I feel the game has lost something very important

The lighting, the bloom, the mist. The world was very dark, but there are many sources of light so you don't feel blind (hello today's Autoheaven). This is what attracted me so deeply back in 2016.
DbD today is beautiful in its own right, but, personally, the old graphics, in particular lighting, didn't need significant changes.
UPD: here are some more screenshots, a bit newer.
Yeah people always like to say “DBD isn’t a horror game anymore” and I feel like most of that has to do with the artstyle in the maps. Fog is all but gone and the game is generally very bright now.
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People will use Nvidia filters to make it bright anyway.
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When was the last time you seriously used a mist offering?
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I miss the old atmosphere, the new one has gotten stale and I hate it.
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The maps are very bright, especially cold wind. I would love to see that map at dusk or under moonlight.
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I miss the old DBD atmosphere too. Especially the mist and darkness (Cold Wind maps in particular). Bright maps suck.
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To be fair, I would use them if they actually did something.
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Old maps used to much better. I used mods to bring them back again before devs gutted mods.
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They don't make dark maps anymore, and when a map gets reworked, it gets crazy bright (Coldwind, Ormond, Azarov...). I guess you could count Garden as dark map, but outside main building it's not really dark...
I LOVE facing Dredge just because he brings the darkness and horror
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I don't think it's as much a matter of brigthness as it is a matter of aesthetic depth. The game's graphics have gotten simplified, I'm assuming, to work well on consoles. I personally love the new Coldwind Farm, it's very Texas Chainsaw Massacre-y in ambience. However, it doesn't have much flair. The fog is ok (and of course it's still in the game, unlike mists, because fog raises fps instead of lowering them), but I'd love it if it had a visual effect were distant objects twinkle and tremble because of the heat.
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I miss the fog, the lighting, the whole horror movie aesthetic😭. The old artstyle had a real horror movie vibe and I wish they'd bring it back. What's scary about eyrie of crows? It looks like a valorant map.
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I just hate the Coldwind rework and Eyrie of Crows for that reason. They hurt my eyes.
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I think Garden of Joy and the Haddonfield rework did a great job at capturing a spooky atmosphere.
Whilst I love Coldwind, those maps and the Eyrie of Crows just don't feel like horror game maps (particularly Eyrie). Far too bright and the art style just doesn't feel conducive with a horror themed game. Eyrie looks more like a fantasy game map to me.
Old Macmillan and Coldwind were amazing! Kinda wish they'd kept the same vibe for their reworks.
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Personally prefer the new graphics over the old ones which i hope doesn't return.
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That second image gives me old movie vibes, love it.
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so much!!
it’s not really the brighter maps, it’s the lighting/atmosphere/fog/depth of field in general. A brighter map like todays Cold Wind in the same aesthetics as old DbD would be phenomenal!
i also think part of it has something to do with consoles/optimization. But it’s also the community complaining about survivors playing immersed i think
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Mist offerings have a genuine purpose that most people overlook actually. Since they thicken the dark mist they actually increase the odds of auras appearing in the open.
You only see auras if there is a LOS blocker between yourself and the target and normally this is limited to walls. However, if the dark mist is thick enough then it too can become a LOS that causes auras to appear. In the wake of the buff to Lethal Pursuer mist offerings might actually start showing up again.
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I would love if there was another killer similar to the Dredge, but instead of bringing darkness, they bring a thick mist.
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How I miss the old map atmospheres, for God!
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I like the aesthetics of all the new maps better than the old ones, just my opinion. I appreciate that they look more polished and have more details in the content.
Also this notion maps aren’t still dark is odd. Garden of Joy is their newest map for instance and the interior of the house is so dark in places I literally can’t see the walls at all. And some of the interiors of the new Haddenfield houses are likewise really dark. There’s obviously also some really bright maps like Eyrie and Ormond, so there’s plenty of spectrum.
As far as the mist goes… 🤷♂️ I never really cared about or noticed the mist personally.
P.S. and by the way, The Game’s lower level used to be WAY too dark. To the point I literally was running into walls while trying to maneuver down there, it was super annoying. I have zero issue with that one being lightened.
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I miss all the old animations.
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We need more nightfall in our lives, more darkness.
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That’s the point, in old dbd they actually made a difference
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And that won´t be cheating just like using Discord was "always intended" and not cheating regardless al common sense.
Just because "devs say it aint cheating".
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I didn't play back then, but I kind of wish I had.
I have a migraine disorder and bright lights kinda screw with me.
Coldwind and Eyrie of Crows both tend to bring on headaches if I have to play too many games.
I've seen this weird thing in the custom game, an old offering to darken the map?
I would love to have seen how that worked.
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Dang, really remind ya the game has gotten worse over the years.
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Unfortunately moving the game to consoles ruined all of this, they can't handle fog/light effects so they had to remove it all.
If it was a PC exclusive I think it would all still be here + the new map reworks but with the old aesthetic as before.
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The game is still extremely dark on most maps, infact it's so bad that I literally can't play this game without using nvidia filters. Whenever I try to check out any of my ingame screencaps I can't make out a thing, that's how dark it is. Sorry, but I'd prefer to be able to see where I'm actually going - as a killer and as a survivor.
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I miss old dbd, when no one knew how to play the game and actually hid from the killer, when nobody knew how easy it was to win lmao
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Those were moonlight offerings, taken out because devs wanted to have control over map lighting
the ones that brighten the map were good for killers basically, but qol for everyone playing, the dark ones just made it impossible to find survivors lol, you can probably look up a video of old red forest with a new moon bouquet and you'll see why it was taken out
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It definitely has not, the game was horribly unbalanced back then, if you see any building in autohaven, Macmillan, or corn that has boarded up windows, just imagine them if all of them usable and not blockable by the entity. That's just one of the problems the game had, among at least 10 other terrible things
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tbh this kind of games just have horror as a theme but they are very far from being horror just for their nature in itself.
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I wish maps had day/night offerings. I'd love to see some maps in the other part of the day cycle. It'd add more variation too.
I so agree the new artstyle isn't as nice as the old one though. Everything is a bit too bright, clean and sharp.
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The old maps had much more atmosphere to them. The game had a darker feeling and i liked that. Coldwind, Dead Dawg, Eyrie of Crows are so bright right now and while it's ok to have a little bit of mixture, the old graphic style was better for my taste. I'm not the kind of guy who needs state of the art graphics anyway to enjoy a game.
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I belive most maps got brightend in the rework to nerf stealth, because so many killers didnt want to cope with that, despite there being more than enough perks to handle it.
Ever since the map rework, i enjoy the game less, because i am actually a stealth player (and no, i do gens, i do unhooks, and i dont just hide as soon as the terror radius is heard). This thread remindes me of why i came into this game, but it is actually gone...
Maybe it really is time to move on.
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Old DBD was so pretty, god I miss it. Thank you for the screenshots!
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Those are not in-game screenshots right?
They look like concept art.
If the game looked like that back then, the "painterly effect" looked so nice indeed.
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Even if you stack 4 of them together its still not foggy.
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Greed makes Patrick do weird things like like completely changing the game.
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Tbf Patrick isn’t the one behind this (At least I doubt it). The art and map design team would be the ones making these changes
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Idk I've been playing since 2017 and I think the game looks better now. The screenshots you're showing are concept arts and the real game looked more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt6XSnB1-h8&ab_channel=TrU3Ta1ent. The maps were way more cartoonish back then. Also I like being able to see lol, probably why I don't really mind new Coldwind and Eyrie.
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i cant see anything on Autoheaven, when it was released i was thinking about quitting the game, it had nothing to do with personal choice but i thought i would not be able to play. Eyes are hurt and i cant see anything. Still cant get used to that. Autoheaven was by far my favourite realm after rework it became worse than haddonfield. I still cant belive how that was approved.
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I'm using up my clear reagents right now, cause I'm sure as hell not wasting any bp offerings on some of these matches.
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Ah, nice to see someone who understands!
I miss the old maps and atmosphere, my friend.
Certainly more than anyone does.
I love my dear Old DBD! I love it to death <3
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"The game's graphics have gotten simplified"
FUN FACT: current reworked maps runs waaaaaay worse in terms of perfomance compared to older maps. yikes , F console players.
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I'd like to see more dynamic lighting, progressive change in shadows over time.
I get the coldwind changes it looks like the sepia sunset washed out setting, like the final scenes in texas chainsaw massacre. Imagine if the sun slowly set over the course of the game. The map gets progressively darker as the sun sets.
There are definitely some changes that have lost the creepy aesthetic though.
The hook counter looking like a life/shield HUD from a sci-fi FPS
The prestige counter being cheap lil circles with a number rather than the skulls
The portrait HUD rather than the washed out white HUD of old
The ever growing inclusion of a lot of Anime, I get it people like Anime, heck I like Anime, but its eroding the gritty 80's slasher flick feel that the game has.
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Those screenshots were taken in the game before the actual release, and most likely were adjusted after.
There are some more screenshots, a bit newer.
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Old Dead Dawg looked so beautiful. Bring this back also!
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I remember using a mist offering and then I got to Haddonfield. This is the map that doesn't have mist at all, lol
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I miss the old art style. it really set the mood.
Now we have orange corn you can't see anything through.