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Inflated Kill Rates, Conspiracy Theory or Real?

Mekochi Member Posts: 942
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

TL;DR at bottom

Okay so I see a few killer mains saying survivors are purposely killing themselves on hook/disconnecting to inflate kill rates. So we're going to go over to see if this is truth or bunk.

So first addressing the disconnects, developers have already confirmed, disconnecting does not apply to the kill rates as it's a disconnect, not a kill. It makes sense for it to work like this as they not only steal away bp a killer would get if it was an actual kill, but also can screw over the team.

Now, killing themselves on hook. I haven't seen much of this myself when playing survivor except once every 15 or so matches, and when I do decide to play killer, it's also very rare. But I doubt it's to inflate kill rates, I don't know where the big conspiracy came from, but if someone can tell me, that'd be great. I mainly see survivors dying when they're in solo-queue, not doing gens against full slowdown build, or just plain giving up against certain killers. Now I don't condone this behavior, but I don't think they're just in a conspiracy to inflate kill rates.

What I have noticed though when some people kill themselves on hook/disconnect is because of things out of their control.

We'll start with disconnects, sometimes the game will randomly disconnect players and say "No Connection Found" despite everything else functioning perfectly fine and they don't get the indicator in the top left corner either.

Now with the hook situation, sometimes the survivors do kill themselves on hook, but I don't think it's as often as people say, just like how before the update not every squad is a bully squad. Our brains tend to function in a way that remembers our negative experiences with something over the positive, it's just part of being human so I won't fault anyone for that. But on the survivor end of the spectrum, I've noticed an influx in killers tunneling/camping.

So Tunneling & Camping are strategies I do realize this, but some survivors will tend to kill themselves on hook and just move to the next match when faced against this, this was how they'd retaliate even before the update. So this can cause kills into inflate. But if killers run full slowdown build, paired with this tunnel and camp strategy, and the survivor doesn't kill themselves on hook, it still would result in their death. Because now gen times being increased and the hook times not being changed to compensate makes it difficult.

I've noticed this, and if a survivor disconnects/dies before 3 gens are done, and the other survivors also have hooks, they are less likely to escape. I also made a post with the experience of solo queue survivors and why solo queue survivors are also struggling there. This isn't to blame anyone, but I don't think this is the conspiracy it's being made out to be.

TL;DR - I don't think there's a conspiracy going on here, there are many different factors that come into play which depends on the killers play style, how efficient the survivors played against said play style, ect.

Post edited by Mekochi on


  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Dang, my bad 😔 guess I wasn't added to the conspiracy server on discord, feels bad man

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Then those people need to play a different game, they don't represent survivors as a whole, plus it won't do much, devs won't nerf killers just because of the inflated kill rates unless there's a +10% like there was between survivors and killers before the patch

    A couple survivors doing this won't have much impact considering the larger majority is actually trying

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    I get that, although solo queue is still quite frustrating, as many others, including myself have stated, it's only the first week, after a bit longer, then people should give their full hearted opinions.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    I won't doubt that people are legitimately trying this, but then you have people like me that say crap like that just for the memes, when really it was for a different reason altogether.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    I just made a post about this. Its not a conspiracy like you're thinking but the amount of rage quitting I've seen after the patch has been way worse. Not dcs. Which by itself will skew data, and is an issue. Like rage quitting in general.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Do we have any actual data? No.

    Is there a certain narrative making it's way through the echo chamber of the forums? Yes.

    Are people always annoyed at even the most justified of nerfs? Yes.

    It's a conspiracy.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    Also a killer using a bs tactic does not justify a rage quit

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    In 100 matches since patch, 82 of the 400 survivors disconnected, and 121 of them gave up or quit. Not a conspiracy in higher elo atleast.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133
    edited July 2022

    I just posted this elsewhere, but today I had two matches in a row where the survivors refused to do gens and leave.

    In the first one, they did 4.99999 gens. They got the final gen a tap away and then refused to finish it. I never kicked it. I got tired of waiting and killed them all. I usually wait the survivors out, but it had gone way past 10 minutes and I wanted to get into another match so I can actually take advantage of the Double Rift Fragment event.

    In the following match, they refused to touch gens at all. 10+ minutes later, not a single gen was done. Like I said, I usually wait that crap out, just put the controller down and go get a snack or something, but my matches are going long enough as is at times, I'm not sitting around for an hour not earning XP.

    They actually dragged the match out. Instead of doing gens and getting out quickly, we stayed in the match for an extended amount of time for no good reason. There was nothing pressuring them, nothing stopping them. They weren't moving on quicker to a new match, that's for damn sure.

    This kind of stuff happens occasionally, but twice in a row is weird. Add to it that in the past few days I've had a bunch of survivors who refused to take the win even when they were like 80 seconds away from escaping, even going so far as to kill themselves by zombie, and it becomes outright ridiculous. And a freaking waste of everyone's time. It'd be so much quicker to do gens and die to the entity, this is bafflingly inefficient.

    Edit: I'm not saying it's any kind of conspiracy. It's just dumb.

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    I knew this was gonna come up, so, 43 of the 82 dc'ed after being downed on the third hook state, 30 dc'ed when they were the last survivor and got caught, and 9 of them dc'ed first. When being instantly caught or hearing a nurse. Hope this helps!

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    I don't see many dcs/suicides. Seems like killer mains just making things up to push their narrative and hold their unlimited power and dominance after the patch making bhvr to discard survivors feedback and critics

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    I think they're just quitting because they're fragile ego children

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    The only conspiracy happening are some forum users spreading false informations and conclusions to distract from the obvious bad patch. Survivors don't kill themselves to meddle with killrates. They do it cause they don't want to play detrimental games and move on fast.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    Can you believe this last one sluged for a 4k?

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    There's a portion of the playerbase that wants to be both the power role and the victim.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Survivors and killers both DC for a variety of reasons. Other than a single guy on this form I hope was trolling, no one has posted about dying on purpose/letting survivors go on purpose. The DC penalty was put in place in the past because it was so bad. This is not a new thing for DBD for players to DC.

    There are tens of thousands of players playing games, If you think the ~20 games you're playing per day is helping shift some metric that the devs will gasp at and implement a hotfix for you should probably take a break from DBD.

    If survivors truly are DCing in radical #s significantly higher than usual then it's something that should be addressed but the idea that this is some hivemind effort seems extremely silly.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,191

    It would take a massive concerted effort across every server for survivors to intentionally affect kill rates. Think about how many players are online at any given moment just from steam charts alone. Think about how many games you personally can play in 1 hour. One person isn't even going to be a speck on a line graph. 1000 players intentionally dying won't move the needle over the course of a day, let alone a week.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    If you read my comments, you'll see how I did address this as well, +50% of survivors would have to be killing themselves purposely to even make a dent in these rates, but there's a lesser percentage than people believe their to be.

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    So personally , i have came across whole teams of straight bots that literally get hit and try to heal right in front of you and don't complete a single gen , and then i meet absolute GODS who destroy me and I only get like 2 hooks. Seems to be absolutely nothing in between for me since the update . I would say going by the "numbers" I've probably gotten more kills since update tho.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Killers still sweating balls and stacking slowdowns: "Damn survivors, trying to inflate our killrates!"

    No but seriously, only those with access to the top secret killrate boosting conspiracy Discord channel are privy to that information.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    One day I hope I'm cool enough to get in the top secret server 😎

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,967

    Are killer players purposely playing badly and letting survivors escape, or staying AFK the entire match, just to inflate escape rate? Thats another question for everybody to think about it

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Its definitely not a conspiracy.

    This update was also very much intended to increase killrates, so them going up is an expected result.

    Not to mention that Survivors just lost one of the biggest crutches in DbD history, Dead Hard, which has caused a lot of players having to pretty much relearn chases almost from scratch. This too has a clear effect on the killrates.

    IMO looking at killrates now / in the near future won't really show much. We need to wait for people to adapt to the pretty major changes that happened here, it is going to take a while.

    It's only natural for the killrates to skyrocket all of a sudden right after the update dropped, it would be the exact same with escaperates if Survivors had received some major buffs. For the same reason the newest Killers killrate is also always inflated, because people haven't had the time to adapt to them yet - but after a while things will settle and we will see where the kill and escape rates are really at. And only then can we really look at them and say whether something is balanced or not.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Wait, you're going to complain about them doing nothing, while you were also doing nothing?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this whole conspiracy got all of hand remember this video game a party game at that people need to get a grip.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,489

    Most survivors dc while killer would hook them on death hook so that does not count as kill? I heard somewhere if one survivor dc:s that match is not counted in kill rates even if killer kills last 3? That can't be true thought.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    The other 3 kills should still count? I don't think the whole match should be void. But it could be because the Survivors have a higher chance of losing if a teammate disconnects early game, and worse if they're in a 2/3-man SWF the teammates will D/C with em

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,489

    Survivors has started to figure out how to play nlw I think. In my 5 games as myer gens were done in three games. I still got 3-4K in two of them but managed only 1K in one where gens even bit seemed to fly. Could be that I just got good swf:s but I think people have started to adapt.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    We should do ######### wait before we say anything about game balance tbh.

    literally no one has adapted yet, literally no one.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Did you not read the post or even the TL;DR? Read through it and come back to me, because it seems like you didn't.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    I wasn't doing nothing. I had been messing around, chasing and what not, killing zombies that got too close, and then after a bit they went into hiding. In both cases they seemed fine with it and meme'd with me before disappearing and avoiding the gens. I'm not fond of combing the entire map for four hiding survivors, but I ended up having to do that in multiple matches. Sometimes the zombies help find them, but their AI is crap and they get stuck on everything in the environment, so RNG often isn't on my side there.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Okay, so my post was talking about how there's a conspiracy going around that survivors are purposely killing themselves to inflate the kill rates, except this is not the case, and if there are survivors doing it it's not going to affect it much.

    Everyone is still adapting obviously, but I don't think everyone in their entire family is trying to inflate kill rates. Conspiracy debunked, mic dropped.

    My post isn't really talking about the balance of the game, just about how a select few people think there is a conspiracy that survivors have going on.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    IMO it's not real. Survivors have always had a way of getting out of an unfun, boring, seemingly unbeatable etc game quickly - and they use it. Now that camping and tunneling has been buffed and, survivors nerfed and killers buffed and with Nurse still in the game etc you just see more moving onto the next game quickly.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,826

    Just had a match where someone just AFK'ed the whole match with the name of "BHVR please"

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,397

    Conspiracy imo. People have always DCd and let go on hook, it's not new. Maybe it's increased (I haven't noticed an increase at all btw, in fact my last 10 or so games, as survivor, had no DCs or letting go) but there's lots of people claiming tunnelling and camping has increased as well. And from past experience, these two things were usually the precursors to people DCing or letting go. So if tunnelling and camping has increased, then I wouldn't be surprised if DCing etc has too.

    I can't attest to either though, as I haven't had any camping or tunnelling either lol my games have been fine, just dying a bit more.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I just had a match as artist that was over pretty much before it started. Kate killed herself on second hook and Dwight went afk with 4 gens left. I said f it and started to farm with the last two survivors. Dwight came back from making his sandwich or whatever, saw he was still alive and dc'ed immediately. The other two left out the gate with plenty of points(I had a flan ffs).

    No camping. No tunneling. No bm.

    Okay whatever, right? Queued up for a game of Plague and pretty much the exact same thing happened.

    For something that's unintentional I dunno man it seems pretty consistent

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50

    I've had many survivors flat out suicide on hook or just stop playing to throw the game.

    Surely the Devs aren't that silly they can't play there own game at multiple mmrs to find out themselves.

    What can they nerf lmao. Hardly anything got buffed .... Oh god don't take my .1 second speed increase off me!

    Nerf my 2 percent Thana that I don't even use?

    Take 10s off gens? Lol. Not like we didn't play with that for years... You'd revert all nerfs ofcourse.

    Killers were barely buffed and it shows at high MMR.

    The pathetic mind of entitled survivors losing their training wheels perks and throwing their toys out the pram by suiciding to get kill rates up.

    One thing is for sure: Dead hard is gone and that's all I care about.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean if there's survivors out there willing to waste their time killing themselves on hook to inflate kill rates, the amount of survivors being let go by killers (or even AFK killers) probably makes up for it. If it was significant enough to impact kill rates people would talk about it and the devs would know anyways.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited July 2022

    i don't need to do this because i have escaped maybe 2-3 times in 15 games since the update (as solo). I've quitted today, will come back if they change something but this game isn't worth my time anymore. I would play killer only but my games are way too easy, usually 4k at 3 gens (today i had two 4ks at 5 gens because survivors were giving up after the first kill) and also the queue times have become super long today, all the baby killers are coming back now because they finally get gifted wins.

    Maybe the Devs should listen to actually experienced players who play this game every day on a high level and who know how good players play this game, then they would have known that this patch was not a good idea in this form. The basic issues have not been addressed and they did go overboard with the killer buffs / survivor nerfs. Or, at least give solo a buff at the same time, this mess was completely foreseeable.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    People kill themself on hook because moral is low. If some is doing it to deliberately inflate kill rates they are so much in the minority that it doesnt matter. Its still inflated af though.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    Trying to assign any deeper meaning to it than there's people that ragequit, and some that do it a lot, is borderline tinfoil hat territory.

    And yeah yeah, I've seen the threads where people claim to do it on here too. And a rather peculiar amount of the claims are from fresh accounts with less than 10 posts, every single one of them in their own thread about exactly that. Should I put on the good old tinfoil fashion and claim it's a killer main shadow scheme to implicate survivors in intentional stat manipulation or something? Of course not, it's just people engaging in a little bit of trolling.

    Like, I'm sure there's certain individuals out there that are actually delusional enough to think doing so will be anything but a microscopic splash you'd need a lot of decimal spaces in the kill rate stats to see even a shadow of, but anyone claiming "survivors" as some kinda group is doing it makes as much sense as claiming killers that let the last survivor go for whatever reason are secretly doing it to lower the killrate by 0.00004% or something.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Who are all these 'give up' survivors?

    All of my survivors have been sweating their asses off, and my average kill rate is 1 per match (usually right at the very end of the game).

    Of course, I'm not tunneling or camping or stacking slow down, so it's possible that they just read into that as Weakness and use the games to relive their glory days.

    That being said, I've yet to have a game where 1-2 gens didn't pop before the first hook. So +10 seconds turns out to be not nearly the salvation I was promised.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 500

    If it is a "Conspiracy" it's also "Real" (which makes one of them redundant).

    So shouldn't the title be like "Inflated Kill Rates, Conspiracy Theory or Real?" ?

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    That's not just a truth bomb. That's a goddamn nuclear warhead.

    Also, Carmina is a cutie. Caw!