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General Discussions

Cenobite chains useless or wrong usage?

Member Posts: 297
edited July 2022 in General Discussions


I recently started playing the Cenobite, however I have the problem that a successful hit with the Chains does not result in me getting closer to the survivor.

The moment I use the chain ability with the Cenobite I stop moving and the Survivor can gain distance while i have to hit my chain, also as a Survivor you can drop pallets and also vault through windows which raises a question for me:

What is the benefit of the chain ability and when should I use it?

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  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    You want to use chains when you're nearly at the survivor but you don't want to risk them just making it to another pallet/window/loop.

    You also want to spend as little time aiming and piloting the chain as possible.

    So when you're say 10m behind the survivor or less, throw out your portal directly behind the survivor, so that you only have to tap it to snag them, and you can carry on pursuing them immediately.

    You'd be surprised how much distance you can close when you're chaining them in a millisecond and barely slow down at all.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I main him and sometimes the chains are useless

    it slows you down, but not the survivor, I don't really get how that works and I play him for almost a year now.

    I now use the fang addon, cause I rather injure them than just chaining them, as it most of the time is useless.

  • Member Posts: 297

    Thank you for your help :)

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    If your decently quick you can sometimes use them to get around a pallet to get a hit

  • Member Posts: 193

    They are inconsistent but can still help you if you know where to place them.

    Treat them like less threatening Dream Snares. Sometimes they will get you hit/pallet out of the way or they will break and they will not do too much for you. That comes with expierience.

  • Member Posts: 193

    pinhead kinda needs impaling wire to function

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2022

    the chains are useless between tiles because the chains have no durability and the survivor can easily break them if they're anywhere near any obstacle. you also your slow movement speed down whenever you open a gateway(i.e whenever you see the white circle).

    the best way to use them is when survivors are camping pallets. survivors that are chained cannot fast vault pallets and will instead slow vault pallets.

    In certain lesser safe loops, you can camp pallets and use the chain to slow the survivor down so that you can hit them before they get to the pallet, this is very similar to using them like clown's pink bottles.

    they really need to buff pinhead's anti-loop by making them not break on environment and rework impaling wire to add an extra chain to the ability(this add-on is largely ineffective for the power). Not getting movement speed reduction while using his ability would also help, so would not breaking your own chains by walking over them. oh well, rant over.

    in term of perks, you want to use dead man switch+hoarder on him. Hoarder will give a loud notification whenever a survivor pick up a box. once you hear loud notification, you want chase this survivor down and down them with the box. pinhead will automatically start his own chain hunt after downing a survivor with the box. whenever chain hunt is active, survivors will be interrupted by chains and whenever survivor let's go of a gen from chain hunt, dead man switch will block gen for 45 seconds, so as long you keep getting hooks every 45 seconds, you'll have immense map pressure on the survivors if chain hunt is active.

    the other perks are really up to you. his 1vs1 anti-loop will not really carry you so 1vs1 perks to down the box person like enduring+spirit fury, bamboozle or brutal strength are pretty good. Stbfl can be good on him. they help you tunnel vision the survivor with the box so your chases are shorter and you get the box faster. for add-ons, recommend using larry remains and that other yellow add-on that make solving box longer. you don't want survivors solving the box too quickly as it will reset chain hunt and will prevent you from being able chase survivors with the box.

  • Member Posts: 417

    You mean MORE threatening dream snares, those suck lol

  • Member Posts: 981

    Conjure the chain right under the survivor and fire away. Maybe even a little bit in front of the survivor so that they run into it. You should never aim for longer than a second. Sure you will miss but once you get the hang of it this style improves your game a lot.

    Also try more fancy stuff to catch survivors off guard. Conjure in front of them and fire a 180° chain and things like that. However same here: Never aim for long.

    Try to hit survivors at pallets and at windows. With Lithe being more popular these days aiming at windows can get a good way when you time it right. Survivors have a little time where you can not hit them while they fast vault. However you can hit them right after it. With good timing you catch them and their Lithe is wasted.

    Around loops you need to use the chains a bit more creative depending on the loop.Thing about how the survivor runs and fire the chain in a way that blocks the escape route as well. As an example: When you are at shack and the survivor is inside, conjure the chain at the other door and fire at the window. But mix it up a bit to not get predictable.

    Never aim the chain upwards. You want it either to hit the survivor fast or hit terrain so that you return to your body. Aiming it upwards lets the chain fly in the sky and costs more time. In case of a doubt aim slightly downwards or for 180° chains aim at yourself.

    Cenobite gets better than more you practice the unpredictable and tricky shots. He is a hard Killer so do not get discouraged.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Use Engineer Fang Add-on

    Run Thanatopia, Jolt = Profit.

  • Member Posts: 193
  • Member Posts: 2,501

    Pinheads true strength is in his chain hunt, which you want to maintain good uptime with. I don't even use his PC much unless i'm running good add-ons or I'm close enough that it can guarantee a hit in return. You don't really wanna use PC to snipe from a mid-to-far distance because it's very weak easy to break; You do more harm to your game than good most of the time.

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