Came back after couple months gone and not happy

420WEED420 Member Posts: 14
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

I do not like the new perk system they have set up. I wouldn't care that much if I at least got to keep the perks I earned from thousands of hours of playtime. Even perks I bought in the shrine are gone #########. Don't even get any compensation for losing every perk I bought in the shrine? Do you know how many thousands of iridescent shards that is? I unlocked all the good survivor perks but out of 100 games 97 I play as killer so literally every single perk from survivors are gone. I have 0 survivor perks unlocked. None. Zero. Zilch. I played killer so many thousands of hours I'm not really missing much as most my killers are already prestige 3+ anyway but there's some I'm missing. Most notably corrupt intervention. I've seen people say it cost less then how it used to be or some bs that is 100% not true. Before you unlocked it at level 30. Not only do I have to get to level 50 but they moved it from the 1st unlock to the 2nd unlock so NOW I have to get her to level 50 twice to unlock it. I could put up with everything I just said if I actually got compensated for literally taking perks I earned or bought away. Do you know how hard it was for me to earn iridescent shards? I probably have 5k+ hours and have 21k shards. That's it. After thousands and thousands of hours. That should tell you how many perks I bought with iridescent shards and all of that is just gone. On a lesser scale bloodpoints also but those are easier to earn. Plus I'd have max bp's if you tried compensating me for all the perks I lost. Like I said I lost every single survivor perk I had. Probably 20+ perks. The devs obviously don't value customers time at all. Not only have to grind 2 times for the same perks, this new system is going to take twice as long to get em. Thinking about just not playing anymore. Same ######### with no cross-platform saves. I have at least 1 outfit for every single killer and like I said most are already prestige 3+ but if I want to play the game on steam I have to start all over from the beginning. After 10 years you can't add progression carryover? This is why I say devs don't respect your time. They want you to grind for the things you already unlocked again. They want you to play the game on different platforms so you can buy the same outfit multiple times. Whatever keeps the player playing longer or spending more money is a good thing right? The only thing that coulda made this worse is if you bought iridescent shards with real money like they were auric cells. I don't even know why I'm posting this, like I said I'm probably done. I'm not going to grind again for something I already grinded to unlock a long time ago. It would probably take me 1000+ hours just to get half the perks I had for my survivors probably a lot longer. This game isn't in beta. You shouldn't be able to lose your progress.
