BBQ and WGLF BP Bonuses MUST Return

The developer's claim of a 75 percent reduction has been analyzed extensively and often not exactly redounding greatly to their credit. However, the main problem with the new BP grind, even more than the fact that the return to early bloodwebs means that getting items and addons is more difficult, is that the actual experience of gaining BP is worse than ever (on that addon point, consider the developers openly say Killers are balanced with the assumption they use addons). And I still often see flans in my games - it'll be even more horrific once more people run out.
Let me explain what I mean: on a very long-term time scale, it might be true that eventually perks are unlocked, though the required grind for that is still probably extremely intimidating to beginning players, However, even if the grind is 'objectively' lessened, it will still be for naught if the actual, subjective experience of grinding feels terrible. I argue that the ability to choose to play for BP bonuses was healthy for the game in terms of strategy, and in terms of making the grind less psychologically intimidating and annoying.
Why? Several points:
Firstly, the perks both gave an incentive to play nice. BBQ was almost certainly the biggest single reason why Killers would aim for hooking everyone - often one heard that they considered a 4-stack a win, even more than the 4k. It wasn't just that BBQ was a direct incentive to spread hooks and thus avoid tunneling - by giving the killer a goal to pursue outside of a 4k, it let them avoid an overly competitive mindset while playing that can often spill over into toxic territory. I personally know I was far less annoyed by BM, teabags at gate etc, when playing Killer when I knew that 'at least I got my 4 stacks', and it was an easy way to avoid getting frustrated during a difficult game - just shift gears, say 'I'll finish my stacks', and the load lightened a lot. It is impossible to overstate how healthy for the game this perk in particular really was for these reasons; not just the direct anti-tunneling incentive, but the psychological effects. WGLF was less important for this, but the need to get a safe rescue for a stack in the most regular way meant that it at least gave a reason not to unhook in very unsafe situations, while it in general promoted teamwork.
In addition, the ability to choose when you wanted to grind for BP by putting on the perks, and when you cared less, was another big benefit. It let you get in to the mindset I mentioned above, focused on getting stacks and less likely to be tilted by failing to get an ez win. But it also, importantly more broadly for the grind experience, meant that when you low on BP and wanted to get a perk or addons or otherwise grind, you always knew you had the ability to speed it up by basically 100% - and on your own terms. The incoming incentive, if it works as it did before the killswitch, will still not be a good substitute - it doesn't provide an incentive for healthy playstyles, it doesn't give the satisfaction of getting the 4-stack, it doesn't let you decide whether you want to grind as killer or survivor, and it probably will rarely be 100%, whereas WGLF and especially BBQ could be pretty consistent with the right builds and tactics.
The two perks weren't perfect - WGLF was harder to get stacks for and required going more out of one's way, for instance. And BBQ's main function often doesn't work because of how Gens now fully hide auras. But they were good, and the biggest problem with BBQ simply remained how essential it felt despite being behind a paywall.
What their removal shows more than anything, is that BHVR is not interested in removing the grind, but rather in reshuffling it by dangling the idea of a 'complete' set of characters all at full prestige, but the fact is that now that we can't decide to shift to BP mode of our own accord, the experience has gotten far worse than the lack of a 100% BP suggests of itself; and that complete set of prestiged characters is hopelessly out of reach for the new players who needed a reduced grind the most. If they were truly interested in removing the grind, perk tiers would be gone, the mindbogglingly nonsensical prestige tax never would have existed, and they would have upped BP gains so that that 40k max is actually realistic - Sacrifice is basically impossible to max out now because of this.
Basically, give me back my stacks.
I wouldn't mind seeing them basekit but i would never go back to bbq even if the stacks came back.
After thinking about it and going through some numbers bbq just wasn't the huge impact people thought it was.
It made a big difference that's for sure but not that much that i would lose 1/4th of a build over it anymore.
Between rank rewards, daillies archives, offerings, login rewards, etc... a lot of the bp we earn was not affected by bbq.
For most casual people i'm pretty sure over half of the bp is earned outside of bbq control.
Especially with the new 40k limit it's really not making that big of a difference
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They won't bring it back.
My assumption is they want to have that replaced with the "Incentive to play a role Bonus points".
This way the game keeps going, and people wanting more points got what they want.
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Gosh, with this account name, I thought it was an gannmann alt account, lol
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I want the BBQ/WGLF stacks back so bad. They should have been made base kit. I played for BBQ stacks as killer. That was my goal, that was my win condition. Playing without it feels empty. Worse, on Switch, it's really not worth the headache of attempting to hook people without that bonus.
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Despite i fully agree for a return of the bonus bp stack, this won't happen. Blame the devs for "fixing" 2 perks that were healthy for the game...
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The grind feels much worse, and forcing players out of their desired role for a reward isn't the solution. That has never been a good solution in multiplayer games. See: OW for one example.
Just bake the BP bonuses into the base game.
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Neah, I'm glad they're gone.
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I want my bonus bp badly again... I am not using flans until I can get more.
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I kinda miss the BP, but I am more happy that I no longer feel almost forced to run the perks.
Of course the dominant reason I was chasing BP was to get all the perks on all my characters, and these changes have essentially finished the job, so the pressure to hoard BP is essentially off (for me).
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Right? It's freeing is what it is.
Before: Well, I should probably run BBQ for the BP... even though I'd rather try out X, Y, Z. I always felt like I just had 3 Perk slots.
Now: WWHHHEEEE! It doesn't matter, it won't get me extra BP anyway, I'm free to try whatever I want! 4 Perk slots let's go!
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They wanted to gut bloodpoint gains so they can fix their queue times with role incentives instead. It sucks.
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The role incentive being multiplicative, aka doubling whatever BP you earned might be a saving grace. So if you bring a cake, earn 30k in game, then instead of gaining 30k from the cake and 30k from the incentive, you'll actually gain 30k from cake, then incentive doubles you 60k to 120k. When the incentives come back, I truly hope the calculations stay this way.
That means BP offerings in general are twice as strong when incentives are at 100%. That's kinda huge.
But I agree they should simply make the WGLF and BBQ bonuses basekit. Also add "for every 50% generator progress you complete" to the WGLF bonus, as well as "being in chase as a generator is completed". It doesn't have to be 100% extra, it could be 12.5% per stack up to 50%, considering it would be doubled by the incentives anyway right?
If they did that, then the grind would be far, far better.
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Why aren't the just basekit changes if they don't want to tie them to a perk? If the concern is farming specific things (namely from WGLF's conditions) then just add more varied events to what can give stacks. BBQ's was a perfect incentive to prmote hooking multiple people, and even served to give an idea of whether one or two people hadn't been hooked yet while encouraging the killer to change that. Good game design should be rewarding and encouraging healthy play that is good for both sides, and they ironically got it in one on that one.
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I'm happy being able to run those perks because I just like them now.
No more WGLF farming, which is a Solo Q buff.