Leatherface needs power restrictions

Obelt Member Posts: 357
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Like dredge and many other killers they cant use there powers near hooks and basement when people are on it and this would be a extremely healthy change if leatherface had this as well

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,412

    Bird Lady can't place crows near hook, well it actually F up the gameplay, but I wouldn't mind something similar for bubba.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    This has long been my suggestion, let him chainsaw, but have it go into cooldown after the first down.

    More realistic, too - it's not a lightsaber, you're not going to just sweep through human bodies with ease

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    I'm telling you, all they need to do is put in something that can completely drain your emblem blood points and you'll see how fast camping stops. Simple area of effect situation.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    The fact that someone can do that and it's allowed is just crazy to me. Why is this okay in a competitive ranked game? Unless you can bring a add-on as survivor that lets you do 3 gens in a row within a span of 10 seconds or so if done correctly - this shouldn't be allowed IMO. I agree that as soon as he downs someone, he has a tantrum and he is back to square one. I would argue his power is the same as the old brand new part where you could finish a gen within seconds. But they nerfed that, why not this?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited July 2022

    Since when was this a competitive ranked game?

    The game has never had ranks. Even when it had 'ranks' those weren't ranks.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    They why does it have an MMR system if it's for funsies? If it's not a ranked game - then it would match you with anyone. I mean I think it might, it does feel like MMR is broken. But this is a rank based game.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    Because it's not for funsies when pros demolish potatoes.

    MMR only exists to give newbies some breathing room. It's not a rank system.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    The fact that bubba can travel the map with his power on is ridiculous. To be honest, I don't remember him capable of that before or I'm just old and my memory fails me

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    It's his add ons, one of which is a meme add on.

    Iridescent Flesh: recharges all charges when you hit someone.

    Speed Limiter: makes chainsaw non-lethal (so you get more hits to chain)

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    But wasn't his power changed the last couple of years? I have a vague memory of something like that

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    You literally just described a ranking system for an online video game lol am I taking crazy pills? It's a 4 VS 1, so it's competitive right? The game ranks you based on how many kills/exits you have. So it's ranked right? If you put two and two together what do you get? Competitive ranking. Or am I being trolled here lol I honestly don't know.

  • jmoyano92
    jmoyano92 Member Posts: 82

    Bubba is fine.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Recently in another thread I had a back and forth with someone and the idea we seemed to settle on that I liked was two changes done together

    • Halt the hook timer if the killer is within X meters of the hook. So long as X is carefully chosen you can make it so actual face camping (including Bubba) doesn’t work since they’d have to move far enough away to get the timer going to allow for a safer rescue attempt, but still allow for a killer to go to relatively nearby gens and have the timer ticking down to force survivors to do the rescue when the killer isn’t in the vicinity.
    • Have an internal game timer where if no scoring events happen for, say, 5 minutes then the game either ends in a draw or goes into endgame collapse to end the stalemate. This change not only addresses endgame stalemates and bodyblocking in corner abuses but also goes with the hook timer change above to prevent a killer from intentionally keeping survivors on a hook indefinitely.

    The main trick above is selecting that distance X. If it’s too short then it becomes ineffective, and if it’s too large then it makes it too easy for survivors to simply ignore the person on hook for a long time. So maybe something like 20 meters, which is a little under a 5 second walk for the killer to reach the hook and also far enough that they will have a bit more trouble keeping line of sight on it? Hard to say because you also have to factor in multilevel maps having wonky distance calculations for hook distances and you wouldn’t want the system to be busted on those maps.

    On a side note this change would also be in line with perks like Devour Hope, Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine and Make Your Choice which all have trigger requirements based on the killer being a good distance away. Basically it’s just applying the logic for those perks of giving incentive to move at least 20+ meters from a hook to the base game itself.

    A variant could also be that while the killer is within 20 meters of a hooked survivor the timer takes 90-120 seconds to reach a new stage but if the killer is beyond that range it takes 50-55 seconds to reach a stage. That way the timer is always ticking down but it much, much slower if the killer hovers around the hook. With this you wouldn’t necessarily need the sudden death timer, although the sudden death timer is still useful in other situations regardless.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Bubba is not a high tier killer. In areas where there is a lot of windows he might as well not have a power at all if he isn't using Bamboozle. His strength in unhooking scenarios was nerfed with 6.1.0 as now any survivor can run up and usually trade hooks thanks to base kit BT.

    You complain as if you can't get that unhook and have both survivors get away.

    Well you can. And it only takes one perk: Off the Record. A healthy survivor with Endurance from OTR can unhook and Bubba saws both survivors and both turn white and run away. Yes it's hard and yes sometimes Bubba will get 2 chainsaw hits on one of the survivors, but it is an option. If Bubba can't use his power near the hook survivors can just run up and save in his face without fear as long as they can avoid getting grabbed.

    If you take away Bubba's strength in the unhooking scenario by making his chainsaw not function within 5 metres or more of a hooked survivor, he is no longer a killer to be feared. He would become a laughing stock and the worst killer in the game. Survivors would point and teabag at him all match long every match as if he were a toothless old lion.

  • tamsmi
    tamsmi Member Posts: 30

    you clearly dont know how OTR works..... unhooking is a conspicuous action so endurance is deactivated upon unhooking someone

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063
    edited July 2022

    Alternatively, make it so only the first hit is a one-shot down, prioritizing healthy Survivors if there's both injured and healthy survivors, and otherwise injuring or Deep Wounding anyone else he hits.

    Allows the Chainsaw to still do damage to multiple people while drastically limiting the camping power.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I know how it works, I just forgot that detail.

    Some of my greatest memories in DbD are from times when I managed to pull off getting a save from a camping Bubba in DbD. Yes there are a lot of times when it didn't turn out well for me and they were frustrating, but that's not unusual in DbD. But when you pull off a miracle play with a pair of tightly clenched cheeks... that's why I continue to play DbD.