Will the devs do something with this broken update?

Soloq is currently unplayable due to the nerf to survivors


  • iltano88
    iltano88 Member Posts: 14

    I agree, playing solo is boring and frustrating lately. And swf is unbalanced.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'm playing solo Q really well, I'm still able to do gens efficiently and loop the killer for ages at a time.

    My teams a mixed bag, sometimes I get entitled players rage quit early and other games I get people actually trying and we do really well and often get multiple escapes...

    Solo Q has always had the issue of randos quitting like child or having bad matchmaking to where you'll get some people not doing gens.

    But should survivors really win a 3v1 and if people on your team arent contributing? I dont think so...

  • akumaks13
    akumaks13 Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2022

    all perks nerf, more time gens, pales break faster, the killer recovers before the blow and the survivor advances less...camp and tunnels without stopping..stop using the DH crutch because it's not about that anymore.

  • buckeyeprof
    buckeyeprof Member Posts: 10

    Lol, savage.

    While playing Dredge last night, one survivor tried to DH for distance to windows and pallets MULTIPLE times during chases. Hard to get used to not having DH, if you can't even admit it doesn't do what it used to.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Maybe OP did use DH, maybe OP didn't, but DH had an immense stranglehold over the game and influenced everyone in one way or another as I think 53% of the player base total used it and in the mid-high+ MMR bracket it rose even to 75% usage. Yeah, I know, it has been thrown around a lot, but here are just two thoughts that I wan't to throw into the ring:

    1) the first hours of the patch, the whole first day, survivor games just crumbled and utterly obliterated at the slightest touch. This probably didn't happen just because killers got 10% buffed, or else we wouldn't have seen this total destruction of the survivors game play, but likely because the rug was pulled from under everyone, exposing to the world of DBD how much of the survivor player base had relied on this perk, the wool was pulled from everyones eyes, showing that the endless debates of "lol just bait it out, its just a perk. Git gud" and "maybe you didn't outplay them. What makes you think you earned that down? Obviously you didn't" probably held more water then many would want to admit.

    2) Not every player used DH, and not every player was carried by DH, BUT I would go so far to say that every single game was carried in one way or another by DH. You always had those players who didn't use it and still did well. They either used different exhaustion perks, immersed themselves or just were pretty good at looping and maybe supported their skills with some Windows of Opportunity or the likes. But 3/4 of the player base after a certain MMR bracket used it, and every single game multiple times someone got away, dashed to safety or invalidated a killers clever positioning with DH, and this added up and carried the game, even for ones sitting on a gen.

    Since then many survivors have adapted to the new situation and (re) learned how to properly loop without DH and how to play safer. This patch many many important things happened all together, and they don't just add up but sometimes multiply themselves, but I am pretty sure that we had seen shock and awe effect like the first day of the patch, if they had just made the change to DH and nothing else. Maybe not so long lasting or prevalent, but it would have been there.

    But this is past us now, water under the bridge. Now we must work together to help our soloQ fellows out and how to combat the camping /tunneling epidemic, and I am a soloQ survivor most of the time myself, btw, as I might identify as a killer main, but I still split my time (and tomes) between killer and survivor.

    DH is dead, and I am pretty confident that it will never return to anything like it's glory days, and that's a good thing, but we must let the matter rest at one point and focus on the situation at hand and the future of DBD.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    SoloQ is always unplayable, because teammates scks hard.

    It doesnt matter what a patch do, when u have such "good teammates".

  • buckeyeprof
    buckeyeprof Member Posts: 10

    As a fairly okay killer main, I definitely noticed the effects of the updates, but only because games felt more fair. When I play survivors who haven't adapted, 4Ks are ez now. But when I play survivors who have adapted, both soloq and SWF, and I can still suffer a frustrating defeat, i.e., 0K or fewer than six hooks.

    I played five games as survivor last night with the average outcome being 2K, and me escaping 3/5 times. All were more challenging than before the update, but none felt unfair.

    Though I'm a killer main, I regularly get to high gold or low iri ranks each month as survivor because playing survivor is ez. Not trying to be a jerk about it, but it's the truth. Now, it's more challenging and way more fun.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Thanks for taking the time to write that. I was never a DH person, so none of this matters to me. I used to get confronted by people in groups about why I never ran DH. I was always more of a Smash Hit or Head-On player lol I have fun with those; I can't say I had fun using DH. I also knew the pain as a killer, which may have influenced me against equipping it.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    Remember when all the survivors were trying to convince everyone that killers would be complaining about Sprint Burst and Overcome if DH got nerfed?

    Where are the pages and pages of Sprint Burst nerf threads? what happened, is it a skill issue?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    As I hated DH as a killer I made the conscious decision to never use it (with the exception of Adapt David and the two or three tome challenges), and while I died a lot at first, eventually it made me a better survivor, because I learned to loop without it.

    So when the infamous patch came along I personally didn't feel much of a change. Yes killer got me more often at very tight loops and gens took longer, but the biggest change were my team mates and how they reacted. You could totally witness the shock and awe that had struck most of the player base and I 100% believe that this was mostly due to the sudden deprivation of DH.

    But at least in my killer games everything is back to normal again: survivors slam gens, loop expertly and t-bag wherever they can get away with.

    Flashlight saves and unsave unhooks have become a bit less common, though, and not fearing DH every chase was really liberating!

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Oh yeah man i remember those threads. People claiming SB is way better than DH and saying we would all regret it if DH was nerfed : D

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    Soloq is unplayable due to people DCing. If they didnt survivors would still stand a chance. But people would rather just give up than put in a little bit more effort.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Probably not. They already had the chance to prevent this situation by reacting to the feedback given. They didnt. so why should they now change their mind as nothing new is happening?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212

    Weird I've played mostly solo queue since the patch and it's been fine.

    Maybe it's a skill issue.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    I am managing in solo queue just fine, thanks.

    There seem to be more diaper jockeys DC'ing, suiciding on hook and throwing, but as far as actual gameplay, it doesn't feel "broken" in any way. Different? Yes. Weird? A bit, for now. Oppressive? Not at all.

    That was some premium self-delusion. DH was busted af and everyone knew it, at least on some level.