Lots of nurses this update eh?

I have noticed around 80% of my matches as survivor are against a nurse, with this exact build: Star Struck, Agitation, Floods of Rage and Pain Resonance, they also use the best range add on paired with the best recharge addon (her best addons).
Before this update I found myself rarely going against a nurse, but after this update which caters to killers people have seemed to go to nurse for some odd reason.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going against nurses (That are not god like where a survivor cannot last more than 2 sets of blinks). But I also enjoy going against the other killers!
Does anyone have any clue as to why this is occurring?
They’re copying the build Alf uses for his win streak.
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I can't speak for everyone, obviously, but when I played nurse before the last patch, I struggled with DH and Iron Will. With those two perks pretty much gone, there's not much the average survivor can do against the average nurse. The new DH doesn't seem to work properly either. I think the perk has potential, but often I get the feeling that the input is not processed fast enough.
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Yes. Why is this? 80% is an obvious exaggeration and only detracts from the observation, but there are so many more nurses than previously. The only killer I disconnect against. It's just pointless to keep playing after you hear that screech.
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Why not? Welp, if you're starting playing killer or you can't play DBD without losing a game because you can only have fun when winning, just play Nurse now.
She's OP asf, needs poor practice and with 6.1.0 patch came out, you have all the time you want... you can also afford to camp so...
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80% was not an exaggeration. After getting a but load of nurses yesterday I decided to see how many out of around 20 games I would get. 18 out of 23 were nurses, which is 78. 26%. I rounded it up to 80
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How? Were they good or bad?
I saw a couple of Nurses, total. One beginner and one a bit more decent.
I wish the speed boost feature of the range addons was removed.
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The guy who lowers his MMR as AFK wraith, I'm sure they do.....
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Majority were moderately skilled, 1 or 2 absolute noobs. And a few were cracked
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Nurse has never been easier.
They smoothed out the bugs. She plays smoothly.
No dh
Hype with alf
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Where do you get this from?
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I remember the time when I would see nurse maybe once a month. Now it's at least once every 3-5 games
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I have to agree she is easier to use now.
If the speed boost was removed from range, she would become way harder for many.
I wonder if it was a bunch of Nurse main asking for it. Would it have some effect?
I think I know why that boost exists. It's possible that the way they've fixed her, they simply cannot do it another way.
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I dont mean the add ons.
You can attack straight out of a blink now.
Its much easier to chain blinks because the blink bug is gone.
Its way more intuitive to play her now. Its like they sent her to a workshop and the workshop said screw it we cant fix your old junk, here is a brand new and upgraded version, enjoy it.
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Gotta love how every nurse I've gone against tonight has switched to the bugged gen regression combo, because of course they are lol
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removing the double stun on nurse from dropping a pallet was a mistake
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When survivors are properly matched, matches are pretty fair.
It's when the MMR craps out it becomes an issue.
I've noticed more groups (not specifically SWFs) who were able to do very good anti-Nurse jukes. Maybe if there are more Nurses at the moment, they got some experience and are becoming better at versing her.
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Yeah less and less people just hold W in a straight line and expect it to work. Its nice.
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"The only killer I disconnect against. It's just pointless to keep playing after you hear that screech."
Here is the legendary courage of the survivors in Dead by Daylight ... everything is explained 😁
"She's OP asf, needs poor practice and with 6.1.0 patch came out, you have all the time you want..."
Ok, so I invite you, since you don't seem to play nurse, to show us about 50 games where you "take your time" and still do 4K 😁
Of course, it has to be against experienced survivors, if you fall against survivors who can't play, it's too easy.
That's why it makes me laugh to see some players come in and complain every week that the bad nurse is too strong, without wondering if the problem might be 1) that they are just bad against her and 2) that they are not on a coordinated team.But hey ... too much ego, I guess.
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Yes. I get her alot. Did otz reveal the secret of her being easy or something? Everyone is playing her like crazy
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Probably SupaAlf hype. He got 300 win streak or something
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Uhm no, not really for me. I had the same amount of nurses with sweaty builds many weeks before this update.
Nothing changed, just the gens take longer in nurse games, same obnoxious experience like it always was
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Why do you need to get in a dig at "survivors" as a general class of player? I hate how idiotically tribal this games's community is. It's the worst part about it.
As I've posted before, I play 70/30 killer and survivor. The issues surrounding nurse are obvious to anyone regardless of biases.
Imagine I fake a vault at a window. The nurse overblinks and lands on the other side of the structure. For any other killer this category of mistake will extend the chase a great deal. Nurse? Nah, she just hits her second blink and hits me anyway. The entire counterplay to her is breaking line of sight and moving weird. It's not engaging, it's not enjoyable and it doesn't make me feel like I'm getting the upper hand on my opponent, it just feels like they're guessing wrong until they don't.
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I went from not facing Nurse at all for the past six months to facing Nurse every other game...
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Yeah the goal isn't just to 4k anymore, it's to 4k with 0-1 gens done.
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Think I've ran into 1 nurse.
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What is there to say? If you know how to play her, it's a guaranteed win specially if you go against solos
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Think I've ran into 1 nurse.
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indeed my dc bottom is on fire
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You're right, I misspoke. Generalizing is absolutely irrelevant, I totally agree! My fault ! 😣
There are survivors who are great, others who are terrible.
There are killers who are great, others who are infamous.
(I'm talking about the people playing, not the characters)
Your example of the window is very interesting, and precisely, if you manage to brain her in this kind of situation, it may not mean that you have completely destroyed her mentally, but it still means that she will have made an error in judgment, and that in the end, it will have allowed you to escape! ☺️
And in the end, yes, you will have been stronger than her, because the succession of actions you will have done will have led to the defeat of her two tp 🤗
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Yeah it's either sit in killer queue for long minutes or play against nurse/blight all day, all the nurse I played against also hard camp it's pathetic, balance your game it's boring as hell
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Have seen few one was new but our team died. I had chase with her in the end juking her 2 minutes until she eventually got me. Then had also good nurse using stratruck and she one shotted everyone with it. We were bit unlucky she downed kate in first 5s of the match who had no mither and we all spawned together so then she slugged everyone under 1 min.
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Thank you so much for being civil and attempting to see my point. I'll try to good about little success in my future games vs her. Can't DC every game.
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Yep over half my matches have been against nurse the last couple of days. So killers across the board get a buff and we see more of the most frustrating killers. Cool.
In other news, screw all this lol. Not gonna waste time on this crap since I got my ps5 finally. Peace out.
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Reports of 0 Gens Finished 4ks are wildly exaggerated.
A 10% buff to kicking pallets doesn't remove the 30 pallets on every map that M1 killers have to slog through, nor does a 2.5% regression kick stop 40% of survivor gens popping by the first hook state.
Nurse is really good for those who can use her right and most of the rest of the cast still sucks super hard. And unlike half the killer cast, she hasn't been nerfed into uselessness.
If you can play nurse well, why would you bother with anyone else?
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Anyway. Nurse is absolutely braindead and was already proven to take little to no skill to catch on to. Yet still manages to make you play an entirely different game than you do with every other killer. She's an absolute joke. Lets also take into account how janky most "Hits" are. So you have people who just wildly blink around and start swinging into the breeze and connecting hits when they aren't confident. But gradually, even in matches, you can start to see them get the hang of it. Because again, it takes no time at all
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You... you didn't know that breaking a pallet removes 100% of your bloodlust, did you? Or using your killer power? Or being out of line of sight for a few seconds? Or getting stunned? Much less that spending a full minute to get up to BL3 means you'd need every game to go for 10+ minutes without the survivors finishing all five gens completely unmolested? Hoo boy.
PROVEN to take little to no skill! Oh, well, if somebody proved it then I guess that's that.
Maybe consider playing even one single match as Nurse (or really, any killer) before you embarrass yourself.
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From my experience, there was a sudden uptick/surge prior to this update. I want to say this is the “graduating class of 2022” for players who put in the time to learn how to play her & be effective with her. But you’re correct in noticing there are more now. Same for me as well. I’m getting them back to back more frequently and they all have her best add-ons (feels like every f’n killer does TBH), with Agitation, Starstruck, Infectous, and a Scourge Hook. Very frustrating to play against.
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We've seen dozens of reports of tunneling & camping running rampant since the update.
A significant number of players have expressed their frustrations as a result.
When players feel stripped of their agency (as will happen when the victim or camping/tunneling), they look for a way to take back their agency. For some, this may come in the form of playing killer and doing to others what has been done to them.
Thus spawns the vicious cycle of shameless nurses running broken builds, playing like their life depends on a 4k.
I don't want to make assumptions about what percent of the community does this, but I can assure you it is contributing to the trend.