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Hex: Ruin's position in the meta.

So I was experimenting with Hex: Ruin to see what kind of value you can get from it, and wanted to submit my findings.

So I think that the added 10 secs to Gen repair speed kind of translates into a basekit Ruin for Killer. The thing is, this basekit Ruin, combined with the actual perk kind of equates into the traditional Ruin's strength. Now, Hex's are known for being unreliable, they can be caught almost immediately at the beginning sometime, but if you're lucky sometimes they won't. What Ruin's real strength now is, is as bait for other totems. Have your Hex: Haunted Ground, or your Hex: Retribution paired up with Hex: Ruin, and the Survivors are going to almost immediately know that Hex: Ruin is in action. They can choose to ignore it, which is fine because gens take an extra 10 secs anyway, or they can hunt the totem, burning gen time doing so. If you have a high mobility Killer, it's even better because you can just chase them off the gens. Eventually someone is gonna decide that Hex: Ruin needs to go and start hunting for it. If you set it up so that it's being used as bait, hopefully they start going after your totems and pop one of your traps. If they cleanse and bless the totem, it let's you know immediately where the boon totem is. It's actually a pretty nice little combo.


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    It also retains synergy with perks like Surveillance, which you can take advantage of.

    Unrelated but I've been having the idea to see if I can get Ruin to deactivate through a Pig's head pop vs a Sacrifice.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I'll still probably use Ruin as a patsy on occasion, but on its own, it's a pretty pitiful regression perk unless survivors are incredibly uncoordinated, and it prevents you from using much better gen regression perks (as almost all the good slowdown perks are gen kicking perks at this stage.) I definitely disagree that ten seconds basekit gen time makes up for the regression speed changing from 200% to 100%.

    When it comes to bait for Retribution, Plaything is probably a stronger pair-up, though Haunted Grounds and Ruin is still a decent combo and Ruin is a guaranteed way to get people to start popping totems due to how visible it is - though I always preferred Devour when it came to hex pair-ups, and that's become all but cemented in this meta.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,364

    I don't see much reason to use ruin. The only good thing it has going for it is being a passive perk with the major downside of being a hex and disables itself if you kill someone. It's also not a big deal to leave ruin up since the regression is just base regression.

    Retribution is much better paired with Plaything or Haunted Grounds than ruin it self. AS you get multiple 15 second aura reveals with plaything or you get a nasty 15 second aura reveal attached to a 60 second expose. Any other combination of hex perks doesn't really accomplish enough to warrant bringing it. Hexes in general are in a bad spot. Unless the hex has a huge snowball power (devour hope) or can get around the downsides of survivors often spawning near totems (plaything or haunted grounds) it's a huge gamble for some lackluster effects.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    At this point it could be argued Ruin no longer needs to be a Hex. Only reason it might remain so is because it belongs to the character who introduced hexes.

  • Gress
    Gress Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2022

    I've been playing survivor a bunch lately and Ruin doesn't seem like much of a problem to me anymore as it did. I now go "Oh, Ruin" instead of "sigh...Ruin...", but that also might be because of my frame of mind of the 10 sec addition to gens. I also agree with the totem going dull after one person dies on hook. It in a way changes the game a bit to give survivors a likelier chance of getting out if it hadn't been cleansed already.

    I think it was a very healthy change to the perk. It was a nerf, but I think it's something that doesn't break the game.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    It's not utterly useless, but it's now behind several other slowdown perks, even after they were also nerfed. It was always a risky play since it's a hex (at least since Undying was nerfed), but now the reward isn't worth the risk, imo.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    Yea I don't disagree that Hex: Plaything has great synergy with other Hex perks, but that's also a different kind of playstyle and reason for existing. I dont really believe Hex: Ruin is as bad as everyone laments, IMO even if you manage to get only 2 minutes of slowdown from it, you got Corrupt Intervention value out of it.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    I wonder if Sadako's mori would stop it also.

    Of course, you get Sadako's mori off without hooking someone, you won't need the slowdown anymore.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    If a survivor is on a gen for 15 seconds at the start of the game and you chase them off it is going to take 15 * 4 = 60 seconds to regress that time. In addition to the awful, awful time it takes to degrade at base rate it has anti-synergy with every kicking perk in the game. No overcharge, No call of brine, No pop. I think that's ok though, I absolutely hate hex perks and ruin was a clear outlier of regression value at 200%, but I disagree that it still has value. I would take almost any other perk over it if I had the choice.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    Right, yea I'm not saying it's the best regression perk in the game, but it IS a regression perk. So if you wanna do some totem build, and you need a regression perk in there, what I'm saying is Ruin can be your regression perk, and will also synergize with trap perks because you will encourage the Survivors to go hunting it. It's like, a middling perk that does a little bit of a couple of things, instead of doing one thing great.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    There's no point in using it anymore imo. Other options are just better and aren't hex-dependent

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    You can still hook people, you just can't kill them by Sacrifice.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Only noobs are still running Pop and Ruin. Dead perks.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Ruin's nothing.

    Doesn't need to be a hex any more. Total garbage.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Yeah but the odds of pulling it off via head pop vs hook sacrifice or D/C, or before the totem is cleansed, are not high. That's why I'd like to try it a couple times.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Ruin goes down quickly in matches I'm in. In fact, I'm always on the lookout for hexed totems.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    Just as an update, so I was running Hex: Ruin some more last night, and I even ran into it as a survivor. Hex: Ruin is really fun to use and play against. I recommend it.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850

    Problem with surveillance is that it ceases to function if using perks that also color aura gens, so it's value is severely limited.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Ruin effect is so minimal that i think it's almost better to not cleanse it even if you find it.

    The chances of triggering haunted/penti or allowing killers to use better kicking perks if for some reason they are running both is not worth getting rid of ruin especially seeing how it goes away by itself when a survivor dies

    Better to just push gens to make sure only a single one needs to be done by the time ruin deactivates itself

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    It should be buffed to 150%, in it's current state it's meme tier.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I stopped running Ruin in favor of other gen perks well BEFORE this update. Totem spawns, with the exception of a very few number of maps, are absolutely awful, and experienced survivors even know the "tough" ones at this point. Too often, someone spwans literally in front of one (I've lost count the number of times I've spawned in front of one as a survivor and legitimately felt bad for the killer), and it's hard to get value out of a perk that lasts a minute or less in far more games than it lasts to the mid/endgame.

    With the nerf to it's current state? A waste of a perk slot. If the devs wanted to put the final nail in the coffin of Ruin to make sure no one ran it (unless, literally, it's all you had to work with), then job well-done.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Depends because plaything is limited by the number of hex perks you bring.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Hex: Ruin is still very viable. It should have been nerfed as hard as Dead Hard was nerfed.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    The position of Ruin being in meta is not being in the meta.