Thanatophobia Rework Suggestion

Before anything, I'm a Legion main, I play mostly killer, and I hate Thanatophobia.

Thanatophobia does not add any gameplay elements to the game and rewards the killer for playing the game as normal. Not only that, for some reason, it's way more oppressive on some killers than others, which in my opinion breaks the balance of the game.

I was trying to think of a way to make Thanatophobia useful to most killers, and also not an "oh my god I hate Legion/Plague/Nurse/Blight (or any killer that has a power that helps them injure people fast) with Thanatophobia". Recently, we got more perks that benefit the killer for kicking generators, and I see a lot of people who like the theme, so my idea consists of giving killers another tool for that type of build.

The rework:

While you have 2 or more survivors in the injured, dying, and/or hooked state, Thanatophobia becomes active. While Thanatophobia is active, the base instant regression applied when kicking a generator is increased to 5/7.5/10%.

Numbers could change to balance it a little bit more.


  • TheKissKing
    TheKissKing Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2022

    I'd Change it to "increased to 6/8/10%" probs, to make it more in line with most perk tiers. Good idea anyway,

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited July 2022

    Well Thanatophobia is a fear of death so it could be changed into something completely different. Like survivors who get within x meters of hooked survivor while injured scream and reveal their location as long as the killer is x meters away, and it would need to be a long way away.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Certainly a good way to absolutely butcher a perk that's merely good on precisely two killers.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    You clearly don't understand how impactful Thanatophobia can be on a match, especially after the most recent update.

    Legion and Plague are not the only killers that can use Thanatophobia, and I don't even understand why some people think they are the only killers that can keep multiple survivors injured. Nurse and Blight can very easily switch targets to spread damage, Hag gets a lot of free hits with her power, and in open maps, a good Huntress can get a lot of survivors injured. There are other killers that can get multiple survivors injured and it would take too long to talk about all of them.

    Before this update, Thanatophobia was already a decent and underrated perk, and now a lot of people are using it because they know 22% slowdown on 90s gens can be too much. Even if you only manage to keep 2 or 3 stacks during the match, that already adds a lot of time.

    Thanatophobia is a perk that indirectly buffs other slowdown perks you have. Let's use Pain Resonance as an example. Pain Resonance regresses 15% of one gen's progress when you hook someone on a Scourge Hook. If you have Thanatophobia in that case, it takes longer for survivors to get that 15% back, which means it made Pain Resonance more impactful. Not only that, but maybe that generator was close to 100% when it got regressed, and if you didn't have Thanatophobia, maybe that gen would be already done.

    Thanatophobia is a really strong perk, and can sometimes be a little bit too much. My rework idea makes it so it's equally useful for every killer and supports a new type of build that we got recently. You do not need to have a survivor hooked for that effect to happen, like Pop, and while it's active you can keep using it as long as there are gens that can be kicked, which means it has good potential for value. That effect can also be really useful against gens that are really close to 100% and make the kick more meaningful in that situation. It would definitely not be a dead perk.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,295
    edited July 2022

    Before anything, I'm a Legion main, I play mostly killer, and I hate Thanatophobia.

    i love these type of lingo that people put in front of a post.

    they might as well read - I never play killer at all and do not main legion, but I hate Thanotophobia, so here is my post.

    15% of 22% is only like 4% difference. its only 3 second of difference and that only on 4 stacks. virtually every other regression perk beats it.

    Thanatophobia was suppose to be a perk for killer that allows killer to snowball injure pressure and keep people injured. so when they reworked the perk to not debuff healing, it killed the perk. the generator slowdown was never real selling point of the perk. it was meant to be added bonus so that the killer get some value out of the perk from survivors not healing. I suppose the idea behind generator slowdown is to de-incentive the killer to camp hooks and to incentive the killer to chase survivors to get injuries.

    that version of the perk is not thanotophobia, its just another gen regression perk.

    current thano at 4 stacks only adds 25 seconds extra to current gens if the generator begins at 0 and if the killer has 4 survivors injured throughout entire duration that generator has been worked on. it is situational indirect regression perk that layers itself on top of generators if the survivors do not heal and stay injured entire trial. passive gen pressure wasn't signifcant enough to be used before. Its only being talked about now because the other stronger old slowdowns(Ruin and Pop) were were weakened.

    it would way better if they just reverted it to only work on increasing healing speeds the more people are injured to keep old identity of the perk instead of passive pressure that the perk was never really good at to begin beyond giving legion and plague's power relevancy which it does poor job at(in my opinion against strong teams).

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    i love these type of lingo that people put in front of a post.

    they might as well read - I never play killer at all and do not main legion, but I hate Thanotophobia, so here is my post.

    I'm not sure of what you trying to imply, but okay.

    15% of 22% is only like 4% difference. its only 3 second of difference and that only on 4 stacks. virtually every other regression perk beats it.

    I believe you are talking about my Pain Resonance + Thanatophobia example. That was a single example, if you bring other regression perks, Thana will indirectly buff all of them.

    current thano at 4 stacks only adds 15 stacks extra to current gens if the generator begins at 0 and if the killer has 4 survivors injured throughout entire duration that generator has been worked on.

    Yes, I'm aware you won't get the full slowdown of Thana all the time. Even with 2 or 3 stacks you still get value and even if generators are not on 0 charges. The problem here is not exactly how OP Thana is, but how the perk does not add any gameplay elements while also being a strong perk. Even if there are better perks, I would argue that the other better perks are at least less boring than Thanatophobia. Even Gift of Pain, which has some similarities to Thanatophobia (and is also arguably more impactful in a match against certain killers than Thanatophobia can be), is less boring because the killer can't have it active at all times and the survivor can take a risk just to avoid the slowdown.

    that version of the perk is not thanotophobia, its just another gen regression perk.

    Thanatophobia's theme is to reward the killer with slowdown for having survivors injured. Other perks have been changed to keep their theme but do something completely different from what they used to do. That is why it's called a rework.

    it would way better if they just reverted it to only work on increasing healing speeds the more people are injured to keep old identity of the perk

    And that would also be boring. In the past when Thana affected healing speed a lot of killers would combine it with Sloppy Butcher to make healing really slow, and that was boring. I know that with the current healing meta maybe that would be more balanced, but I don't think that's the correct way to address that healing meta.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,295

    I believe you are talking about my Pain Resonance + Thanatophobia example. That was a single example, if you bring other regression perks, Thana will indirectly buff all of them.

    sure, but I am saying that people running individual regression perks such as.... surge(jolt)+eruption+pain resonance+pop would add more on each individual perk. I do not think that improving gen regression by situational amount is the reason to run the perk. its mostly passive pressure perk that the survivor have a lot of control over.

    In the past when Thana affected healing speed a lot of killers would combine it with Sloppy Butcher to make healing really slow, and that was boring. I know that with the current healing meta maybe that would be more balanced, but I don't think that's the correct way to address that healing meta

    by healing meta, you mean second chance meta? healing is part of getting second chance so the killer making healing as difficult is time efficient for the killer. is slowing down healing is now unfair? I mean there are... healing perks to mitigate effectiveness.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    sure, but I am saying that people running individual regression perks such as.... surge(jolt)+eruption+pain resonance+pop would add more on each individual perk. I do not think that improving gen regression by situational amount is the reason to run the perk. its mostly passive pressure perk that the survivor have a lot of control over.

    I'm just saying that Thana has that extra benefit of increasing the efficiency of regression perks. It's not the reason why you should run it.

    by healing meta, you mean second chance meta? healing is part of getting second chance so the killer making healing as difficult is time efficient for the killer. is slowing down healing is now unfair? I mean there are... healing perks to mitigate effectiveness.

    I never said it is unfair. The only killer that you could argue that would be unfair to have perks that slowdown/prevent survivors from healing is Nurse. And by "healing meta" I'm talking about medkits, COH... What I said is: In the past, when that type of anti-heal build existed, it was boring, and bringing that back would be more balanced or at least less boring since survivors are focusing a lot on this healing meta, but having something like that is not the correct way to address that healing meta, and if one day that healing meta was gone then it would be just boring again.

    Either way, it would not solve the problem that Thanatophobia has, which is not adding any gameplay elements to the game.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,295

    it would not solve the problem that Thanatophobia has, which is not adding any gameplay elements to the game.

    I mean perks are meant to empower the killer to kill survivors or impair survivor from escaping. its cool if a perk adds another dimension to the game like boon perks, but most perks do not add dimensions to the game.

    I had to correct myself on original post, its not 15 seconds added. its 25 seconds added. my brain kept thinking 115 second gens is adding 15 seconds. my bad. still you really shouldn't be going to 4 stacks and repairing generators from 100->0 with it active at full force.