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Anyone else tired of legion?



  • Member Posts: 6,825

    first of all please don't DC, and second I'm tired of seeing Legions with thana it is a very unenjoyable experience.

  • Member Posts: 854

    This is a whole thread of "Mad 'cause bad."

    Legion is a very map dependent killer that relies on the survivors making mistakes. The only way they can use their non-lethal power is if people group up and even then he's got to hit 4 people without Deep Wound to be able to down someone.

    Spread out. Don't immediately start mending if you're hit. Stand your ground at pallets to waste their time because they will want you to drop it so they can vault it.

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited July 2022

    He needed it freddy definatly needed it that dream transition was assinine and i despiese any take that says otherwise.

    Legion always was popular due to his power being easy to use and frankly themed well to his chase and asethtic. He is a very good entryway killler as many other killers are far to micro intensive or lack the flare the general dbd audience loves. Wraith used to be another good entry point killer but then they overnerfed him. "Sigh".

  • Member Posts: 106

    Personally I enjoy playing as Legion and even against him sometimes. Granted, my build usually has Botany Knowledge and Circle of Healing so I can heal survivors as fast as the 8 second mend action when within the boon radius. Though I honestly haven't seen too many recently. I think because so many survivors have been dying and dropping MMR like flies that since I have been getting 50/50 escapes to deaths my MMR is just at the cusp of the level where it's going to be nothing but Blights, Nurses, and maybe an odd Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    but you cant change that. if they would anounce they completly change legion to i dont know a range or stealth killer i would be so sad and i would want my money back for the char and all my skins. and bhvr knows that they said a couple of times they wont ever do what they did with freddy again

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    They should make an exception.

    How do you propose we get around Legion's absolutely horrific design and make him fun to play against?

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Yes, since 2018 but a man cant get a rest, can he?

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I hated Legion long before this patch. Not because they are OP are difficult to go against, but because matches are just a boring mend simulator that take way too long.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    to be honest i dont know. i mean im not a dev so my creativ power is a bit limited but in the end you can only have two types of killers. they either have a super deadly power like nurse so they have no need to prolong the games or you have killers like legion and plague that are less leathal but therefore need to drag the game.

    if they really decide they cant come up with a way to make legion more fun to face without changing the core of legion i would be sad but if its better for the game it must be done but like i said they better give me back my money in that case

  • Member Posts: 944

    Imo remove deep wound and reduce his mov speed a bit, he should be able to injure 2 people with one use of his power on average, sometimes 3 when they're really packed together but not more... right now he can injure people way too easily

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    but then we go back to pre buff legion where his power isnt a threat

  • Member Posts: 231

    Has anyone actually ever liked Legion? That's the real question. They've always had a bad rep ever since blade stacking for infinite mending and moonwalking chases was a thing.

  • Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2022

    ok but there are a lot of things they can do without ruining him, reduce his terror radius when he use power (and nerf global add on) then it's harder to detect the whole team and easier to split against him, I don't know it's just ideas

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    thats actually a good idea to lower his stabbing spree potential

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I had a suggestion regarding him on the feedback forum, I get a bit catty at one point but it feels like nothing but legion apologists entered the thread lol, I play a lot of legion so I am sincere about the killer instinct change:

  • Member Posts: 702

    I haven’t played legion once since update. Hell he’s only like lvl 20 for me cause I find him so boring to play. I don’t see how anybody could find his play fun. He’s even more boring to play against. I’ll stick to playing oni and spirit. 🥹

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I like them as an infomation killer, the chaining was more a bonus for me if survivors were being greedy/stacking. The insta down has made me sad whilst its a buff, but now people are just trying to go for insta down over and over but not getting it, and making games last forever.

    I feel the issue with the power being so oppressive and time wasting is in the information we recieve during the power, having ways to hide killer instinct like using lockers would go a long way. (Dredge is the only one who'd suffer from it but who is going to use a locker against dredge anyways lmao)

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    To play against? I don't think I've ever seen anyone say they love mending 15 times a match.

  • Member Posts: 101

    Lazy and/or unskilled killer players are the reason. They're gonna jump on anything that's gives them the match. And this update basically gave them the game because solo survivors are gone.

  • Member Posts: 101

    They will when that money walks out the door, which is happening in droves.

  • Member Posts: 790

    there's also a reason why so many people find billy sooooo fun to go against

    it's because he's super easy to go against 9 times out of 10.

  • Member Posts: 101

    They will. Money is All-powerful and it's going away right now.

  • Member Posts: 416

    the main legion saying they love to go against legion in this topic and that everyone who doesn't like them doesn't know how to play

    the lack of shame

  • Member Posts: 416
    edited July 2022

    it's not really about team mates being new to the game, it's that in SOLO Q, sometimes there's no way of telling where the others are

    So you might just be doing the gen next door to a team mate when the legion hits him and done, you're next in line

    you can use perks to see auras, but not everyone does that

    These people saying "it's easy to face legion, just play far from each other" don't know how solo q works. Especially now that gens take forever to get done when you're alone in a gen, they say you should bring Prove Thyself every match, but if you do, how will you use it and separate from your team? It makes no sense.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Legion should be completely reworked to move away from powers that require so much healing/mending. It's dull as watching paint dry and maddening when added to thanataphobia.

    What surprises me the most about legion is that there is so much opportunity from a lore POV. There are four different people associated with this killer but they all function the same? How about making Legion a little different based on which person you chose. I know it was an homage to Ghostface, but now we have Ghostface. Mix it up. Be daring in a redesign.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    It is hard to explain why, but Legion has always been one of mine and my buddy's favorite killer to play. We've been playing since 2019, and Legion was one of the first killers we both picked up.

    When I look at the killer roster, most of them bore me...

    Nurse, Blight, Hag, Spirit, Dredge = Too Oppressive/Trial Won't Feel Challenging

    Bubba, Clown, Freddy, Myers = Power Forces Boring Gameplay Loop With Pre-Dropping Peters

    Billy, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Cenobite = Power Feels Painfully Punishing if I Have a Bad Game

    Twins, Artist, Plague, Trickster, Nemesis = Survivors Will Probably Not Enjoy the Game

    Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Doctor = Comically Bad at Higher MMR

    And so... all thats left is Huntress, Legion, Demo, Ghost Face, and Oni (only got Onryo last week, so I don't have an opinion on her). Among those, Legion is the most brain-off mode killer who I don't need to work to get value out of. Either the survivors are grouped up, or they're not. If I don't get value out of his power, w/e it's not like I could have forced the survivors to group up.

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2022

    Behaviour should remove deep wounds from Legion's frenzy until they can come up with a more fun rework/change imo. Absolutely nobody wants to play against them.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited July 2022

    Yes he is annoying to face.

    But, survivors should also play better against him too. I don't see enough survivors tanking a hit for another survivor after they've been hit with feral frenzy. I also don't see any survivors flashing a legion out of his power when he vaults a window/pallet.

    Both of these stop the legion from getting additional frenzy hits and are very strong tactics. If the Legion is 2 or 3 hits into his frenzy already, I often pre-drop a pallet and stand near it to bait him to vault it and then stop his frenzy combo by flashing him.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Can't wait for this insipid hate bandwagon to get my favorite killer gutted.

  • Member Posts: 3,389
    edited July 2022

    Hi hello. I do. Legion is fun and rewarding to play vs. Unless you're on a tiny map you shouldn't be mending more than a few times. Run away as soon as you hear the tr during frenzy. Count down the frenzy timer. The counterplay is so so simple but people would rather give up on hook than learn how to play vs a killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,133

    Legion is still one of the worst killers in the game, they're just even more annoying now. Still usually an escape, just one that takes 15 minutes to get to.

  • Member Posts: 1,167
  • Member Posts: 214

    Double healing, free of any skill whatsoever survivor detection across almost the entire map. Yawn. Another boredom guaranteed round

  • Member Posts: 228

    Doubtful. But nothing wrong with keeping an open mind

  • Member Posts: 598

    Not much changed in legion games, except most people give up and DC/hook in the first 30 seconds

  • Member Posts: 288

    Yes, I'm getting pretty tired of legions running 4 slowdown perks. I roll my eyes every time I see a legion running at least two slowdown perks...

    Very engaging gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Because why learn to play against the killer when you can whine about it on the forums instead? Someone mentioned an Otz video where he plays against a nurse who is losing and his team kill themselves. It's like a lot of survivors don't want to play the game.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 54

    Just gone against Legion nearly 5 games in a row and went looking for this EXACT thread. Words genuinely cannot begin to describe how much I hate Legion. All it takes is one deep wound inflicted and the Legion just starts to domino, running to the other side of the map rarely ever seem to work nowadays, and with the buff to Thana. My games are absolutely miserable.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    He may be easier to play, but not to win with. But yes, a killer being strong instead of bully material tends to lead to more killer variation, instead of the same 2-3 being seen all the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Tbh I only pick Legion when there is a Legion-Daily.

    If I pick "normal", its most of the time Freddy, than Pig, Demogorgon, Sadako, Nemesis or Nurse.

    Every killer besides them just for dailys.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    As a Legion main, i hate thana for that sole reason. Makes it too easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    thana alone woulnd be that bad. it didnt needed a buff and before the patch it was the only gen related perk i was running on legion. in my eyes it gave the game exactly the right lenght so every one could get some points and play and i wasnt in need to camp or tunnel but i wasnt super op

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I may be tired of playing some killers, but it mainly stems from the terrible maps than the killers themselves. So I'm not necessarily tired of playing Legion.

    As for facing them. It's nice to see people play the main, I just hope it's because the like the killer and not because they jumped on the band wagon after the buffs.

  • Member Posts: 83

    That's the issue. They jumped on the bandwagon because everyone and their mom were telling them that legion is the easiest killer to pick up. Kind of a low risk high reward situation if you ask me.

    If you're going against new players - just give all of them a deep wound and there you go. 24 seconds not spent on gens in total and since new players tend to be scared of the terror radius, gens won't even be touched.

    If you're going against experienced players - just use the unbeatable add-on combo (aka never sleep pills and mural sketch so you DGAF about how large the map is) paired with 4 slowdowns and you're guaranteed a 4k with 5 gens still remaining.

  • Member Posts: 439

    Legion doesn't have to be reworked, deep wounds have to.

    If it were up to me, I'd make it so deep wounds don't result in getting downed in case of refusing to mend, but resulting in giving away your positions (loud notifications, each .. ~15 seconds +-?). Afterall, Legion are basically killers, who do rely on the informations they do receive from stabbing survivors.

    This way, survivors would be able to interact with the game, killers would know where to go 24/7, and games wouldn't be taking so long..

    What are your thoughts about that? Sure, it'd be a massive nerf towards the killer in particular, but there's also Plague, who can prolong the game by quite a lot, so.. It wouldn't be such a loss for the playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 268

    The problem with legion is most players don't know how to play against legion properly. A lot of players can't really do anything if they are injured and will just hide and wait for heals. To play against legion you just never heal. It's a boring killer to play and play against.

  • Member Posts: 102

    You know,typically there's a better solution. It's called splitting up and not greeding gens. It doesn't matter what legion has,if all survivors are at complete opposite corners of bigger maps like red forest and such,then he's not gonna get a chain hit (even with pills + sketch). Onto that,just because he's boring doesn't mean you should ignore him,if you're one of those people who literally sit on a Gen and let legion stab you then you're effectively helping him because that stab could be the 3rd or 4th chain hit and then he gets a down. Every survivor I've seen does this,they set up together on a gen,they see the mend bar appear on a teammate,they stay stuck to a Gen until the last second,get hit,and then wonder why things go downhill.

    It's not hard to counter legion,people just don't want to actually put the thought into it.

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