So why did we,add to the grind,at all again?

The decision to make the act of prestige cost BPs is still immenslly bizzare to me and I do not understand it. What the hell was going through the mind of the devs here? Anyone have any thoughts on why would they add this at all?
Because... reasons...
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I would never in my dreams think of adding prestige tax during grind reduction operation.
And I still cannot believe it
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I wouldn't have been mad about paying BP to prestige if it wasn't for the fact that you now have to finish the 50th bloodweb to get to the prestige page.
They made it more tedious to prestige and pointless to prestige beyond 9
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Because devs wanted to increase the grind and that you can't never complete it now.
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Im more annoyed that all the perks i bought in the shrine are now tier 1 after paying for them already.
And i thought it was meant to be less of a grind.
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the problem i see is that you have to prestige once you finish lvl 50, because you dont get much high-value-items when you return to lvl 1 all the time. Its not even an option not to prestige.
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I never thought about that, it sucks. You really don't get anything of value until you're maybe up to level 30 again i think.
They are reworking the bloodweb stuff though right? or was that just a rumour?
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yeah they are but that's like
happening some time maybe idunno who knows
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Not sure what you mean.
If you bought a perk from the shrine it should automatically be unlocked at tier 1 on every character.
If you already had that perk at a higher tier on some characters they should have stayed at the higher tier. They shouldn't have reverted back to t1.
Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
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I mean yea that change is pretty random and weird but its not gonna put you into ruins does it? Idk there are other things to complain about than that...
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The bigger or higher grind, the more must each player spend playing the game to achieve the desired progress.
They've felt, like people .. Dunno, don't mind grinding at all? That'd be suitable as a reason for the change. Thing is, people have already complained about the grind, and it got much worse now.
New players will have to put in over three times as many hours to get bloody cosmetics on characters, not to mention to get all the desired perks!
What I don't understand is that people have been praising those changes. They've been happy for the announced changes, so the developers have decided to make them happy.. Somehow, they're unhappy with it now? Are people lazy to think nowadays, are they trying to troll the developers, or what?
There were numerous threads about it, and over 80% of responses were praising the upcoming changes (the Prestige Patch, which is already live), whereas only around one outta ten players have been complaining and claiming that it'd furthermore increase the grind.
I am happy that I don't get to lose items, add-ons, and offerings.. But as someone, who never uses them because they do cause balance issues (applies to Toolboxes and Realm offerings especially), this Patch was certainly not for me.
Give me the option to pay.. ~50 - 100 - 150k Bloodpoints per each tier of the desired perk.. But don't force me to go through all the useless items, add-ons, and offerings! I don't use them, why can't I, at least, sell them for half of what I've spent for them?!
Sometimes, you just wonder what could've been going on inside their heads while they were thinking about the next updates.. 😴
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You ever try to push for a policy change at work, but someone higher up is completely resistant to change and insists on keeping it the way it was? And even when you do get approval to change it, it gets sabotaged from up above so it's not really different in any meaningful way? Seems like that's happening with the "grind reduction". Devs know it should be reduced or non-existent, but someone very important loves a stupid grind more than anything.
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Perks you buy in the shrine always show up at Tier 1 for the first time in Blood Webs. This isn't any different.
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Best way anyone ever tried to describe this situation ♥️
And I think it's the same that happened on other topics as well
*Looking at you, P3 "reward" 👀*
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The Grind is part of tbe business model
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You are welcome
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As someone who didn't prestige all my characters before the update (wasn't going to happen regardless), I can in fact say the grind is 10x worse. Especially for killer, which I didn't have everyone at level 50 or prestiged. Also, I've noticed I'm getting less bloodpoints than before, and I'm definitely not getting better add-ons even with those I've prestiged up to 4. I do like the new blood web system, but it still feels like forever getting perks unlocked to tier 3. I feel bad for new players just coming into the game because it will take a loooonng time to get all perks unlocked and tier 3. I mean, it's bad for me because I didn't have them all done anyways. But I did get a head start... I just agree. I don't see how they fixed the grind other than the entity taking over more quickly so it feels like you're leveling up quicker, when you're really not.
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My guess is that this was a 'two birds at once' idea.
The grind for perks will be shorter, overall.
However, you'll have less access to high tier addons.
I think BHVR wanted to reduce the number of purples and iris people run.
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There's always other, worse things to complain about. That's not an argument to not voice criticism.
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The makes sense if you only bought them once. It unlocks on level 1 for all relevant characters, which does reduce the grind if you cared about having the perk on multiple characters. If you don't, you likely already have it on tier 3 for the character(s) you care about and it affects nothing.
I also noticed that perks I bought after unlocking for bloodpoints showed up as tier 2 when other perks were 1 (ex: 1 green and 2 yellow perks on Trapper)
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whataboutism bad.
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I dunno,they said they will address the addon/node issue..
might be a reactionary move due to the community negative feedback though
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Muh bloodpoint economy
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Yeah, BHVR say...a lot of things. Many of which end up being postponed and then abandoned (cough status icons).
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tentatively scheduling a balanced patch for year 10
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That is true but sadly this doesnt apply to everything. Since this "issue" is rather known and many ppl agree on it it is fine to talk about it but I bet if I would make a thread about something simiular that is questionable no one would care at all about it xD
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Because of the "bP EcOnoMY"
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The goal was not really to reduce the grind, at least not for everyone. That is just the red herring; the real goal was to create a long term goal for players and also push their new matchmaking incentive system. THAT is why we needed to wait for the "grind reduction" when all they would have had to do was adjust bloodwebs slightly.
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It's gonna cost 200k BP for 10 Prestiges and 2 million for Prestige 100.
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I lost all my progress by mistake and decided to return to the game after the update and upgrade my characters again, all the characters are still hard to upgrade, and they also add a fee for prestige, what kind of nonsense is this
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bhvr style sense
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I was one of those people that had all my characters leveled to 40 just to get the teachables, then I mained one survivor… so now all my other survivors are screwed because teachables got removed. So if I want perks on another survivor, I have to go back to every level 40 survivor and prestige them.
im annoyed
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The fact that we are forced to prestige is stupid...many addons are in the higher ranks so we cant get them as easy now or if ever... this wasn't helpful.
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Prestige tax is fine I guess; you pay forthe teachables.
But the bloodwebs suck, I hate being level 1 when I want addons..
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Reward for a price I guess.
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Becasue the didn't actually want to reduce the grind they just wanna say they did.
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They didn't, they reduced it.
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Not since 6.1.0. When you buy a perk in the shrine it is immediately given to all characters at tier 1. Tiers 2 and 3 show up in bloodwebs after that. If you buy it twice in the shrine it is given to everyone at T2, and if you buy it a third time it is given to everyone at T3.
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Although they're reduced it, that's just the first part - Not the final result.
Yes, they've reduced the grind a bit, but they've also heavily decreased the bloodpoint gain. The change is so huge, that you'll barely get over ~33% of a level 50 bloodweb per a match, while it was still possible to get more than one level 50 bloodweb with past WGLF or BBQ.
In the end, this means a heavily increased grind with add-ons, offerings, and items of decreased quality aswell.
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They need us to play the game more, so they want the grind, but they also want to appear super nice, so they claim they reduce the grind while doing the exact opposite.
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Being forced to prestige is so trash. I'm barely getting anyyy iris :(
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Maybe, hear me out, it's intended. It's intended to cut down the number of iri's you get. Maybe it's intended to slow down how fast people get through the bloodweb. Maybe it's intended, to both give you what you want as well as control the economy.
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No, they aren't. Quite the opposite, in fact. If you leveled a character only enough to unlock a teachable, the teachable remains unlocked and the Tier 1 version is given to all characters who didn't already have it higher.
If you check a Survivor you barely touched they should have a lot more perks than you'd expect. The flip side is is you want all your characters to have perks in Tier 2 or 3, you'll have a bit more leveling to do, but you've otherwise gained more than you've lost in the update. Especially since the devs' made an effort to make sure you'd lose nothing you'd previously unlocked.
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I created the same post a few days ago. The devs are just ridiculously flawed at their job.
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I may have missed this, thank you for the info!
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Same reason they took away BP bonus from BBQ/WGLF. They know the grind keeps people playing so they had to offset much of the grind reduction that they bragged about to the community. For players like me, the grind is actually worse now. Thanks devs
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My favorite thing is them acknowledging that people didn't like it and instead of scrapping it they just lowered the amount.
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Thanks to starting over at 1 every time, it took me 1.5 million BP to get THREE iri addons. Instead of, like, 1 per web as it was before.
They REALLY didn't think this new system through, like at all.
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game should live so long....
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that is so dumb they really didn't reduce jack.
I think the dev want everyone to quit vets and new players...
dev must think we all dumb wow.