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General Discussions

My personal experience with SOLO Q survivor after the patch (STATISTICS)

So since the patch dropped I started keeping track of my matches to see how my MMR would adjust based on how I used to play before the perk changes and killer buffs.

Some additional information about me (for context): I'm a survivor main with 2.2k hours, I play solo most of the time tho I also used to SWF a bit with either a full stack of premade teammates or duoing with a friend sometimes.

My build consists of sprint burst, vigil, Boon CoH and another perk I feel like bringing. Sometimes it's botany knowledge,sometimes soul guard,unbreakable or windows of opportunity to keep track of which pallets my solo mates have already wasted.

In an excel sheet I kept track of how many gens were done, how many kills the killer had and how many gens were still remaining. There is also additional information provided, so sometimes it's obvious when all survivors die at 5 gens remaining; for example a teammate DCing or throwing the game on purpose. I didn't keep track of the hook count because I felt like it was too much, but if a killer hardcore camped (which in my opinion is camping at 4-5 gens; when a killer camps in EGC that's fair enough or if he camps to secure a kill - no issue with that whatsoever) I wrote it down. *note: the annotation "new killer" means that the killer had 200 hours or less in game and IMO shouldn't be facing survivors with over 2k hours*

Same goes for hardcore tunneling if a killer went for the survivor with the most hook states at 4-5 gens (and only at 4-5 gens remaining!), I wrote it down. I also noted the maps we were playing on and the killers we were facing.

In conclusion, my matches started getting better roughly 2 days into me playing. At first nobody really did gens and the killers 4k-ed every match. After that there has been a period of rage quitting/DCing/suiciding on hook or throwing the games in general.

The last few matches went pretty well.

I'm curious to see what your matches have been like and if you've experienced the same when playing solo. Have matches gotten better/worse? Were your teammates throwing? Did killers tunnel and camp more often compared to the pre-patch games?


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