The survivor experience is just miserable now

I played 25 games since the update and I am mostly getting stomped, and this is acceptable to an extent.

What is not acceptable is the way things are happening:

1- camping is absolutely happening in more than 50% of my games (this means hard camping, with the killer close to the hook and with consistent hook bombing when someone is trying to unhook

2- STBL is too strong right now when used as a camping weapon

3- the speed (or better the slowness) of the gens is terribly boring. I have never had such a bad time on gens, do something about it. Let me go and collect some parts like F13 but it's unbearable right now

4- if the killer uses the best add-ons or a good killer it is hopeless, you won't escape unless you are a really good competitive team or good SWF team

What are the devs doing? The feedback is abysmal, can we have an ETA of when things will be fixed?


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    That was to be expected, unfortunately.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    eh Sluzzy, because the queue times for killer are too long so I either play survivor or I don't play the game, but I am too addicted !

    But yes, if I don't see some quality of life changes THIS week I will give up

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    about 10-15 in the EU server (London) and my mmr is probably fairly average so I should be in the biggest pool

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm having fun and equivalent success than I had before the patch. A lot lot more nurses though. Don't know what that's all about.

  • The_Scarlet_Witch
    The_Scarlet_Witch Member Posts: 209

    Is this a joke. Ever since the update my matches as killer are progressively getting worse and worse. My last match was with a survivor clicking squad. Running full endurance builds. I got 0 hooks man. Then they put in the chat that I was trash and j shouldn't play the game anymore.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I've never known of them ever reverting anything. There is no hope for that.

    I think survivors are to blame for the constant nerfs because they continue playing an unbalanced game.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487
    edited July 2022

    The situation is terriby sad at this moment. Matchmaking is completely screwed up: you get paired with incompetent newbies survs who do nothing for the whole game or give up at the first difficulty. While you find hard campers killers or with 4 slowdown perks, in both cases the experience is miserable. Chases are now a joke, you only see people pre-dropping and no longer willing to loop or play mind-games. Yesterday I played a game as Wraith (no add-ons) on Garden of Joy and they have not been able to make more than one generator, I let two of them escape cause I felt so bad (one of them was a bald dwight who confessed to me that from the point of view of a main killer, the situation was embarrassing). The chances of escape are drastically reduced, especially if you play against killers with a minimum of brain cells and a minimum of skill. Killers queue are ridicolous, so you are literally forced to play as surv if you have no time. I seriously don't know what is going on, but definitely I don't like it.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Survivors tend to over exaggerate about any buffs that killers get even though the buff is minimal. At the end of the day, hitting a survivor, the still reach to a safe pallet and you need to break it again and again. Don't get me wrong I love the patch but it's not as OP as you survivor mains think it is. Y'all already ruined overcharge.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    ah true I forgot it is also individual MMR, so I might also be in the lower one :(

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    I don't know Sluzzy, they reverted the pallet/flashlight stun very quickly back in the days and the storm was less than what it is right now. I can't see BHVR continuing with this nonsense when the vast majority (survivors) are so unhappy about the game.

    I am expecting a quick change to this nonsense, if not I will stop playing for a while

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Doesn't matter. They are STILL playing!!!!!!! BHVR doesn't care if they are unhappy or not.

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    I know your pain as a fellow solo survivor player. I play both roles, but given queue times I tend to play survivor now.

    The main issue with solo queue is that the game punishes you harder than it did before for mistakes. Now by itself that statement is fine. However, this is the DBD community we're talking about here. Between rage-quits, accidental disconnections, noobs that accidentally suicide on hook, and a plethora of other issues, a LOT of players do not play well. Some players can play well and choose to harass the killer all game instead of pulling their own weight with the objective. This leads to the natural following issue.

    You could be doing everything right as a solo queue survivor, but then because your teammates keep screwing up, you all lose. Now this is how the game is supposed to work. It's an asymmetrical game, the team of 4 is required to play well to beat the team of 1. The main issue with this is that Solo Q has almost no base tools to communicate. Solo Q has almost no tools to coordinate saves and objectives so you just have to trust that the random players are doing smart plays.

    And if you have so little faith that you teammates are making good decisions and actually helping you, well, there's always killer.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    Speaking as a killer, you need to whine a lot harder and lot longer if you want anything to happen. These baby survivors think they can cry for 5 days and get their way lol

  • Briankun
    Briankun Member Posts: 1


    it’s very boring now. There’re lots of time in a match only 1-2 gens done..rarely done all 5 gens. Especially if the killer like Plague, bring Thanatophobia, Scourge hook pain of resonance, Call of Brine, or Overcharge, it’s so hard to finish even 1 gen for solo player. Really hard and boring. Imagine 90 seconds gen, add thanatophobia effect for 22%. Become 108 seconds, and everytime survivor being hook on scourge hook, regress’s still not yet the overcharge. Really a bad update from the devs this time. Even all survivor keep glueing to the gens everytime, it still sucks..1 do gens, 1 being hook, 1 being chased, 1 rescue.. camping is still absolutely the main problem here, being hook. If you’re being hook the first, get ready, you will be tunneled by the killer at all means.. PLUS THE KILLER PERKS TO SLOW DOWN THE GENS.. i am done with DBD ..

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Because, since I started playing exclusively solo survivor matches two days ago to see how "impossible" it was, I've escaped in 50% of my matches now (8 of 16 -- should have been 10, but I made bone-headed plays that cost me in the Endgame in two matches I died in, but my teammates lived). Imbalanced isn't what I'd call it at all (my last solo escape was against a Huntress that got 5 hooks in 6 minutes on Red Forest/Temple -- not exactly a bad number -- and still saw us get all the gens done in those 6 minutes and 4-out her anyway -- one of my teammates had Kindred, so I'm guessing I wasn't even the only solo in the lobby).

    Survivor play has been more challenging since the update, but I've adapted (which wasn't as hard, since other than DS, none of the nerfed perks -- IW, DH -- were in my build anyway), but I haven't noticed a dramatic difference in the gameplay from before, and I've easily played double-digit hours as survivor since the patch. Gens are still getting done, survivors are still escaping (not always, but in a balanced enough fashion), and mistakes by either the survivors or the killers are getting punished harder now (which is the way it should be).

    Knowing your propensity to always claim that playing survivor is too difficult (even before this update), I'm not surprised by your take -- but if you wanted a genuine answer, there it is. There are plenty of people adjusting and doing okay. You're supposed to be good, from what others have said -- while I consider myself only "decent" as a survivor. If I can do it, surely you could too?

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    You never dared to play Killer for long before the update right? now, you can play Killer if you think it's easy.

    But don't play two low MMR trials and say "I also play Killer".

    Show us your skills for a year. Then you can talk.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    If you have someone keeping the Killer busy all game and doing a good job, they are alleviating pressure for the other Survivors to do gens. As long as they are decent at it and don't go down too much, they are actually a good thing.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited July 2022

    Solo Survivor is as it always was, the only difference is that NOW an awful lot of people DC/Hook right at the beginning, I win/escape the exact same amount of games as I did before (i even escaped a couple of games with 3 survivors because one DCed) and I am NOT a Survivor "Main"

  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    Killer queue times are longer cause I am (thankfully!) in the majority who have been playing 1 or 2 games MAX since the update. It's so bizarre... BHVR better WAKE UP or enjoy another Deathgarden on their hands.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    are they tho?

    I played with 2 other friends and our last game was wednesday

    we got 2 legion, 1 nurse and 1 blight won one of the legion and died for the rest. All of them long ass games

    no one is asking to go back to play some more

    but again, we're only 3 people, but it makes me think we're not the only ones.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    hm , how u can do 0 hppks with this killer buffs happened? Survivors cant stack endurance, so u must be doing something wrong, I do 4k most of games, i had some swf teams and i did 2-3 kills without camping or tunneling

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Most maps don't have safe pallets anymore. What are you talking about?

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I play 50/50. I have a lot of success at both roles (attaining Rank 1 at both before the changes to the rank system). I have a LOT of hours in the game. All of this stated simply for context.

    I agree completely that there are things that were unnecessary changes. The DS stun should be reverted, as it's almost useless now (or, I like the idea of it working twice if it stayed at 3 seconds). Gens in my game still go, but maybe 85 seconds would be a good compromise instead. STBFL was strong before, so I'm ambivalent about how much stronger than extra 10% is.

    There are other head-scratchers -- the Self-Care change was pointless, Ruin is a joke, and a few others -- but overall, I liked the direction of the patch. Chases and your efficiency in them are more important than ever, mistakes on both ends are more punishing, and gen-kicking actually matters now. It's different, and I think some people have either been slow -- or unwilling -- to adapt.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Why are you taking everything so literally?

    There are still plenty of maps where if you don't want to waste time with blood-lust or mind games, you have to break it because minimal mistakes with mind games will mess up your game

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    You said safe pallets, aka pallets that are unable to be mingamed or bloodlusted. Not pallets that you don't know how to run. If you don't want to be misunderstood when using exaggerations make those exaggerations clearer.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228
  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    What do you expect. Soloq in any game really is a hit or miss but is especially a miss with this game when they're hell bent on adding an mmr system with a soft cap that they LOWERED.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Today I played versus a camping blight with thana... he camped 1 survivor and you couldn't finish the gen before the other person died and you then had him on you, regressing the gen

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    People dont know if they should play long queue Killer, or miserable game Survivor.

    I will just draw...