Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Are both sides fun and rewarding?

N8dog Member Posts: 541

with 10 extra seconds added to gens and killer's kicking and attack recovery increased by 10% killer certainly feels powerful. I feel like the game is balanced and Killer feels as strong as it should. Many people disagree but what do you think?

Are both sides fun and rewarding? 58 votes

both killer and survivor are fun and rewarding in their own ways
LaMupfelMrPenguinPlantCollectorTatariuChurchofPigFobboGhouled_MojoMarc_go_solokingcarl2012Viktor1853N8dogEve13TheArbiterAlex_XendritchBothSidesEnjoyerGressMewishisValaryynSlan 24 votes
The Killer side is too strong
OnryosTapeRentalsbrokedownpalacekesLVPSPGreatFatBearAurelleEvilSerjeBiscuitsjaymiechanLiaLightAberemandbrewingtearvzrvzrvzOpalescentHareTeslaboiHugTheHagJacobiusWickCassiopeiaescuba4426 19 votes
The survivor side is too strong
GibberishF60_31aeonskulgetuy45u4iuINoLuv 5 votes
Neither side feels fun or rewarding.
Mekochi[Deleted User]Herachi_SakuraGuiltiiDBK1kizuatiIron_CutlassCybilJaviiMiiJonathanByers 10 votes


  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 462

    In some aspects I think killer is too strong, specially because they didn't compensate the stronger ones with nerfs

  • Gress
    Gress Member Posts: 31
    both killer and survivor are fun and rewarding in their own ways

    As far as BP goes, I noticeably get more and complete archive challenges faster as killer, but I do pip up more as survivor each cycle.

    Personally the 10 second increase isn't noticable anymore but that might be my ADD messing with me. And the 10% increase to the action speeds is negligible. I still enjoy playing both sides equally.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59
    The Killer side is too strong

    I feel in terms of fun both are equally capable of it. In terms of reward, killer takes the cake. It is very uncommon to have a match where the killer doesn't end up with the most or second-most blood points, even for poor gameplay. Usually matches seem to be 1 or 2 survivors with 10k or less, 1 with about 15k, and one with 20-25k. Meanwhile the killer has 28k+.

    After they increased the cap to 40k, I think both roles need a boost in points rewarded for each action. But more so to survivors since blood point gains favor killers as a whole. Especially since even the non- sweaty or toxic killers can get high bp gains while survivors get very little for engaging in the match.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    The Killer side is too strong

    I'll precise that my answer is in a context of low mmr.

    Killer is too strong in low mmr.

    It may be balanced in higher mmr, I don't know, I haven't been there.

    Also, survivor is unrewarding for other reasons than killer being too strong : not enough bloodpoints (easier to grind as killer), games are boring because either hitting skillchecks on gen or on a hook but not much else, tunneling and camping are still rewarded and therefore survivor games are trash.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    both killer and survivor are fun and rewarding in their own ways

    Not supposed to be offensive, just curious. Is your Survivor MMR low as well? Because this might be the reason for the camping and tunneling. I play both sides equally, in relatively mid MMR i assume (as you don't see it, i have to guess), and i have almost no camping or tunneling. I just have less Killers giving me the Hatch if i'm the last Survivor.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    The Killer side is too strong

    No offense taken ! I'm pretty low mmr on both roles honestly, I have maybe 100 hours on the game? Started playing two months ago. I'm definitely doing better as killer, but I mostly play survivor (70-30) because I play with a friend.

    I do know my experience is not that of all players (thank goodness!), and that me being new is... well, on me, but it just gets a bit frustrating when a game requires like, 500 hours to actually get good at it, and 6.1. definitely didn't help in that by making survivor beginner-hostile and killer beginner-friendly. (Low mmr actually felt balanced enough before the update)

    I'll get better with time and practice, but I just don't feel very motivated to learn right now for reasons already stated. I'm kinda hoping toxic killers will get it out of their system and things get back to normal soon.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    The Killer side is too strong

    Solo surv is unrewarding, score events need some improvements

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    both killer and survivor are fun and rewarding in their own ways

    That was always the problem with playing Survivor in my experience. When your Matchmaking (even Pre-MMR) is low, either by just starting to play the game, or by having taken a break from it, you get tons of campers and tunnlers and it requiers more luck than skill to get away from this low Matchmaking.

    If you are the first one the killer sees, he'll tunnel you out of the game, if not, you'll most likly survive.

    But it gets better after a couple of lucky escapes xD.

    That was kinda my experience in low Matchmaking

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75
    both killer and survivor are fun and rewarding in their own ways

    I have more fun as survivor but it's so much easier to get a ton of BP as killer. I mean I have games where I'm getting blinded and smacked around all over the place and still come out w/ over 20k BP. Then I have games as a survivor where I feel like I'm doing everything right and make the escape and don't crack 20k.

    Killer's more rewarding but survivor feels like the stakes and skill level are higher so it's more fun.