Listen Devs, gens are STILL being finished too fast!

How's a killer supposed to manage that?
I want to give a shout out to the Deathslinger in this match. I tried to give him a kill for that and he refused it.
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Thats hackers
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I'm not convinced. I think it's BNP's and Prove Thyself.
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That is what happens when you nerf Ruin
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Are you joking? (it's hard to tell on these forums). It's obviously hackers.
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Yes. People have been talking about hackers being worse since the patch. I wanted to draw attention to it and say thanks to the Deathslinger that was chill about it and refused to kill me.
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Better git gud in patrolling gens
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That's an efficient survivor with a Commodious/BNP and Sprint Burst
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Not really, Prove Thyself coupled with Deja Vu can manage that easy.
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Rough game - Deathslinger has always had weak gen pressure.
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lol thx.
Yeah I've already encountered a flying Blight that (Prestige 100) slugged everyone on the map in 20 seconds.
Don't really know the appeal of that. If I were a hacker I'd be working on something lucrative, but different strokes for different folks I guess.
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You had me going until I watch the vid.
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5 out of 5 gens have been completed in every game I've played so far.
Between 1 to 2 gens are finished before the first hook, every game.
+10 seconds is not the end-all-doomsday survivors like to believe it is.
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Watch the video I linked when you get a chance.
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Ah, yes, I especially like the hacker's name, very creative !
Also, keeping the 20+ seconds of loading screen in the clip somehow made it even better.
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I debated on cutting it out but it felt like something was missing lol
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Thank god i gived a break on this game... Things don t Change about gen rush... Devs give a second chance to survivors with enduring etc etc... I quit having faith on them... Once again drinking while reworking perks is not a good option xD
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Skill issue, should've pressured the gens better.
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Thing is, extending of Gen time make camping more effective, the cooldown buff also make it really hard to unhook against camper, its pretty much exchange hook
It makes survivors feel like they have to rush Gen harder incase they face a camper.
Only if Devs force Killers to spread hooks on survivor, as the first survivor dies at killers' 7-9 hooks, they could extend survivors' objective.
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Devs you mean BHVR ?! The Ones who is killing the game ?! No way !
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Try some gen regression perks. Don't thank me.
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Saw the same thing in Tofu's stream last night. Match started and the gens finished with the gates open in 20 seconds.
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Alright, when I saw the clip was 29 seconds I was like "Damn, time to do the math to see if this is even theoretically possible and how it might have happened, 4 BNPs maybe?", but then I saw over half the clip was loading + start-of-match-spin.
Final diagnosis: they just had top of the line gaming toothpaste and gaming hair gel, unlucky 😔
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Watch the clip.
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I just want to explain why Survivors have to rush Gen harder after the patch. Its guarantee 3K if Camper get a down before 3-4 Gens done. And 2K if Camper get a down after 3 Gens done, with Noed
Game design's flaw.
Post edited by C3Tooth on3 -
It's pretty terrible for stealthers. They need some love, at least ghostface does. Super easy to reveal, so he's just running from gen to gen without much ability to use his power. That comes down to individual weaker killers needing some love, but buffing killers as a whole more isn't the answer, I don't believe.
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They are not Killing the game this patch was very healthy for it besides some over nerfs or just plain strange ones that don't make sense but overall it's a good patch.
SoloQ will take more time to buff because they have to be careful because anything they buff SoloQ SWFs will get buffed as well.
Camping and tunneling is another touchy issue that will take time because both are valid strats if used at the right time but not when it's tunnel at 5 gens or face camp at 5 gens etc. You can Nerf or Punish camping and tunneling of the toxic Killers without doing the same to those who use them when they are supposed to.
Maps will take ALOT of work to fix thier issues
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Had one of these games too awhile ago, at least your camera had finished spinning, mine was still going while they all popped around me lol
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These aren't hackers. There are your typical cheating waste of carbon.
Side note : there isn't much money to be made as a "hacker" though, legally I mean.
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The sad part is that the stupid broken ######### in this game is so broken its hard to tell if someone is hacking or not
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In reality gens can still go fast, on a average it's better though.
Just a shame so many survivors are throwing and not trying
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We are in 2022 son... The game was release in 2016... Since 6 years that we don t see good changes overall... Only content after content after content... And they still having Issues with hitboxes, stupid corners that block the Killer way but survivors can pass through... After this last Patch the gens are still doing to fast... And BHVR after this 6 years didn t understand that the objective of the survivors is way Faster than the Killer objective... Its 4 heads vs 1 the Nerfs on survivors wasn t enough... Dead hard was a pain in the ass yes i agree However i prefer to face 4 survivors with DH and make those gens not been done so fast... Its just sad that even with this Patch the games are done way to quickly... Even Friday the 13th a game that is already Dead like a long time it stills more fun than a trial of 5-10 minutes in DBD... Just sad... XD
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Cheaters are taking steamers games hostage for hours on twitch.
BHVR seems to be not doing anything to prevent it.
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They can t fix their own game so, what makes you think they will do something about streamers taking hostage xD
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YES ! Gens should take 180 minutes to finish and should be blocked for 3 hours. Survivors should be locked in place with crows over their heads and constant notifications for 60 minutes ! really !
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Well they're using cheats that someone obviously figured out, right?
But yeah. I know there are no legal ways for hackers to make money. There are lots of illegal ways tho (before the post memory hole, Mods. I'm not condoning it or saying it's a good thing- )
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its sad to the point where you will lose if you dont bring thana and COB. even sometimes that does not even help
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I don't think it is the actual hacker that runs the hack. The hacker sells it at a large price to players who want to pay. Lucrative + insidious.
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There are very legal ways. The most common one being bounties. A "hacker" (that terms covers so much nowadays) will spend time trying to find a vulnerability, under some strict context, and depending on what he finds will get a recompense ranging from $50 to $10000 (or more, this is just a common example)
The trick is that the bounty depends on the threat AND on the demonstration and documentation of said threat. Low hanging fruits will net you virtually nothing. Documenting critical flaws grants you a "jackpot". It's a pretty common occupation in countries where that is considered a lot of money (for the amount of work required). But the set of skill required by that occupation usually allows to get a good position in a more traditional setup with much better conditions.
(moving on ...)
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So many people commenting without watching the clip…. 🤦♂️
The clip is all five gens being done and the doors being opened and the hacker escaping literally one second after the match starts.
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Hackers? The survivors were obviously just so efficient they were able to start generators prior to even being placed in a match making lobby. Don't knock skilled plays bro.
Post edited by TheSubstitute on1 -
I read the title and saw the first 2 comments, raised a eyebrow and thought “what on Earth are they talking about”
then I actually saw the clip and wondered how in the name of Christ have BHVR not implemented basic server checks to stop stuff like this happening
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Yes, I agree. As killer I feel the generators are still powering on much too quick.