesn’t excuse ragequitting
27 -
Okay. Practically people need to stop being immature babies and play the game. Patch hasn't even been out a week and a vast majority of Survivors keep doing this, which than ruins the games for others. It's not a superiority issue, at least not on Killers side. This is Survivors whining and crying because things don't go their way and they want everyone else punished because of it.
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That doesn't matter. What matter is it's happening at a lot now, indicating a problem with game health.
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No, it indicates a problem with maturity. Balance does not excuse ragequitting. People need to grow up and get over themselves and submit feedback to devs maturely, not throwing tantrums.
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Love this flawed line of thinking that only ever applies to solo survivors, and not killers who were “whining and crying” because they couldn’t get 4ks nonstop.
Try again.
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Don't see how its flawed. Killers cant force Survivors to suicide on hook. Or force them to DC. Thats on Survivors. And nor did I deny that Killers xan be babies, but in this specific topic its on Survivors end. But Im sure its easier to just ignore arguments than change your own view.
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One side being immature does not excuse the other. Both sides need to grow up and handle things maturely. Whining is not it. Neither is suiciding on hook/DCing. Game balance does not excuse immaturity.
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but what if they don't want tho?
I mean, isn't the game made of people?
what if the people who play the game don't wanna "grow up" and "stop bein immature babies" and play it anymore?
what happens next?
So in the end, do you think devs should care about players being unhappy with the game, or you think that's silly?
what do you think made this last patch possible? the devs woke up one day and decided to change it or they did it cause killer main were complaining? What's your take on that?
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Symptom of people being entitled and immature. Grow up. Play the game or don’t queue up.
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The solution is to increase penalties. A DC should remove -50 000 BP too.
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Solo Survivor here as well as some killer. It's not flawed, I've been seeing it all over. So have the Killers I face. You're dead wrong on so many levels. This is nothing but bad survivor players and bully squads raging they don't have a bunch of freebies for messing up and laughing in the killers face while they tea bag and flashlight click.
Try Again.
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BHVR told us they looked at the stats, and decided the kill rates were too low. There's no conspiracy. They made a decision based on stats that they found.
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The devs do not have to change things because people whine and throw tantrums.
They made this patch because in their data, they felt kill rates were low and buffed it. If escape rates were low, they’d buff it the other way instead.
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I thought killers enjoy getting kills? I'm failing to see the problem here as to why they would have anything left to cry about?
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I mean, it is true. Killer has been miserable since the game's conception. If being weak was an excuse for DC, Trickster and Myers would have 100% DC rate because they were miserable.
Now that the game is mildly fair for both sides survivors are DCing. That's not a problem with the game, it is with the players.
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No, it's a symptom of the penalties for this not being strong enough.
People DC/ragequit constantly in basically every game I've played, unless there is a penalty that stops this.
Prepatch, I saw maybe 1 DC in every 3 games, sometimes more. That's absurdly high.
Why aren't your teammates healing you?
If it's a Legion, it'll take longer but they are basically an M1 killer, so loop them better.
If it's a Plague, go for an overcleanse.
If it's literally anyone else that isn't a Fang Cenobite, Thana shouldn't be that big of a threat.
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Saying that "people don't want to play and that's their problem" is a bad moto for an online only multiplayer game.
In the past, killer or survivor, in every match there is a moment when the momentum shifts and the outcome is pretty much locked in. That feeling comes a lot sooner as survivor.
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It's a red flag for scummy survivors who have been bottle fed and coddled for too long, they fold at the slightest suggestion that they improve their ability.
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what if I tell you that right now stats must be showing a huge amount of dc'ing and killer "wins"?
what do you think should happen next?
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Nothing. It means people need to get over it and stop artificially inflating stats by giving up.
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Survivors were d/cing and suiciding on hook before. It's hardly a good indicator of game health.
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I'm sorry, but one thing is not wanting to click on "Play as a Survivor". Another completely different thing is starting a game and DCing and letting 3 other survivors to die, that's just bad personality.
And no, in the past the momentum was always in control of the survivors and even if you gained momentum as killer, survivors could easily turn the tables with second chance perks and with the insane gen speeds. Now killers on the A and B tiers are finally viable and can maintain control of the match without having to depend on survivor's competence.
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I think BHVR needs to wait for the MMRs to stabilize before making any decisions. There are people that relied too much on things that got nerfed, which means it's expected that they would lose matches until their MMR stabilizes.
Also, DCs shouldn't count for anything. Some people DC to purposely lower their MMR, some people DC because they don't like the killer, some people DC because they don't like their teammates, some people DC because they have a challenge and they can't do it in the current game, and some people DC out of protest. There is a reason why BHVR tells us they purposely exclude games where someone DCs, when they give us statistics.
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Even IF this is the answer and people just need to "git gud". I can't say I even blame people for quitting, If Survivor queues are largely instant right now and you are completely miserable in the current match why wouldn't you just die and get into a more enjoyable experience.
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You're telling survivors to cleanse against a Plague to avoid Thana? Outrageous, survivors should always have control of the killer's power with no consequences.
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Uh... first of all. You do realize your immature tantrums ruin it for the other 3 survivors too, right?
Second of all, the killer is playing using things that the devs made available to use in ways that are also within typical gameplay. You are the one ragequitting over what is a part of the game, despite queueing up for it.
Because it's ruining it for the other 3 survivors and the killer who are now stuck in a 3v1 which is literally unwinnable if the killer is good?
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
My point: "survivors could turn the table..."
That feeling is not there anymore. The match is set a lot sooner.
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I'm not ragequitting, I'm making use of something the developers gave me option too as well, and I'm free to use them too as much as the killers are free to use their builds: 3 self unhook tries and the possibility of not hitting skillchecks
In the end, the ones wasting time are them because survivor queue as of now is instant
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
"the killer is playing using things that the devs made available to use"
wait, then why on earth did they nerf DEAD HARD/Iron Will/DS and etc? Weren't survivors using it like it was intended to be used?
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Here we see an exhibit of people incapable of distinguishing intended from balanced. Furthermore not realizing that devs themselves have said DH for distance was unintended and not what they wanted the perk to be used for.
Something being intended has no relevance to balance. It means it is in the game to be used. If you have a problem with balance, take it up with devs. If it is unbalanced to the devs, they will work on some way to address it. Ragequitting and throwing tantrums is not the answer.
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Increasing suicide on hook/DCing is going to get kill rates up, which is going to affect the statistics and is therefore a legitimate way to tell the devs that something is wrong with their game in the current state. SoloQ is bs right now, not gonna blame people for dc.
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If my game has survivors on the 2nd hook and 5 gens left, I'm sorry, I am killing myself on hook too. What's the point? I just get ready for the next game.
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makes sense, let's make a perk that creates distance, but expect people not to use it to create distance.
"GUYS, do you see this Dead Hard perk? It creates distance, but please don't use it to create distance, we don't want you to!!!!"
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I dont think the devs "intended" for the new meta to be about stacking 3-4 slowdown perks and dragging a game for +30min until surv literally bore to death and stop trying to win.
I am totally fine with DH being nerfed, i dont use it. With this new meta, i dont.
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Actually i think people DCing then uninstalling the game is fine. And clearly the numbers say that. Down 30% player count for July, the biggest drop in players since the game was released.
Nobody has to stay hostage to a game they find ######### and nobody owes other players anything.
People with their heads in the clouds blaming the behaviour dont provide any solution, in fact they dont even acknowledge the problem.
Sure theres lots of people who rage quit like babies all the time- that doesnt explain the excess of it happening- its because if the poor state of play for a majority of players.
If someone hates the match or game that much let them rage quit, theres a penalty for that. Hell to be honest i hope they also uninstall the game. It's turned into garbage and deserves to fail after the constant fails by the developers in favour of releasing cash grab content with no meaningful QoL.
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Yes only probably against Nurses and Blights running full meta slowndown but teammates dying within 10 seconds of chase against any other killers are probably those guys that were relying on DH to be good at looping , other than that the game is fine , Solo Q just needs more information like making Kindred basekit without the killer aura reveal and maybe this:
1) once you go into the match you can see your teammates loadouts by pressing escape or while loading into the match
2) Finally knowing what your teammates are doing. (Remenber when they changed the HUD to make space for future newer plans?...what about finally implementing this to the HUD)
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Yes please do, because most of my games, survivor and killer, have been just as balanced as they were before the patch.
I've even had 4 gens repaired against a Thana Legion, which only ended in a 4K because of some sloppy unhooks.
3 minute gens is an extreme example that hardly ever happens, and using the same perks before the patch would still result in a 2.5 minute gen anyway, so it's not a ridiculously impossible change.
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It is absolutely a symptom.
A symptom of coddled, hand-fed, fragile ego'd survivors unable to cope with the fact that they weren't as good as they thought they were.
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"Because they couldn't get 4ks nonstop."
What killer has ever said this?
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Disconnecting and suiciding has been in this game for ages. People did this with a similar frequency in my games before this patch, and it boiled down to mostly something not going the way they wanted (with some seemingly having internet issues or an emergency, of course).
The game does seem a bit too much in favour of the killer role, but it's not trash, as it's made out to be. The disconnects and suicides are symptoms of the level of frustration of those players, but it does not mean the game health is the issue. Why? Because people have been escaping, and those games are because people find a way to communicate. Most memorable was 3 of us escaping a Blight, and after messaging one of them found out that they were solo too.
It's possible to win, but survivors need to think smarter, keep their cool and think of it as a team game and not "every man for themselves". No doubt this patch is killer-sided, but things constantly adjust and I'd argue this is closer to what it should be.
Basically, these occurances are symptomatic of player attitudes towards the change; not that the change is bad.
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Teammates loadout in the lobby would be enough for me.
Knowing who has Unbreakable, Deliverance, Renewal, For The People, etc. It would help a ton
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I agree there's immaturity on both sides, but your suggestions of how to fix it (Stop whining. Stop suiciding.) are all things for Survivors to do... hmmm
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The comment isn't wrong though. Many survivors are quitting on first hook for no other reason than being salty they got outplayed. It's kinda ridiculous, but funny
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"suiciding is a legitimate way to inflate kill rates" Do you even read what you say?
I think some of the slowdown changes were unnecessary (eg, increasing gens to 90s). That is separate from excusing DCs and ragequitting which I am strictly against.
I wasn't aware whining was survivor-specific. This also applies to killers DCing over whatever petty inane reasons as well. It's just this topic is specifically about survivors. I am against immaturity regardless of player or side.
Ah yes, neutrally analyzing people ragequitting.
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"Let me ruin the game even more be leaving my teammates to rot"
Yeah, the other survivors arent gonna blame the killer for the DC, they're gonna blame you.
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The D/C's vary tbh. I have had my random d/c's when my router decides to have a seizure, so it happens sometimes during a game. If a person gets downed and d/c's than i can say they did it on purpose or at the start of a game then yeah it's on purpose. If it's during a game at times, I can't really judge.. Spectrum is Spectrum -___- my internet goes wack at times during a game and I can't do anything about it lol.
The problem I have is survivors going on a suicide mission or just throwing themselves at the killers when a person gets downed. I am sitting here on a gen and then the next thing I see is all 3 of my teammates are on the ground lol. I have seen this a few times, and I am still confused why people do that lol...
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Without having read through all the "grow up" comments that imo miss the point (hence not addressing them) I agree with the OP: DC/suiciding is a symptom of an underlying issue. The issue is a mismatch between expectation vs reality, imo. To a certain degree change means that some things that worked before don't work anymore. This leads to a disconnect between (old) expectations vs (new) reality. To some degree time will do the trick; in time there are new expectations that match up with the new reality. So far I agree with the people who say to not make too much of a fuss and just wait and see for a while.
However. If people have an idea of what they can expect going forward and don't find it worth playing a game they will, you guessed it, quit. For now this dissatisfaction is voiced through suiciding on hook and DCing; you could say some people either refuse to accept the new reality or have not yet given up hope and are still willing to try. In time a number of the players suiciding on hook/DCing may quit. An overall, constant and noticeable increase in suiciding on hook and DCing is indeed a pretty good indicator of something being absolutely not alright with the game atm and an early warnign sign that it's not at all unlikely that a pretty large amount of players will quit in the near future. Granted, the ratio of "Players who'll come around after matching their expectations with the new reality" and "players who will quit" is an unknown for the time being but I'd say it's usually wiser to err on the side of caution.