My Solo Q teammates have gotten worse.

The healthy ones hide too much, they aren’t as efficient, and for some reason people on death hook are going for saves, it make zero sense why some don’t have this knowledge, and the usual run away while I have We’ll Make It, how did some base changes make them this much worse?
I've run into this as well. Sometimes the people on death hook are going for saves though because the healthy one aren't trying for a save.
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Yeah this has always been in the game and until Skill based matchmaking gets rectified it’s going to continue to get worse. But that’s the thing though, when SBMM/ MMR goes live are we still going to see awful teammates? Are sweaty killers going to “hook” more rather then 2-4k with only 4 hooks by just tunneling and camping the survivors to death? This perk meta overhaul won’t really change on a competitive stand point of view, but buffing killers that have a very very very low skill ceiling against survivors that only have around 10-2000hrs which is a large amount of the player base is not a healthy approach.
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They know they're going to die anyway and just try to do some points ? best way to play solo q right now is for points not trying to escape, I do that too I refresh my boon 4 times for no reason
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That's probably a large part of the reason you're not escaping.
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Solo efficiency is definitely suffering right now, but I think you have to take into account most of the survivor base is going through a significant adjustment phase atm. It only makes sense the the level of play is going to take a step back for a while.
I think this is the primary reason why the games feel bad for many people right now, not because killer is OP and death is inevitable, but because a lot of people are re-learning.
It'll get better.
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I am genuinely starting to feel that we're just seeing survivors devastated by missing DH. We wouldn't notice all these shortcomings prior to the patch because we weren't seeing the same frequency in hook rates we are now. This is a game balanced very finely around the 4 v 1 -> 3 v 1 transition.
It appears survivors just collapse instantly if they can't extend their chases.
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Don’t forget hold forward has been nerfed as well and pre-dropping is slightly less effective. With hold forward and dead hard a bad looper could at least buy their team a good 30 seconds, maybe longer. Now you see people going down in less than 20 seconds.
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I'm sure it all adds up, I'm just not convinced any of those things would matter if DH was still pre-patch.
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There is also an influx of literal 10 hour players being fed to 2k+ hour killers so that doesn't help much.
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Solo in general has gone to hell. I mean a worse hell than what it was before.
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For me sometimes in solo queue I feel like I'm the one that has to go in for the saves or something despite being on deathhook because frankly I've lost faith in my teammates. If I saw that they haven't been doing anything, I'm not going to expect them to go for the save even if they're healthy. Been the one who died on hook way too many times because nobody went. The injured on deathhook people are probably also splitgenning when they're not going in for the save.