New Ultra Rare add-ons. What should they be?

So the current killers that have Ultra Rare add-ons are Trapper, Wraith, Hag, Doctor, Shape, Huntress, Nightmare, Pig, Clown, Spirit and Legion. The killers who currently don't have them are Hillbilly, Nurse and Cannibal. Now since every killer is gonna have a Ultra Rare (according to the devs), What do you think they will be/What do you want them to be?
I think..
Hillbilly/Cannibal: Survivors hit by your chainsaw are Broken for the 120 seconds.
Nurse: Survivors cannot hear you charge your blink.
Doesn't Nurse have an Ultra Rare that shows where she'll Blink to?
I think a powerful Ultra for the saw cousins should be one that makes the Chainsaw completely silent, while charging. You can hear it, but the Survivors can't so they won't know when you'll cut them down until it's too late.
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On a similar note, aside from a few exceptions I feel like most the killers ultra rares are quite underwhelming which is why most killers best addons are their very rares. A lot of the negatives attached to so many of them need to be removed. They're ultra rare, they're supposed to be good. Most the negatives are just way too overbearing for what you get. Also quite a few ultras that should be just in base kits as well like Rule Set #2.
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I come from ps4 and I think a cool nurse ultra rare add on would be no fatigue but can only blink/blink chain every 15 seconds.0
@HatCreature said:
Doesn't Nurse have an Ultra Rare that shows where she'll Blink to?I think a powerful Ultra for the saw cousins should be one that makes the Chainsaw completely silent, while charging. You can hear it, but the Survivors can't so they won't know when you'll cut them down until it's too late.
It’s already a bug in the game where Leatherface will charge up his chainsaw and no sound cues are played. There is already add-ons to make the chainsaw a lot quieter. Nurse could use an ultra-rare add-on, she only has very rare add-ons.
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Hillbilly: Iridescent Chains - Hitting a survivor after doing a chainsaw sprint for 3 seconds will inflict the Broken status for 120 seconds. Hitting a survivor after doing a chainsaw sprint for 8 seconds will instantly kill a survivor.
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thesuicidefox said:
Hillbilly: Iridescent Chains - Hitting a survivor after doing a chainsaw sprint for 3 seconds will inflict the Broken status for 120 seconds. Hitting a survivor after doing a chainsaw sprint for 8 seconds will instantly kill a survivor.
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I still want mah Speed Unlimiter add-on for Hillbilly that makes his chainsaw go ungodly fast but makes it nigh impossible to turn.
Beyond that, how about a Doc add-on that injures Healthy survivors whenever they reach Madness 3?1 -
I searched fan add ons and I think these ones are good. I'll post them now.
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One ultra-rare add-on per killer that doesn't have one (ideas I just got) :
- Hillbilly : Old plate : "The only plate ever given to Max Jr to put his food in. The memories associated fills the Hillbilly with rage and despair" Grants the ability to freely turn while using the Chainsaw, and speed it up slightly.
- Nurse : Tie : "The last thing she kept from her deceased husband after his death, and her debts. Fills her with nostalgic madness" Increase greatly the chain Blink window, allows 2 attacks in said window and remove 1 Blink.
- Cannibal : Faceless head : "Not everything is eatable, and this head had nothing to eat on it once the face got removed. Remembering the meal out of this person fills the Cannibal with bloodlust." Increase tremendously the Chainsaw's speed and acceleration and increase slightly the colliding's fury time.
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With Nurse her extra blink addons should be removed, and 1 extra blink should be made ultra rare.
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GIVE THE CLOWN MORE FINGERS DAMMIT! Mechanics is kinda terrible and Pinky's is just really simple
Ringmaster's Finger - "The stench of animals reeks off this finger, one of prized collections. Gives the feel of a primal rush when tasted." Remove movement speed penalty for reloads
The First Finger "Little more than rot on bone this finger fills the Clown with nostalgia of good times." e clown now gains a 15% movement speed boost for x seconds when in/leaving his own gas
I'm making an idea thread for this, thanks!
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° Nurse - Ultra Rare/ Survivor's no longer hear the nurse while she's charging her blink or her gasp of breaths when she blinks. (Think prayer beads but for the Nurse)
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i made a whole discussion avout the killers who need new ultra rares, so ill just link it to you right here: -
Iridescent Chains: Survivors hit by the Chainsaw receive the Broken status effect for at least 120 seconds.
Sturdy Chassis: Grants immunity to stuns while chainsaw sprinting. Slightly increases the Chainsaw's movement speed. Reduces the Chainsaw's cooldown (not sure by how much though).
Memories of Andrew: Unlocks potential in her aura-reading ability. While charging your blink, the auras of Survivors within X meters (not sure, probably somewhere around 16-24) are revealed to you.
Paramedic's Last Breath: Silences the sound of the blink charging up.
Here are some add-ons for Killers that need one more Ultra Rare add-on:
Project Awakening Notes/Iridescent Queen: Your Static Field affects the entire map. Shock Therapy range is increased by at least 50%. Slightly increases the charge time of shock therapy. Illusions now have collision against a Survivor.
Mother's Axe/Family Photo: Hatchets automatically refill every X seconds or slightly increases movement speed. Hatchet targets suffer from the Deep Wound effect and have 15/20 seconds (not sure how long) to Mend themselves. Iridescent Head will override the Deep Wound effect.