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Remove AngryPug Cosmetic

Member Posts: 509

This guy is a bigger griefer and toxic ######### than OchiDO. Why did BHVR reward him with a cosmetic? He should be banned and his cosmetic should be deleted from the game.

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  • Member Posts: 615

    Because publicity.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 764

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    You realize he had a cosmetic before the pack right?

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    You realize he had a cosmetic before the pack right?

    Nah I just thought it was part of the charity drive.

  • Member Posts: 764

    @Might_Oakk said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    You realize he had a cosmetic before the pack right?

    Nah I just thought it was part of the charity drive.

    AngryPug, Noob3, Diatech, SexyHexy(Hexy now), AdmiralBahroo, and quite a few other streamers had exclusive cosmetics. Common versions were just added into the charity pack with extras like Ohmwrecker, and Marth88.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    You realize he had a cosmetic before the pack right?

    Nah I just thought it was part of the charity drive.

    AngryPug, Noob3, Diatech, SexyHexy(Hexy now), AdmiralBahroo, and quite a few other streamers had exclusive cosmetics. Common versions were just added into the charity pack with extras like Ohmwrecker, and Marth88.

    Ahh kk thanks for info +1

  • Member Posts: 764

    @Might_Oakk said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    You realize he had a cosmetic before the pack right?

    Nah I just thought it was part of the charity drive.

    AngryPug, Noob3, Diatech, SexyHexy(Hexy now), AdmiralBahroo, and quite a few other streamers had exclusive cosmetics. Common versions were just added into the charity pack with extras like Ohmwrecker, and Marth88.

    Ahh kk thanks for info +1

    Np. If you ever hear them talking about, "No more exclusives." It generally means that, and no more at cons, iirc. I think it's mostly referring to community members though. Could be wrong about that though.

  • Member Posts: 30

    He doesn't do it to hurt someones feeling tho its what they might feel like on the killers side he does it because its fun for him.
    that doesnt mean I agree with what he is doing but thats no reason to remove the cosmetic

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    Your posts are ez reddit karma.  Poor guy.  
  • Member Posts: 163

    I like Pug tbh and I'm a killer main.
    Takes no crap, does what he wants, is good at juking/looping and always entertaining.
    He doesn't use DS, plays solo, and his old days where he would "Ha'Du" the killer to death are long gone.
    I like his scary game night and BBB night too, infact if anyone is ever in his chat and recognises my name be sure to say hi!

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2018
    Pug is the Most entertaning dbd streamer on twitch hands down 
  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Because of his fake laugh, that's why its in the game

  • Member Posts: 14

    He plays within the rules of the game, hardly a reason to remove his cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @RemoveSWF said:
    This guy is a bigger griefer and toxic ######### than OchiDO. Why did BHVR reward him with a cosmetic? He should be banned and his cosmetic should be deleted from the game.

    Promoting toxicity means more money for DBD
    Any survivor wearing his shirt will regret it in my games though :wink:

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tills said:
    He plays within the rules of the game, hardly a reason to remove his cosmetics

    He sandbags regularly and even uses exploits, I watched him 2 hours and there were 3 bannable offenses made. (he even got banned at some point as I heard)

  • Member Posts: 493

    Yesterday I was watching his stream and he was playing a killer match. After getting all 4 of them I he said "You guys like beeing toxic little ######### ants? Thats what you get for beeing fuckboys"

    Says the biggest teabagging toxic ant of the community.

  • Member Posts: 14

    @Shadoureon said:
    Yesterday I was watching his stream and he was playing a killer match. After getting all 4 of them I he said "You guys like beeing toxic little ######### ants? Thats what you get for beeing fuckboys"

    Says the biggest teabagging toxic ant of the community.

    so he played the game and got them? right.... sounds awfully toxic /s

  • Member Posts: 493

    @Tills said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Yesterday I was watching his stream and he was playing a killer match. After getting all 4 of them I he said "You guys like beeing toxic little ######### ants? Thats what you get for beeing fuckboys"

    Says the biggest teabagging toxic ant of the community.

    so he played the game and got them? right.... sounds awfully toxic /s

    Yeah calling him toxic I was clearly mentioning his killer games... Hes a survivor main that taunts killers non stop. You would know if you watched any of his streams. He of all people has no right to call other people toxic.

  • Member Posts: 242

    He is cool because he doesn't roll with DS like oshito and the other survivor streamers. As someone else mentioned he also plays solo all the time and you don't need to hear him and some white knights in voice comms trying to flirt with the only gal that joins their discord. He is toxic but at least he plays fair.

    The only thing I wish he would do is stop babyrage disconnecting. "Oh that hillbilly is guarding his totem! I am not playing a game like this!"

  • Member Posts: 4
    Caretaker said:

    AngryPug, Noob3, Diatech, SexyHexy(Hexy now), AdmiralBahroo, and quite a few other streamers had exclusive cosmetics. Common versions were just added into the charity pack with extras like Ohmwrecker, and Marth88.

    No0b3 doesn't have his own cosmetic. He wears Diatech's.
  • Member Posts: 415

    @Shadoureon said:
    Yesterday I was watching his stream and he was playing a killer match. After getting all 4 of them I he said "You guys like beeing toxic little ######### ants? Thats what you get for beeing fuckboys"

    Says the biggest teabagging toxic ant of the community.

    It is funny when he plays killer, he will say things while playing survivor ''Killer isn't hard, people just ######### all the time blah blah'' 15 minutes later, getting his ass handed to him at rank 15 killer ''I'm trying guys, this is hard!!''

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    He's not as toxic as OchidO. He's just a random drunkard. I'm not sure why he got so much success. All he does is drink, teabag and fail.

  • Member Posts: 138

    I don't find him toxic every time I see him he doesn't use DS or a flashlight, but Ochido will forever be the biggest scum bag in dbd he promotes toxicity and loves seeing killers rage quit.That's why most of the community is toxic because of him angrypug though isn't toxic like him so stop complaining there will always be toxic players.

  • Member Posts: 535

    @Might_Oakk said:
    BHVR didn't reward him with a cosmetic. It was to raise money for charity. He has a large viewer base so his fans will have contributed to the charitable cause.

    Your personal dislike for someone is no reason for the Brain injury Foundation (I think that was the charity) to receive less funding.

    Angry Pug's cosmetic wasn't created for the charity case. He had his cosmetic because when DbD first came out and was building a community he was a big streamer who streamed the game regularly.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Pug banned me about 3 days after I ever knew he existed.

    On a Friday I think. Anyway, he was talking about how the night sucked (or felt weird). He was talking about money and the fact he only does Twitch for the money (which I actually respected him for...I mean, he's honest), than said the money wasn't important, asked the room to stop tipping. 20 minutes later he said start tipping again. 30 more minutes later he said the night didn't have enough energy, but money equals energy...not his words, but you get the point.

    This is what got me banned:

    "You're in it for the money, stop tipping, night needs energy, money is energy....I'm so confused".

    It was like the 5th thing I'd ever said in his chat. Hilarious!

    In the end, I had a few people DM me telling me it's usually anything goes on Fridays and AP has been known to ban 2 year supporters for less than that. My hats off to him if he can find success treating people like really. If that's what people want, anyone would be foolish to not give it to them.

  • Member Posts: 45

    come on dude just be happy!!!!

  • Member Posts: 415

    @FSB75 said:
    Pug banned me about 3 days after I ever knew he existed.

    On a Friday I think. Anyway, he was talking about how the night sucked (or felt weird). He was talking about money and the fact he only does Twitch for the money (which I actually respected him for...I mean, he's honest), than said the money wasn't important, asked the room to stop tipping. 20 minutes later he said start tipping again. 30 more minutes later he said the night didn't have enough energy, but money equals energy...not his words, but you get the point.

    This is what got me banned:

    "You're in it for the money, stop tipping, night needs energy, money is energy....I'm so confused".

    It was like the 5th thing I'd ever said in his chat. Hilarious!

    In the end, I had a few people DM me telling me it's usually anything goes on Fridays and AP has been known to ban 2 year supporters for less than that. My hats off to him if he can find success treating people like really. If that's what people want, anyone would be foolish to not give it to them.

    Yup I got banned and was a sub. He was ######### talking about how being killer is EZ, got his ass wrecked. I said ''Talked a big game not less than an hour ago and just got wrecked'' It was something like that.

    I was banned

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    Dedicating a patch to removing a cosmetic that doesn’t effect you, is one of the most petty and pathetic waste of resources I’ve seen. Not to mention spaghetti code, so removing it will mess something else up. What’s the point? Honestly?

  • Member Posts: 128

    Yesterday I was watching his stream and he was playing a killer match. After getting all 4 of them I he said "You guys like beeing toxic little ######### ants? Thats what you get for beeing fuckboys"

    Says the biggest teabagging toxic ant of the community.

    I saw him friday night make fun of someone in the air force that donated $3. He said he could keep his happy meal money. Unsubbed
  • Member Posts: 1,495
    edited June 2018

    @Wicked_Django said:
    I saw him friday night make fun of someone in the air force that donated $3. He said he could keep his happy meal money. Unsubbed

    I wish Happy Meals were $3 here.

  • Member Posts: 30
    Since when everyone started being a small precious snowflake? What is it with everyone that thinks crouching then standing up is offensive xD . You can't ignore them or what? Besides nobody cares what AngryPug has to say he is just angry all the time. Ignorance is bliss. 

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