myers rework suggestion

So i havent seen a recent rework suggestion for Myers and i would like to suggest a somewhat reasonable rework that would bring him in line with other killers as most folks think Myers is the bottom of the barrel if its not meme related. i want to bring Myers back to the forefront of his core value being the stealthy boi he is.

so my suggestions for the rework are as follows

1.) Judith's tombstone: the point of the tombstone is to allow Myers to do a grab and kill animation to the survivors my suggestion is to change it to a cap of 2 survivors while maintaining the speed debuff and reduce your tier 3 down to tier 2.this will stop people from being cheeky with the perma tier 3 stab combo that tends to be abused in combos allowing for diverse addon plays. people who bring it tend to use it for a fast 4k and in some instances just to blow off steam from a previous match that didn't go their way i feel this slight nerf makes it somewhat fair and inline with my other suggestions to follow

2.) stalk rework: stalking for Myers takes way to long even if solid addons i feel Myers should stalk much faster but have a reduced base tier 3 time. his tier 3 currently last for 60 seconds as base i would suggest a base stalk increase of 25%-50% increase in exchange for 30 seconds since he already has addons to increase the time as is.

3.)fragrant tuft of hair: currently as it stand it takes 200% more stalk time to get a permanent tier 3. personally i feel with the increase to stalking speed suggested earlier u should have to fully stalk all 4 survivors to obtain permanent tier 3, which can be sped up with something like J.Myers memorial addon making it much more fair to obtain permanent tier 3

4.) tombstone piece: tombstone piece offers a quick and easy kill at the cost of your tier 3 status, my suggestion is remove the loss of tier 3 but reduce the ability to kill survivors to 1 kill then no longer works after that. i also think it should not be stackable with Judith's tombstone for obvious reasons stated in that section

5.) stealth rework: Myers is meant to be the king of stealth and i firmly believe that i feel Myers should remain undetectable in tier 2 but with the help of an addon say maybe a purple addon maybe replace vanity mirrors current ability with as follows: "evil within II reveals survivors auras within 8 meters, grants undetectable status while not in chase, increases terror radius by 8 meters while in chase, and increases time to reach evil within III by 100% for the 1st time

6.) nerf the stealth rework: imagine suggesting a buff then suggesting a nerf to what u just suggested right? well by nerfing the stealth rework i mean while using the addon to grant undetectable, perks that would not able able to sense killers in undetectable should be able to function like normal such as spine chill should be able to detect Myers when the normal activation requirements would apply, allowing for this type of buff to perks allows the perks to be more viable and more so since the rework giving these perks a chance to really shine, people wont know if they are going against a Myers so they would need to think carefully as to what perks they bring

7.) conclusion: overall i think Myers is a worthwhile killer who gets a bad rep because he has not gotten the tlc other killers have i believe that my suggestions for possible reworks allows him to have a better chance at thriving by allowing him to stalk much faster and putting him in line with other killers like ghost face who do the same job but much faster despite being 1 survivor at a time, and furthermore hush most of the folks who don't want to see more Myers cause of his instant moris they happen so very often.

by no means do i think this should be the finalization of a Myers rework but more a guideline suggestion for how the devs at behavior could work with Myers should they decide a rework is in order
