Seems MORE grindy to me

I just finished leveling up pinhead to Prestige 1 on a fresh account. It took close to 9 hours (of game time) to do so just to unlock tier 1 perks (yellow). Now all other characters have the T1 perks from pinhead which I like. What I don't like is I now have to waste approximately 18 more hours to get the T3 perks. I also used Distressing to help get BPs a little faster but it didn't seem to make much of a difference as it used to.
Here comes the math part. If I were to P3 just killers it would take 756 hours. I believe BPs on the survivor side are slower but we will use the same 9 hours of playtime which would be 837 hours which means it will take me a total of 1,593 hours to get my T3 perks for all characters. If behaviour was to give us T3 perks on our first prestige, it would take 252 hours with killers and 333 hours with survivors which would make the total now 585 hours. That is a 1,008 hour difference of a grind to do. I honestly don't see how this is an improvement other than just giving perks to all other characters.
It is, their "compensation" is not working as of now.
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What was the compensation?
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The matchmaking incentive for the side that is lacking players (Survivor or killer)
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Ahh, yes I forgot about that. That probably would have helped me a lot more depending on how much they were offering but even with that I still believe it will be a heavy grind.
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You only have to get to p3 to auto unlock tier 3 perks on all characters you can still level them up through the bloodweb like normal after unlocking them at prestige 1.
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The real kick in the pants is that if you purchased perks through the shrine you need to either unlock all the characters for those perks or spend hundreds of thousands of shards to get perks to level three.
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Wrong you automatically get them at tier 1 and then they show up in the bldweb like normal
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What you call a kick in the pants, I call a minor downside to an otherwise favorable system to players. I mean with the old system when you unlocked via shrine, you still has to find that perk in the blood web. So what exactly is your issue now?
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The incentives aren't even enough. The bloodpoints are just too low as a whole. No one wants to sit through a legion game for 20k bps.
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I think it is honestly more grindy when you start, but for someone who has everyone but huntress currently P3 (she had a bunch of old cakes that i didnt want to lose) or higher I only have her t2 and t3 perks, and the base perks to unlock on everyone else. The more you prestige everyone to p3 the less perks youll have to worry about when you grind. When a new killer drops ill probably have all the base and new perks at T3 on them before prestige 2
The prestige change for teachables is a good idea in theory but it should've just been a bonus to prestiging and shouldn't have come with dumb things like removing Bonus BP, making the shrine more expensive, and forcing you to prestige and requiring you to pay to prestige.
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The grind got worse for all but veterans who already had most perks on most killers. For them, there is basically no more grind at all. For beginners? Worse than ever before.
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Again I reiterate yes its 10 more bloodweb levels, if your never going to use the character its a bit of a pain, but its really not that bad.
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Yeah, I feel they really missed the mark with this as I try to grind out 'off the record' this patch. They made it a lot harder to try and go for perks especially for newer players which is very off putting if the game wants player base growth or better adaption to change
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It seems very dirty that all perks I have previously unlocked in the shrine were not grandfathered in to be level 3 on all appropriate characters. If I want to buy all the perks in the shrine again it will literally cost hundreds of thousands of shards.
It's silly that it costs less to buy the character Jonah than it does to buy his perk in the shrine three times.
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Interesting, I've found that recently its been easier to knock out large chunks with the entity even with a lot connected (could just be luck). Definitely sounds like it'd be something to look into, though do agree the webs seem a bit larger than before in the later levels.
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I still have yet to see a reason why there should be a cost to Prestige at all under the new system. Prestiging was free before, it was optional, and everyone would have done it had it not gotten rid of everything their characters had. In a patch partly dedicated to reducing the grind, I was appalled to see that we had to spend tens of thousands of BP each time we Prestiged. Under no circumstances does reducing the grind justify adding in new grind.
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You dont need to buy it 3 times to get it to tier 3 you can still level it up in the bloodweb like you always could
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So when I buy a new killer or survivor the grind will be just like it was before with an added 20k per prestige - sounds fun.
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Wait until you max out every character and just want items/addons. That's when the real grind begins. It'll cost many millions of bloodpoints just to get a few rare items/addons lol. I know they addressed that something will be done about it in a future patch but damn that's something that they really overlooked. Good luck for those that don't have items stocked up, I wish I grinded more for them on killers before the update
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I am noticing that any character that I prestige is getting a significant boost to unlocking perks since they are unlocked faster on the smaller blood webs.
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Nah, I see that too.
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that's for tier 1 (yellow) perks. You need to prestige them 2 more times for the Tier 2 (green) and Tier 3 (purple) perks.
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It is, that was the point I was trying to make. The game has only become more grindy for new players that join.I am not a new player I just wanted to see what it would be like. I also don't have all the perks to T3 now but I do have all characters to level 40 for the teachable that were in the game but are now gone. I now have to grind again for my purples, yay.
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really? so instead of getting the characters to level 40 1 time and unlocking the teachables as you go and unlocking them 1 time in the shrine you would rather grind 3 prestige levels (level 51 3 times) and spend an absurd amount of shards to get your tier 3. ok lol
I don't think you realize the overall amount of blood points and shard you are now currently spending.
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Agreed. All they had to do was simply make it so that when you unlocked the teachables every killer would get it for tier 1. Then you can spend blood points to level up those perks on each character to tier 3.
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Yes and once you get them at tier 1 you can still get tier 2 and 3 in the bloodweb of each character same as you always have been able to.
Not to mention if you had already leveled up to 40 and unlocked the teachable perk it is still unlocked and can be gotten through the bloodweb and the same goes for perks you bought in the shrine.
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yes and in order to skip THAT grind as well, you need to prestige your character. It is still a grind either way.
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also, you have to spend MORE shards in the shrine to level up your perks. Tier 1 is 2k shards, tier 2 is 4k shards, and tier 3 is 6k shards.
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Or you an just level them up in the bloodweb instead the same as you always have
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The thing is that with incentives I think it wouldnt be such grindy but its killswitched