Its kinda weird that over time players improve but also worsen at the same time

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Speaking about a longer time period. Its save to say that survivors and killers have gotten sweatier and better in general if you compare them to players 2 years ago.

However while this happens, other "skills" are getting lost over time aswell.

In my tournaments and also everytime when I watched other videos, streamers or screen shares of friends I realized how the majority kinda lost the sense of breaking pallets properly. Nowadays the majority just instant breaks every pallet at any moment on any killer at any position of the map. Regardless if its a unsave pallet or a loop at the corner or edge of the map, they dont even zone they just insta break it.

It seems that all the "newer" gen players just simply dont pay attention to it, or never learned this. On older gen players like Otz, Tru3 or my best friend for example or myself included we pay attention and force the survivor to run to the edge or corner side of the loop and then break, maybe even leave the pallet droppen on purpose since they are unsave asf.

Especially Killers like Nemesis, ppl are literally horny on breaking every single dropped pallet with the tentacle, its almost some kind of addiction at this point πŸ˜‚

That is just 1 example of an older "skill" that has been lost, most ppl just break every pallet without planning and even waste like this a potential down or free hit.

Is there any trick or skill or gameplay advantage that you realized that has been lost by time?


  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye I realized this too. Well there are exceptions. there are still ppl to this day that call me a hacker or DPI abuser cuz I do 180 flicks as Oni.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Think the survivors in my games forgot how to adapt and play out a game.

    Now they stop running and let me down them, run to hook and point to say they wanna die or immediately off themselves after I 1-hook them. Don’t wiggle when on death hook giving me free scourge. List goes on and on. Not sure where the tenacity to survive as a survivor went but a few years ago I’d have to hunt for a slug hiding in grass when now I’ll just find them sitting politely by a hook.

    Thanks I guess lol

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    ive noticed killers are always expecting the safe drop pallet so they back up & give me space for another 1 or 2 loops & if they keep hesitating... well we"ll be here for a long time.

    i feel like before killers would just keep moving and take the 50/50 if the survivor is greeding but ig no one likes being stunned anymore?

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    For me , I quit trying to mind game around 99% of pallets if it has any type of trees/bushes around it and just break pallet . Every second you're trying to mind game 3 other survivors are likely to be gen rushing so it's kind of a waste of time (in my mind)

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    I've definitely started going for the 50/50 a lot more. It initially surprised me the number of survivors that attempt to fake out a pallet drop. Add to that net code and such and a lot of times you'll get them completely off guard. Depends on the loop it's in too. If I'm going to have to break it anyway, why not?

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454


    i feel like the play is to always take the 50/50 whether you get the hit or not. and yeah its way better then taking a step back on a strong loop and you just give yourself more opportunity then if you didnt go & take the swing.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I bum rush every pallet and get stunned a lot. On the bright side, those that try to get me to respect the pallet get smacked.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I intentionally break every pallet when I have a moment, I’d rather err on the side of having no pallet than a pallet that is gameable but will take me that much longer to actually get the down compared to simply running straight at them. Creating dead zones by destroying pallets is generally better for the long game.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Or maybe mmr is non-existant and your playing against more newer players?

  • Bonesy1997
    Bonesy1997 Member Posts: 7

    For survivor I would definitely say like hiding mechanics have pretty much stopped like don't get me wrong I'm not saying crouch walk everywhere ALL THE TIME and try to avoid the killer but I see it a lot where survivors jump straight onto looping when they could have potentially crouched somewhere q couple seconds not get seen and hop back onto gen or head towards an unhook (because thats another thing I noticed with unhooking again people keep trying to unhook before killers even fully out of sight like your encouraging camping/ tunnelling or you waste time by starting a chase NEAR A HOOKED SURVIVOR like just breathe a sec and wait XD ). Killer wise it sounds weird but just standard hitting survivors? Good old M1 hits I took a huge break from DBD so ofc I get back and I KNOW there's been definite times I SHOULD HAVE GONE DIWN not because of game lag or whatever like me just being pure moron. BUT. Killers didn't act on that because they was trying to use abilities like huntress coulda just bonked me on head with an M1 but didn't to try and hatchet throw and missed or legion went into frenzy or nurse went to teleport and swung from that like? I mean it was awesome chases because I didn't expect to live but it felt like killers were making it harder for themselves than they needed to

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Yeah I agree, the majority just rushes openly for a save, often when I catch them and come back to interrupt the save they just blame me then for camping which is true but instead of blaming and crying maybe try to not run openly for a save? xD

  • Bonesy1997
    Bonesy1997 Member Posts: 7

    Exactly like stop saying they camped because you ran in before the hook animation even finished like let the survivor sit on hook for a minute! Ironically ditting on a hook won't kill them but insta running in could! And wastes game time to do a gen depending on its progress level. I think some do it because they don't want survivors killing themselves but that's another lost skill like just wait on the hook for a bit bro

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Still a beginner killer here, but I feel like I waste less time getting stunned/breaking the pallet than hoping the survivor will fall for a poorly executed mindgame. (Especially if the survivor tries to blind after the stun, which gives me a free pallet break)

    Or I just play Legion, and vault over the pallet.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Whats a pallet

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I think players got better and better until they reached a certain point where they realized the meta could carry them without having to really think much, so their skill gradually dropped over time, and now, after the meta shake-up, people have realized they aren't as good as they think they are and are mad about it

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited July 2022

    i haven't seen a good 360 in ages, i think killers just adapted to it, but i remember when i started (early 2020) there were players who could unhumanly time and perform 360s that even a experienced player had to wait out. Nowadays i just swing with them and hit them everytime but back then there were survivors with such great movement. I guess they all quit with Dbd over time.

  • AngryHobo2
    AngryHobo2 Member Posts: 106

    You don't understand my friend! If I button mash the spacebar during the stun and use Brutal Strength I might be able to break the pallet even faster!

    Jokes aside, the main issue is mainly about game buffs and perks. A lot of the old skills, pallet zoning, mind-games, heck crow tracking! All of has been slowly replaced with perks and mechanical buffs. Why bother wasting 4-5 seconds looping the pallet just to break it from the other side when I could smash it in 2 seconds with Brutal Strength? Why learn crows when I could just use BBQ? Why try and mind-game the tile when I can just relentlessly chase them, it gets blocked and I'll, get a hit anyway.

    My primary concern with the update, aside from a lot of people not wanting to adapt, is a lot of killers just getting sloppy and lazy. Between the 50 seconds they added to generators (total extra repairs needed) and the buff to how quickly Bloodlust builds I'm genuinely worried we're seeing a rise in "Bloodlust Gamers" that would rather use the brute strength of the killer role instead of tactics and wit to win. It's fine now, but Entity forbid killers get nerfed at some point in the future and we'll see a whole bunch of "killer is miserable" posts again.

    Instead of relying on the power of your given role, people need to actually just develop skill again. What's the point of playing the game if you're not even evolving and getting better? Isn't that where the satisfaction, the fun, is had?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    jup, oh boy crow tracking. You cannot imagine how often I have been called out an "hacker" or "wallhacker" for that xD

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    The meta shifted into a point where even bad players could win because if you're efficient on gens and hold W/pre-drop pallets, it can take you real far. So many survivors these days don't even understand the BASICS of this game, or proper ways to counter killers, or proper ways to complete gens and not 3 gen yourself. Severe lack of common sense, severe lack of willingness to LEARN and IMPROVE. Play solo queue, watch your teammates when you're on a hook, realize how bad it really is. 2 people injured on the team, killer is proxying because of it, non-injured person sits on a gen and doesn't save. Feel your IQ drop.

    Killers are no different, that's why they constantly camp and tunnel. Sometimes you get a bad map with a bad layout, sometimes you made one too many mistakes, sometimes you're on a weaker killer, sometimes the survivors just played well and you lose. Sometimes you can improve and learn to accept that sometimes you lose, and maybe you'd enjoy the game more if you didn't resort to being a cheap player because of the big bad evil toxic survivors. Ironic