I hope new RE chapter won't be recycled killer power

I hope the killer power is unique. Of course some aspects might be similar to other killers and that's fine but I really hope they will have something other killers don't have. That's it.
I hope Its not Nemesis 2.0 with bit different twist to a power.
New Killer: Nemesis but instead of tiers, he has a 6 meter tentacle right away, no zombies, also he can teleport for some reason because why not, every cool killer can teleport now.
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I don’t think they would make both RE killers too similar to one another, especially as Wesker (who is supposedly the killer choice for Project W) and Nemesis aren’t really similar in many ways… but I guess we will see soon enough :)
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Nemesis but instead of zombies he has Mr.X who can chase Survivors as well way Faster than zombies.
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Wdym cool killer? We have freddy, Onryo, Nurse and Dredge and the only one of those that doesnt suck is Nurse. Wait we also have demopuppy and he is alright. I dont have him ... it? though
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Every killer can teleport if you lag hard enough.
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If it is Wesker, it'll be his super sonic speed though that would be basically like teleporting, but he'll still have collision effects with everything. Think Nurse, but can't go through things. I'd be all for it though, cause i'm for anything Resident Evil (well, except for the new Netflix abomination.)
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And i hope Rebecca is hot enough, i swear if they ruin her like what they did to Claire...
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You mean like... a second Blight ?
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I know basically nothing about Resident Evil, never played it and only saw the first movie a long time ago. I don’t even know anything about what Nemesis actually is. What big bad from the series could be the next killer if it’s not a zombie?
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Make another teleport killer that's better than Sadako to put the knife in deeper
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If you are talking about Wesker, he is not braindead zombie. He is superhuman. He is super fast and super strong. And he is good to manipulate people. They can make good powers for him.
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Since the chapter is called ‚Project W‘ it’s very likely Wesker, with Albert Wesker being the most prominent and likely as he is the antagonist in multiple games.
I guess in general he is a human with ‚superpowers‘ (including super speed), though in one game he is also infected with a virus which mutates him and gives him other powers.
Also it still could be another Wesker (Alex Wesker), another monster/mutant/tyrant like Nemesis or anything else..
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So Wesker has speed? What else does he have? Weapons? Always fun to speculate.
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I hope the new killer’s power makes sense visually. It was a major visual fail to give Nemesis something that looks like a whip, visually looks like a whip being struck downward towards the ground, makes a noise like it’s a whip, shows blue stuff on the ground as if it’s a whip striking the ground………. but then a dev tells us the power is really a few short ranged projectiles that are stacked vertically on top of each other, that all travel horizontally.
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When you say manipulate, do you mean like mind control? Because a killer that can temporarily briefly possess or confuse the steering of a survivor would be a cool mechanic.
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No, Wesker is a very charismatic person and can get people on his side pretty easily, he doesn't have mind control powers.
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No, i meant speech. He knows how to use people for his own business.
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Ah well. Maybe they’ll use mind control on a Demon killer in a Supernatural chapter someday. 😉
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Super speed and strength. He manipulated many people into thinking he is a good guy, leading a special unit etc just so he can use them as test objects for bioweapons.
also he is involved in plenty of experiments with viruses, bioweapons in general, mutations etc.
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I swear if they don't give him voice lines and have him voiced by DC Douglas I'm quitting the game lol
I want him to shout "FOUND YOU" whenever he finds someone in a locker lmao
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And i wanna hear "Chrisssss" from him whenever we have Chris in trial.
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Someone dropped a concept for 'The Thing' here awhile back. The power had some controlling of survivors that I thought was so damn cool. I'll see if I can find it if you're curious.
"Test objects for bioweapons" sounds like a mori haha.
I hope he has a fun skill shot. Maybe after a dash, he's locked in place to fire one of his weapons. Idk, spitballing. I'll think more on it.
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Well, no. I guess I didn’t explain it right 😅 it’s more like he chose and trained a special forces unit as part of the (military? FBI? I don’t know..) and later he arranges it so they are going against several mutants/zombies etc.
though i should add I only really watched a let’s play of the games once in English (not my native language) and could abbreviate stuff or forget or misremember things
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Oohh, oops. Haha. Well appreciate it haha
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I personally have 0 interest in the new chapter because its going to be a Resident Evil chapter again. The first one was bad enough imo, but this is coming from someone who couldn't care less about that franchise. Milking another chapter of a franchise I never heard of prior to the first one coming out and one that I think also a lot of people are not interested in, won't bring a lot of hype of the chapter.
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This. 1000 times
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Sorta, but not really. He won't require a bounce, plus his super speed is very short, like 2 meters if that. It'll primarily be used for misdirection at loops and run off a token system. Best I can describe is, Nurse with 2 meter blinks but has collision. Unlike Blight Or Nurse, it won't stun him and have a cooldown after it's use. Overall less powerful than Nurse or Blight. Or if you know X-men, Nightcralwer (or Azael if you prefer), teleport but super short limited range.
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Nah, it's going to be Wesker, and instead of Zombies, he will have two Bubbas. One to camp the hook and the other to block loops.
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It's a high chance that the killer is gonna be wesker. In which case,he might become a blight 2.0 or be a deathslinger with an actual gun instead of a harpoon. I'm excited for either lol
(For that don't know,look up Resident evil 5 gameplay of wesker and you'll see why I say he might be a blight 2.0)
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Oh, I do like Nightcrawler !
I see, I understand better.
It would be extremely funny if there was an animation for the "dash" and it was like. Dead Heard's exact animation. Think of the chaos. The meme potential would be infinite.
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New killer is Lady Dimitrescu. Project W obviously stands for Project Waifu. /J.
Some combination of Wesker and Rebecca/Ada would be cool. Interested to see what comes of it.
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We got Sadako who can teleport
We got Dredge who can teleport to lockers
So...... Next Killer can teleport to Chests confirmed
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same here, i'm worried sadako's reception is gonna encourage more of the same sort of antiloop powers that we've seen over and over
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People say every new killer is a copy though. Anything with map mobility or anti-loop, that's what they're gonna say.