Is the game dying ?

Hi Guys , after the last update got to be honest the game really aren't fun anymore for survivors every game feels like "World Champ" and the sweat that you need to pull ( only with a swif otherwise you don't have a chance to escape) either one of the surv are gets tunneled because of DS nerf or disconnections.

will like to hear you thoughts.



  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I don't think I'll really get back into the game anytime soon.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    All the survivors that have stopped playing because of these changes will come back when they start to adjust some off the changes be it a nerf to some or a buff to others to see what's its like.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    ive stopped playing the game, im just going to wait & see how they handle Project W & the game moving forward. if its still a broken mess then yeaaah im out.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    I stopped playing a few days after the update. I'll hop on during events and maybe chapter releases, but overall I'm done with DBD until solo queue gets significant buffs. Survivor is just unbearable and from what I'm hearing about the killer queues it's not even worth trying to switch over lol.

    I doubt DBD is gonna die.

    A lot of solo queue players are leaving, but they'll either come back or be replaced by newcomers once the new RE chapter comes out. We'll see what happens after the honeymoon phase with Project W ends.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    I have exactly 50 friends on Steam who have played DBD in the past, of which 10 have played DBD in the past 2 weeks. Of those 10, 2 have played more than an hour a day over the past 14 days. I've played almost 50 hours these past 2 weeks but since the update I've played 2-3 hours a day. I'm looking forward to seeing the BP incentive in the game again as it feels like a slog atm.

    Feels less than usual, but people are on vacation and/or playing other games after burning out during the anniversary event.

  • Microchipd
    Microchipd Member Posts: 108

    I agree with you 100% i am still playing though but if project w isn't amazing i am out aswell

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Is it dying? Hardly. Are people gradually getting fed up with changes that make no sense? Yes, absolutely. I play in a 2-man SWF, sometimes 3, but we don't play sweaty. I assure you games are not by any means better. I just have reliable teammates. Against a killer that doesn't tunnel, we can sometimes make it out. At the very least we have fun because we've all had turns interacting with the killer and the objective.

  • LaMeR
    LaMeR Member Posts: 47

    according to steamcharts in last 30 days DBD has lost 10k players averagely

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Honestly, this game is doing extremely well for a 6 year old game. Plenty of other online games have come and gone in that time. I often look at Steamcharts, and I’ve seen lots of BIG games start strong and then quickly peter out. DBD keeps on keeping on.

    Yes, there are fluctuations in the player numbers (based on events, exciting chapters, etc.), but this game is absolutely not “dying” anytime soon.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Its not like there was a dbd event in the last 30 days or something like that...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    People have posted the game is dying for years, eventually they’ll be right I guess? 🤷‍♂️

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    If Omega blink Nurse and Circle of Healing did not kill this game, I don't think this update will. I'm fairly confident that the devs have more plans for the future, so things will change. This was the first time in a while it that it felt like they were actually listening, and I'm hopeful that they will continue to do so.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396
    edited July 2022

    6 years after the game release they still fixing hit boxes, invisible walls, wierd bugs, etc etc... And after 6 years they didn t realized yet that the game is 4 heads thinking against 1, and survivors objective is way more Faster and easy than Killers objective.. And devs (BHVR) didn t realized it yet... DH Nerf was the only huge good change they made since 6 years... But now they buff enduring to survivors... What make Killers to tunnel more and camp... So yes... The game is dying...

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Looking at steamcharts, player numbers haven't changed at all compare the week before or after the chat. Maybe even slightly increase two or three day after the patch. But really it didn't affect much in numbers.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    yeah but killer queues are oversaturated, if they fix matchmaking incentives and balance a few things it should be fine, hopefully next tuesday

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    The incentives will only help with matchmaking if the game is relatively balanced. Right now, solo-queue is hurting and no amount of incentives is going to get people to switch over to solo-queue.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited July 2022

    I know balance is pretty bad right now but I'm assuming that they're working on it, it could be wrong I don't know, my main problem is long killer queue right now and incentives can definitely help short term atleast

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,986

    Yes, Propnight killed the game, and then Evil Dead killed it too, and now VHS is gonna finish the job

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    I don't see the incentives fixing anything. They broke the grind with that update. They added an insane amount to that grind. Now you have to level 1-24 to get a single item or add-on you might actually want. 6-800,000 blood wasted every presitge! Then less than 25 items/add-ons you might actually want or need, and repeat!

    I hope that everyone with any amount of intelligence and a bit of willpower to stop their addiction will realize that the grind is horrendous, and stop participating in it.

    We need the option to NOT prestige.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 687

    Its simply because some people came for dbd anniversary event and that it

  • Neyar
    Neyar Member Posts: 65

    Even over the past week or so since the patch it's been dropping daily. There are three main peaks in player count every day, I'm assuming oceanic, EU, and NA each spike the count at their respective peak times.

    Last Wednesday was the biggest day since the patch for each of these, the highest was the first peak at a little over 55k. That same time period yesterday was 43k. Every region seems to be dropping daily since the patch launched, and each one is about 12k fewer players than a week ago.

    It's the game dead? Nah. But I think enough players are taking a healthy break to notice in the metrics, myself included. And I recommend a break as being healthier than taking out frustrations on other players, regardless of which role you queue into.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    Probably not, to be honest.

  • LordOfYggdrasil
    LordOfYggdrasil Member Posts: 13

    the games solid so it's gonna be around for awhile. biggest issues imo gotta be the community (like many games) + a stale meta along w heavy meta bandwagon means changes regardless of impact are gonna make the game feel diff, if not for you then your tm8s who also impact how your game goes. toxic killers have also always existed and they won't leave after tunneling and camping is addressed, your energy is gonna be better spent trying to enjoy games w annoying killers imo.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    Player numbers were decreasing until the anniversary event which boosted the numbers, things are just going back to normal.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    I don't think, that the game is dying.

    But it goes the same way as Deathgarden. The concept is ok, but it doesn't allow any flexibility. In my eyes, the devs can only adjust variables and the look. But the actual gameplay is set in stone from my point of view. And that quickly becomes boring with an imbalance of skills.

    With Deathgarden, it was intense. If a Hunter player had dominated the game, you almost never had a chance.

    The biggest advantage in Deathgarden was the flexible movement. You could move in three axes. In DBD, there are only two. Much too rigid.

    Sometimes I think that the game characters drive around the map in wheelchairs.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I don't think so. Still many players are playing but me and my friends no longer play as often we used to. Nowadays survivors have to play organized and efficient and killers are fine but when I was getting good results, it felt like I was doing well because of bad matchmaking and perks I'm using rather than I am good at killer or not. Which made me feel unchallenging. I will just wait next update and try other games for a while.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535


    ... maybe... someday, but not anytime soon.

    Steam Charts are only a part of the Playerbase and Forum opinions are not always the opinions of other players.

    Forums create bubbles of complaints where you sometimes think this is super important and in fact nobody really cares irl.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184
  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Dying? the name of the game is 'Dead' by Daylight.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Been dying since 2016, apparently...

    Nah, it's not. The only measure we have is Steam, which is a small portion of the total playerbase. The fact it's still bringing franchises in is proof enough that it's not dying.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    Every time a change is made that some don't like, they theorize that it's dying because they are mad and/or thinking about quitting. It's often a lot of projection.

    The game's not dying at all. Like all things it will eventually, but now isn't it.

    We might be seeing a decrease in the playerbase over the past few weeks, but that's because everyone and their cousin was playing during the last event.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I dropped the game and it was because of the patch. Don't get me wrong, I was already getting burnt out with the game, it just wasn't fun for me anymore, but I probably would have kept playing but this patch was just bad.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Its at 27.000 players most of the time.

    When Resident Evil Project W gets released, we will see 50k players around.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    No, I wouldn't say so. I think the big USP that DBD has against similar games is its collaborations with huge licenses. What other horror games can you get where you have characters from Resident Evil, Halloween, Saw, and Silent Hill all in one universe? Plus, despite the game's faults, it has got a certain character/charm that other likewise games don't have.

    I do think, however, that this new patch has exacerbated some major issues with the game and it's pretty clear a lot of survivors aren't too pleased with the update. I think it may lose some survivor players, but then I'd imagine people are more inclined to play killer more as DH and genrushing are no longer in play.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I think you make a good point. There's no catchup mechanic, to balance out matches.

    No one has any fun if the other side is getting curb-stomped constantly. The fun comes when you have very close games where both sides are making good plays. Every once in a while, a curb-stomping breaks up the monotony. But this game is pretty much all curb-stompings and you make one mistake as survivor, you just lose, which I've never felt like when I play killer.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    People love to bang that drum when something changes and they don't like it.

    Its almost a sense of personal justice driven by ego...

    "I don't like this change.. Oh look the game is dying... I knew I was right that this change was bad... yay the changes got reverted to what I like again".

    Ask yourself is the game really dying or are many people just playing out this little scenario inside their heads.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Facts.. truth is it won't happen.. and maybe there are some that are not interested in the current tome like i do, i don't like this tome skins so i won't complete it but besides that, im eagerly waiting for the Project Wesker dlc. Already buy a bunch of auric cells for it and its skins 🤗

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    I don't think it's gonna die soon, since a lot of people seem to still enjoy the game. I only play the game to finish the tome and the rift, not for fun.

  • Maverick_74F
    Maverick_74F Member Posts: 159

    This game survived infinite loops, insta blinds, dead hard, instant gens, keys, OG legion and 5 blink nurse. I think it'll be ight

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Well, yes. The game is dying. Every game is dying, from the moment it releases - because nothing lasts forever.

    DbD is, however, still very healthy.

    I play solo survivor and I'm still escaping a goodly amount.

    A few things:

    • MMR right now is screwy, both due to a lot of changes to the meta and due to incentives being removed.
    • The goal of the patch was to increase kill rates. I know that nobody likes to lose, but people are still exaggerating.
    • This game is not balanced around solo play. It...can't be.




    Yes, much like every MMO over the past 10 years was the 'World of Warcraft killer'.

    Post anniversary burnout.

    About all that needs to happen for the time being is:

    • Tweaks to Nurse to make her less oppressive.
    • Survivor status icons.
    • DS back to 5 seconds.
    • Incentives back.

    Let's see where we stand then.

    For 100% extra BP? I'll do solo, for sure.

    It's always been tough for new players, but you'll have a botmatch option soon that will allow you to practice more. As things stand though, you'll lose a lot until both your MMR gets far down and you get better.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2022

    For 100% extra BP? I'll do solo, for sure.

    You might, but most people are not going to play a side that makes them absolutely miserable just for a few extra blood points. 100% of 5k bloodpoints (currently around what you make when you get camped at gen-5) is only 10k. I'm guaranteed 20k BPs if I do nothing as a killer and it just goes up from there. So switching to solo-queue for BPs is actually a bad decision when you can put a small amount of effort into playing killer and make 40k easily. Most average solo-queue players make around 20k on a good game.