Anyone else tired of legion?

MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Don't get me wrong, legion has been neglected for a very long time by the devs and deserved the buff they got a couple months ago. Since the patch dropped I almost exclusively face legion legion legion a plague here and there or a huntress (THANK GOD).

But I'm so sick and tired of facing legion every single match with the same exact build.

I understand people threatening to leave DBD because their fav perks got killed or because sitting on a gen for 90 seconds is just boring, but I completely lost interest in DBD since I already know what killer it's gonna be while still being in the lobby.

Did people forget there are other killers with unique and interesting abilities? What makes you pick legion over and over again? Or maybe it's just my personal MMR invaded with legion mains only?

Is anyone else facing the same killer over and over again?

P.S.: the legion invasion hasn't even been that bad when legion and ghostface got buffed, but now it's a literal plague.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    19/20 survivors I fought did not dc or suicide even with legion and I doubt I'm on high MMR lol

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I actually haven't encountered one yet...

    Huntress, Oni, Blight, Nurse and Pig seem to be a lot more popular, at least in my games.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    They need to remove legion's ability to see auras a hundred km away and inside lockers. Although the latter should have some kind of compensation, like a basekit iron maiden.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    For my killer games I've been playing a lot of Hag and Twins. They're so rare I'm usually at least two hooks in before the survivors remember how to play against them.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,471

    I don't enjoy them either but I push through. The plus side though is that when you die, you feel nothing but relief lmao like yes, next game! If I'm getting too many of them though then I'll close the game and find something else to do.

  • Santademon
    Santademon Member Posts: 2

    I got some Legion during this mid-capter yes.

    But mostly Nurses! I have never gotten so many Nurses as I do now.

    Before this they pop up one time or another.

    But I don't personally have problems with Legion. My friend HATE playing against them cuz mending simulator.


  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Legion a guaranted win ? 😂😂 try playing Legion dude, then you will be allowed to talk about them.

    Legion is one of the weakest killer in the game. Lmao

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    The chase music is cool tho.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    But what changed about mending since Legion's buff? Absolutely nothing. And y'all keep saying, "mending simulator" but Legion is only gonna be putting you in deep wound all the time if 1) they're bad because you're already injured, or 2) y'all keep healing to full against Legion (thus giving them an incentive to use their power because they get max value off it, which is why you shouldn't do it).

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I don't know what you guys are doing then because I've been enjoying playing against him every game. It could also be the fact that they can barely get a hit in on me in frenzy. People keep forgetting that scratch marks and blood pools disappear during the frenzy. If you're the first in the frenzy then you can find a way to jebait him and make his power run out then you're set! If you aren't then you can just hold W to the other side of the map. You can also bodyblock for someone while in deep wound to deny them a hit if you're skilled enough.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i pick legion most of my games since i started playing killer only. i be totally honest im not that good with other killers only with plague im somewhat decent.

    now i will probably look kinda bad because i play only the two slogg killers but its not because they make the games so incredebly long. i mean i like that the games are a bit slower then normal but in the first place i play them because i like there mechanics. i love how legion plays with the fast running that you still can controlle and the stabbing frenzy. i just struggel with other killers with range killers i woulnd hit a dead survivor the size of a barn door and killer like blight or billy i struggle with hard.

    but i think the biggest reason why i stick to legion and plague and gave up on learning the "harder" killers is because when i try to learn them and already struggle the bad matchmaking and super cocky survivor that taunt you at every mistake just exhaust me. sure some might think now man up and go through it but to be honest im a father and a husband im not a young guy with plenty of time anymore and when i sit down to have some fun i dont want to go through this.

    maybe when we get bots to train with i will learn some of the harder killer or maybe some of you have a good recomendation for a killer to try that isnt to hard to learn

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I guess my MMR at its lowest because I lose as survivor a lot recently and I go against killers that only equip frosty eyes as cosmetic.

    And I get a lot of legions. I know that we should stay separate and keep killer away from teammates. But my teammates seem to be beginners and they often try to group up and heal instead of doing gens.

    At current state game is more punishing to survivor mistakes and it's easy to make mistake against legion.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Well legion is easier than Nurse and blight so now you got more killers.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    The devs said that wont change a character becuz some people dont like it.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Use prove thyself, 1 and a half gen and u have some juicy 10k

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    Luckily I haven't faced Legion that much since the patch, just Nurses and Blights. But I'll take those two over Legion any day 😁 Although I do wonder why so many people seem to be facing the same type of killer many games in a row 🤔

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I never play Legion to know how their killer instinct works.

    I dont know where my teammates are to run away from them.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Play legion then.

    Either pay more attention to your surroundings. If that isn't possible then bring bond.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I am serious, I will recommend you a build that got even someone who never plays Legion without a subscriber redeem to take a liking to him. Just let me know if you want the build.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Always have been.

    But they're fun to play as so...

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    Legion are like MC Donalds of the killer roaster, if you actually want to fine dine you go play some more sophisticated / harder killers like Blight, Nurse etc, but if you just want to mindlessly go stab people around they are fun and easy, I love to play them, but yeah playing against them is so boring, because at least other killers chase you, down you and you are dead. Legion will delay everyone at the start and probably won't get a hook 2 minutes in but no gens will get done either everyone will just around run around mindlessly and then the first downed person will be like screw this I am out and dc and the gen you are working on for 5 minutes already thanks to than is not even at 30% yet

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    On low-ish mmr, I've actually encountered less Legions than I generally did before the update, which is surprising !

    I've mostly gone against people trying out new killers : Onis, a couple of Spirits and Blights (who are usually nowhere to be seen in low mmr), Ghostfaces, Clowns, Dredges, Pyramid Heads and a few beginner Nurses.

    Also, as someone who mostly plays Legion and Hag as killer, people DCing against specifically Legion is far from new. I haven't played killer since the update, but even before, playing friendly and without any slowdown perk (Discordance, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit ad Spies from the Shadows), it's always hard to go more than two games in a row without either someone DCing or killing themselves on first hook...

    As to what makes me play Legion rather than other killers ?

    Their lore is cool, running fast with a knife is fun, trying to get chains is fun and also good practice to learn not to waste hits.

    Also, I love chill friendly games in the bunny mascot costume. Being able to vault over pallettes and windows while in frenzy opens up to parkour races with survivors, which I enjoy a lot ! I play a lot of friendly games as them (since people DC a lot) and have had several survivors asking to join the Legion, which always makes me laugh.

    Anyway, as much as I like this killer, I understand that too many games against them might be unpleasant. (IMO, too many games against any killer are unpleasant)

    Just don't jump to the conclusion that everyone plays them because they're an easy killer to get 4Ks with. It's not necessarily true :)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You enjoy playing against Legion because they're your main.

    People also hate playing against Freddy and he is one of my favorites because he's my main..

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Hey guys, Just came to say I am a Legion main and you can bet your sweet booty that you will see more of us out there. I doubt the devs are gonna change my main so soon or at all. So remember to just keep mending <3

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    now that cant be true, People have been playing legion way before this patch and yall never complained about it till now

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Thana legion can be rough but the best course of action is to stay split up and only group for heals or when 1 or 2 gens are left. As long as legion has to sprint around regardless trying for hits hes going to realize just because your fast you cant be everywhere at once. The main trick with legion is plainly not grouping or body blocking his other hits after hes deepwounded you to knock his power out itll refresh your timer and stun him/her. We used to never see legions tho so this is nice just be glad your mmr isnt higher where you almost only see Nurse blight sometimes spirit.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Mans speaking Facts, People who say The Legion are ez win killers clearly never played them in high mmr or mid mmr.

    When us Legion mains see survs bringing 4 med kits, you can bet ur sweet potato that we are gonna be running broken status add ons and thana

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's why I wanted Legion reworked instead of buffed.

    His entire design is problematic and he's perhaps one of (if not the most) unfun Killers in the game. Worst part is, he still sucks.

  • Bonesy1997
    Bonesy1997 Member Posts: 7

    Or they do try but don't think things through at all like the amount of matches against Legion I've had where they CLEARLY have discordant but then survivors try to sit on gens together? Or they try to speed unhook because "Legion will be in their ability" ok but that still a problem! Like good kegions are hard enough without survivors making themselves fodder may as well put themselves on the hook smh

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    All this Legion hate :(

    I wish there was something in their kit that would make them more fun to go against

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    they should never egain do a complete rework like they did with freddy. all you do with that is showing the finger to the community of mains that love the killer. sure they can tweak and change the killer so he is more fun to face but the core should never change and with legion its his running and stabbing so all they could do is take away his mending and make him leathel but i doubt that would be more fun to face

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    To be honest while it may be an unpopular opinion I feel with Legion's current kit and the direction BHVR took him I feel they could remove applying Deep Wounds without the use of addons on Legion and just slightly tune up the other elements of his kit - namely the benefits you get after stabbing someone.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I'd rather face a Legion than a Plague when it comes to stuff like 'forever' builds

    I don't even dislike Plague, she's one of my favs but at least you can heal vs Legion if you have perks for it.

    I get why people think he's boring though, mending is more boring than doing gens because you're not progressing the game state, it's just stall. The time you spend mending can add up to a lot