Windows of opportunity

Why is everyone suddenly using windows of opportunity? Every match, there is at least 1 person that runs that perk. What am I missing, exactly?
I’ve always seen it a lot ever since it was buffed. It’s nothing new for me at this point
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I can't speak for everyone, but for me it's an extremely valuable perk in Solo Que, up there with kindred, as it lets you know what pallets your team mates have used. it also makes it significantly easier to plan a chase route.
They should remove seeing breakable walls though as it just clutters pallet auras and does nothing for me as survivor haha.
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I said it a long time ago, but it's one of the best perks in the game, especially as solo.
Even if you can't loop well, it provides enough info to run a killer for 1+ minutes at the game's start.
As the game progresses, it also provides optimal pathing info which leads to longer chases, especially if a bunch of pallets have been burnt.
It's ALWAYS on and has zero downsides.
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Its because they ignore mmr and throw in whoever clicks ready and the poor survs dont have more than these perks.
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It's valuable to know exactly where every pallet is so you don't run to a loop, realize there's no pallet and get downed.
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I feel like you are trolling if you don't run Windows and OTR right now, they are just the highest value perks in the game for survivor.
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Windows of Opportunity is a pretty solid survivor perk. Knowing exactly where you can run for safety at any given moment is very useful.
Zanshin Tactics isn’t as useful for killers though since the survivors are the ones kind of steering the chase and the killer is following them. It’s not totally useless but it’s definitely one of the weaker killer perks that I’d like to see get a buff. One idea I like for it is to allow the killer to drop or destroy one or maybe two undropped pallets per match. It would have to be limited to at most one or two or it would be overpowered, but imagine if Zanshin let you, for instance, destroy the shack pallet or other super safe pallet preemptively once per game. It would make the perk kind of useful and fun to use but still not (I think) be overpowered.
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Windows Of Opportunity and Any Means Necessary 🙂
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As a beginner, I use it to get a sense of where I should run toward if I'm chased. Otherwise I just run around like a headless chicken, and that is not working very well haha !
I do agree that seeing breakable walls is annoying.
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I think it's a perk you can run for a while to learn where things are, but after that, your eyes mostly work just a good. It's a waste of perk slot long-term.
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Now that people need to properly loop and can't rely on DH to cover for mistakes, Windows of Opportunity does exactly whats written on the lid: it shows you the precious windows of opportunity of how to plan your chase and identify possible strong loops with ease. It always was a good perk, but now its value just went higher.
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i'm terrible at finding vault points and pallets, so it's invaluable to me. Also it's awesome in Dredge matches during nightfall, you can still navigate your way around somewhat.
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That is such a cool idea! I mean, no game was ever lost when a survivor panicked in the first 20s of a match and dropped the shack palette, but it surely made the killers live a bit easier around the shack. Shutting down key loops could be the theme of this perk, so maybe you got 3 charges (1 per level) and each charge allowed you to either destroy a palette or board over a window. Obviously not in chase, but I think this could be a pretty tactical and dynamic perk, especially if you opt to use it later in the game, when survivors already got used to running a certain loop.
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I find it to be the most boring perk to face as killer. You can tell when you chase a Kate and she just uses her GPS to pre-drop pallet after pallet in perfect sequence. Sometimes they're actively hurting the team by wasting resources early, but it's still incredibly annoying to deal with.
Just because it wasn't highly used doesn't mean it was weak and needed buffs.
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I have the perk, but I've never used it 😄 I run OTR, eboony circle of healing, balanced landing and second wind. I found a new love for balanced landing and I cant stop using it, but Ive never been one to like exhaustion perks. Before my build was resilience, iron will, my lovely eboony and DS.
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I dont even know what Any Means Necessary does 😂
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I would like balanced landing if they passed over each map and made sure you had at least 2 spots to use it. There are map layouts where you literally can only use it jumping down the shack stairs. Until then, I won't part from lithe. I am also a huge fan of OTR + Deliverance, it makes you such a nuisance.
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Y'all are almost convincing me to give it a try
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It’s kinda needed for me cause my solo teammates like to throw them early.
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I find that I'm able to use balanced landing in almost every match and it's very helpful to get out of a useless area, or even make the killer lose you or just plain give up on the chase
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Because it's an absolutely incredible perk that gets slept on because 'lul this for nubs'.
Even knowing the maps okay now, this will tell me exactly what pallets/vaults have spawned, which pallets are still up and sometimes even where a chase is happening. I can use it to always know exactly where to run, and when coupled with Lithe...these two perks never leave my bars.
So good.
No matter how good I get, I'll probably never drop WOO. It has saved my butt so, so many times.
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That's useful when your teammates run blindly and waste all pallets that come in their way
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I will give it a try and update 😋
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As long as the killer doesn't break every pallet on the chase it is very useful.
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I have a question for WoO players: So I tend to use an aura build at times that involves using Open Handed. My question is: does Open Handed help or hurt Windows of Opportunity? On one hand, seeing a pallet farther can help you chain loops but on the other hand, Lery's exists and all you will see is yellow. I guess I answered my own question: it depends. So specifically, do you guys like WoO with Open Handed or not?
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The breakable wall auras are important in indoor maps, because they might mean you can’t get from one specific room to another, or you might be going into sort of a dead end if a specific breakable wall is still up.
Also, some of the vaults are a lot more powerful if the breakable wall next to them is still intact.
—Source: I sometime use this perk, and I use the breakable wall information.
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You can't use it like a gps because there is a cool down on the perk after you throw a pallet or hit a window in a chase it's not just a constant aura reading
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Have you ever run to a loop only to discover the pallet was gone and the chase ended before it even started? Windows of Opportunity helps you avoid that scenario.
You can plan your route mid chase without betting on what resources are available and, as a plus, it helps you better know new maps.
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This is a new thing? I feel like I've been seeing it consistently for a good while now.
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That was removed some time ago
As for op it's just a very strong perk
It was strong before the buff
Imo it's a contender for best soloq perk. I'm sure that for 75+% of survivors WoO would extent chases more then any exhaustion perk would
People write it off as a training wheel perk cause you "can learn pallet spawns" but are very dishonest with themself about how well they know said spawns
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It used to have a cooldown. They removed it months ago so it's straight up Google Maps now.
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I mainly see pallet wasters running it, the kind of people that drop pallets without looking behind even when The Killer isn't on them. These people also like to camp pallets. I sometimes run Any Means Necessary, and it's heartbreaking to see how inefficient some players are. 3-6 pallets gone for a 10s chase is not a good ratio at the start.
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Can you not call me out like that? Much appreciated, thanks, lol 😂
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As others have mentioned, the amount of info it gives you (especially when solo) is absolutely nuts. You can see when killers will have to waste time at a loop breaking a door, route windows together to change tiles without needing to use pallets, see what resources have been used up, see when and where people are in chase by seeing pallets drop, its a perk where its value is dependent on how much you can translate that info. Very well designed in that it helps new players while helping good players improve their reactions with primary and secondary info. Its up there with Kindred and Empathy as giving solos swf-tier info on whats going on around them, and pairs well with other aura perks to boot.
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Oh wow, my mistake I didn't realize that, I've seen it more often and now I know why
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Because it's a really good perk and survivors are starting to run low on them.
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It might be clutter but it's useful clutter; it can act as an Alert and tell you where the killer is. Best part is, Windows is unaffected by Undetectable
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Zanshin isn't good simply because the killer already knows what pallets and walls are still up. Windows is good for solo queue because who knows what your teammates were doing.
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Godlike perk for soloQ. Very helpful for ressource management.
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That's not even mathematically possible. Even if we assume the chase starts on opposite ends of the pallet and it is immediately dropped, it takes the killer 2.34 seconds to break it. During that time the survivor gets 9.36 meters away. Lunge distance is around 5 meters so it'll take the killer around 7 seconds to catch up to the survivor. Even if they all walked in a straight line through a bunch of pallets you couldn't possible waste more than 2 in a 10s chase.
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I never anticipated someone would try to correct sarcasm. 10s represented a short chase, not an actual chase duration of ten seconds. 36 was exaggerated to illustrate more than necessary. I'm still in shock your reply is even a real thing.
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Sure, that plays into why killers don't get as much value out of Zanshin too.
Windows is also good in swfs too, even if you know your buddy on comms was in a chase and dropped a pallet it's obviously way easier to simply see an undropped pallet's aura than have to rely on what they said they did in your headset.
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It's always been a fantastic perk, and people are experimenting more with their builds now that the old meta has been jostled.