Streamers have stopped playing Solo Q and the Devs are still silent why? Devs need to respond!

Anyone unbiased could tell you how crap dbd Is right now so why haven't the devs addressed anything? Solo Q Is terrible and dbd Is basically a generator simulator, constant busy work, chases are dead , and endgame Is so so boring now without DS and NOED... This game has become more frustrating than fun please do better...... A second Resident Evil chapter isn't gonna fix this game that franchise Is getting repetitive and old new life needs to be added into this game more relevant franchises and different game modes for starters!!!
BS. High MMR survivors are having zero problems now that they've adjusted to not having dead hard for distance
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Every day we see more and more how bad people were crutching on Dead Hard for distance. People didn't want to admit it, and called me a liar when I told them the use rate. Then BHVR came out and released the data and it was even worse than we thought.
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im having fun with solo q survivor
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Never used dead hard the thana and dying light thing are my issues gens take to long and the tunneling has gotten worse since ds nerf also making survivors slower was so so dumb
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Many of the longest-serving DBD streamers who always played solo are still doing so. (Pug, Hexy, Morf, Coconut_rts, etc)
I do understand how it can be frustrating to have to relearn how to play a role with different rules.
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Survivors move at the same speed as before. The Sprint Burst on hit was reduced by 10%, it was literally one-fifth of a second.
If you look at Thana before and after, the total buff increase is tiny.
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Wes Craven would hate you siding with killers not very girlboss of you
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Streamers can't bully the killer anymore and be toxic to them, quick someone get the devs to change it so they can be toxic and bully the killer again, sorry but someone i watch she plays solo and she has had no problems since the update some games she will die others all 4 will get out. Could it be the streamers had to relay on crutch perks like DH and now they can't the game is to hard for them.
Sorry but don't come in and say streamers have stopped playing i know a lot of streamers that play this game and none of them are have come even close to what you said about game balance.
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Killers are gonna get nerfed again soon it's gonna be so funny when it happens can't wait
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Technically thana was buffed twice
80s gens. Old thana = 80/0.80 = 100 seconds.
90s gens. Old thana = 90/0.80 = 112.5 seconds
90s gens New thana = 90/0.78 = 115.5 seconds
So the buff to thana added 3 seconds
But the increased gen times also added an extra 12 seconds because of math for a total of 15 extra seconds total. Not a tiny buff if you ask me.
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lol nope they might adjust a few things but no major nerfs for killers, like they said in the stream the amount of kills is to low and needs to come up, which means killers won't get touched much some things might get a few adjustments but that's prob it, then with survivors they will get the same thing some things will get a buff others a nerf.
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Which streamers have stopped playing solo queue? Because big streamers are still posting solo Q videos and I still face many small TTVs in game.
I feel some people are now making information up to be dramatic.
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Basically you are just spitefully angry about the changes and are making up threads to make it seem like people are quitting.
You could just have fun playing the game and drop all the melodrama.
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I see you have the gaslight part down.
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By this very post, isn't the change to Thana a change of 2.5 seconds?
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I can't speak for other streamers, but the problems Otzdarva had with playing solo queue largely revolved around the fact that his teammates were constantly giving up, killing themselves on the hook, or DC-ing. As for the devs, I imagine that they want to collect data on the update and get a large amount of feedback before they commit to any public statements that might rub the community the wrong way.
DS and NOED don't make the end-game more interesting, and trust me, chases can still last quite a while. If you're upset the the killer is eventually catching you, stealth options like Quick and Quiet or Distortion might help.
I'm very quickly losing my patience with the "DBD is dead!" bandwagon. Yes, some changes were unnecessary, and some were bad, but they weren't nearly enough to make the game impossible for solo queue. Give it time, and things will likely be sorted out.
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You are not enjoying the game after the patch because you must've crutched on DH!! Everyone knows this is the only reason people could possibly be upset. :)
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Let me tell you something to give you pause. I am pretty unbiased. I was an iri 1 killer before the patch and after the patch. I play a lot of survivor, every day. And I don't think the patch is bad for the game at all. I think it's a huge step towards balance.
So stop acting like unbiased people think the same as you. I play more survivor now than I did before and the patch doesn't change much about my skill or success. The game play is better on BOTH sides.
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You can't talk about the thana buff without taking into consideration the fact that increased gen times indirectly buffs the perk.
Old thana with 80s gens was 100 seconds
Old thana with 90 gens would've been 112.5 seconds
For some reason they also decided to buff thana by that extra 2%, making it 115.5 seconds.
No matter how you slice it, Thana at 4 stacks adds 15 seconds to a gen. That's not insignificant in the slightest.
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Streamers are "quitting" because hackers but instead of having a conversation about how god awful the report system is they instead ask for no dc penalties for streamers. Talk about entitlement. If they aren't quitting because of hackers and instead just because this patch wasn't survivor-sided enough then good riddance. We don't need more of these "Us vs Them" people.
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Okay, this is the math I want:
Tell me how long a gen would take to do right now if someone had OLD Thana.
Then tell me how long a gen would take it do right now if someone has NEW Thana.
How many seconds of difference is that?
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I already posted that math: (This is at maximum strength of course)
80s gens. Old thana = 80/0.80 = 100 seconds.
90s gens New thana = 90/0.78 = 115.5 seconds
So a net total of 15.5 seconds.
If you're curious how the math works, the 0.78 is the survivor repair speed (1 charge a second with the debuff penalty)
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As some people said the way some are crying and complaining about the patch it's more than likely they were the ones using DS I'm end game that caused it to get nerfed in the first place.....or using DH for distance and actually didn't have the skills they thought they did.
I never used any Meta perks besides IW...I mean comme on who wouldn't use it all I right lol...but because I didn't use crutch perks the patch hasn't changed how I play the game as survivor
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I was bad at using dh so I'm thrilled I can use lithe and hang with everyone else! Loving lithe, off the record, prove thyself, and deliverance or built to last. I don't get tunneled and I can re engage with otr if I need to protect someone.
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I haven't came up with a solid build yet but my old one was CoH, Shadow Step, Lithe, BT. I might change BT for Botany
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What do you consider a relevant franchise?
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No, you posted OLD gens. You are trying to factor in the ten second change to gens into Thana.
How many seconds have changed as a result of the PERK being changed?
Stop adding the basekit change.
What is the difference between OLD THANA and NEW THANA in terms of the changes to the perk itself?
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??? That doesn't make any sense
I'll explain it again crystal clear
80 second generator. 1 charge a second. Old thana at 4 stacks reduced this by 20%. This increases the generator repair time by 20 seconds, maxing out at 100 for a single survivor.
90 second generator. 1 charge a second. Old thana would have reduced this by 20%. This would have increased the generator repair time by 22.5 seconds, maxing out at 112.5
However, they also buffed thana by adding another 2%.
So, the final version:
90 second generator. 1 charge a second. New thana reduces this by 22%. This increases the generator repair time by 25.38 seconds maxing out at 115.5(ish seconds)
In conclusion:
The thana buff adds 3 seconds
But the increase to gen times adds an additional 12 seconds for 15 seconds total.
Thana was buffed both in numbers and in efficacy because it's a % of a bigger number.
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So the answer to my question is... 3.
3 seconds.
That is how much they buffed Thana.
3 WHOOOOLE seconds.
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So I am guessing we are never going to get the name of any streamer that stopped playing solo queue, are we? You made me skim through 30 messages just to end up as disappointed as ever.
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Sorry I'm done playing Math teacher for the night
If you can't understand that because 90 is a bigger number than 80 that percentages of those numbers differ then I can't help you
Thana before added 20 seconds at 4 stacks to make 100 seconds
Thana now adds 25.38 seconds at 4 to make 115 seconds
A net increase of 15 seconds. If you remove the buff, it'd be 112 seconds, a net increase of 12 seconds.
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I thought you quit.
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Dead Hard gave him the endurance status to continue onwards.
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I swear there's one of you in every thread.
OP brings up game issue:
Random guy: blah blah blah Dead Hard.
bruh nobody said anything about Dead Hard. go away
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High MMR always is more survivor sided. Good survivors can loop good killers. Bad survivors cannot loop bad killers. All the good streamers that say there's no problem don't know what it's like even in the mid tiers.
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Your math is sound and everything you posted is accurate. Some people just like to ignore facts so they don't have to contend with the reality of the truth.
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The tunneling has gotten worse because BHRV removed most of the incentives to leave the hook and spread hooks around:
- BBQ has been gutted which gave killers the incentive to hook everyone and leave the hook to look for far-away survivors due to the aura.
- Pop has been gutted which encouraged killers to hook and then go kick a gen.
- Ruin has been gutted which encouraged killers to move around and pressure survivors out of gens.
- Pain resonance has had the notification removed, which encouraged killers to go to that gen after a hook.
Pain resonance and Pop in particularly were extremely healthy perks because they encourage killers to move and hook. The more hooks you got, the more regression you had. This is what people fail to understand. If you simply nerf killers, they'll be forced to tunnel and camp. If you nerf the perks that give them incentives to move around instead of camping and tunnneling, then they tunnel and camp. The solution was always to give killers enough power that they don't have to tunnel and camp just for a chance at a draw, while also keeping perks that incentivize them to move around strong.
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Every survivor streamer I watch is still playing SoloQ and having fun doing it and seeing as not a single name was given in the OP I'm just gonna assume this thread was a cry for attention.
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Just FYI BBQ is still a popular perk. The aggregate stat site I'm following has it still around 28% usage or so post patch, down from about 35% pre-patch. That makes it still one one of the most popular killer perks on the site, if not the most popular.
Basically there are a lot of people who had been using BBQ for the aura and to them the bloodpoint bonus was a nice freebie on top of a perk they already wanted to use. Those people are still using this perk because the bloodpoints weren't the main reason they equipped it. (And I say that as someone who hasn't ever personally used the perk very much, I like other perks better. There's just a bunch of people who like the consistency of knowing that when they hook someone they see an aura.)
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Except mostly Legions are the one who use it. Adding roughly 8sec on 2-3 survivors average (~20sec total of mending) once per minute.
People doesnt complain Thana alone, they question why they buff Thana when they buff Gen after they buff Legion.
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I still visit the forums to complain. I want to be able to play and enjoy the game again.
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Lets say we have 300 players. 60 Killers & 240 Survivors players.
20 killer & 80 survivor at Low MMR.
20 killer & 80 survivor at Mid.
20 killer & 80 survivor at High.
Because 20 high MMR killers are struggle. 80 survivors at Low & 80 survivors at Mid MMR should quit the game?
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I have seen multiple say it's unplayable most recently lexicat and moodyjo sorry I don't live on this forum like you <3
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This is with full stacks which rarely happens. A surv or two will heal when they see the debuff. They'll cleanse when they see the debuff. It never stays at 4 stacks for long.
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Vs Legion and Plague it can
Which are the 2 killers people are complaining about with thana
Most other killers can't use it as well because healing is a valid option.
Legion you have to both mend (which adds up) then heal, not worth it most of the time
Plague you physically cannot heal when infected, and getting all 4 survs infected isn't that hard if you've got some decent game sense/hook a fully infected survivor or two. What makes it worse is, if you cleanse vs plague you give her another dose of her super strong chasing power which can lose you games
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the gen buff isnt the same as the thana buff. sure they relate but thana provides almost the same amount of time as before, gens simply take longer in general now.
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isn't mmr hidden?
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I think you might misunderstand.
Thana is a % based perk.
The repair speed penalty is based on the charges per second it takes to complete a generator.
So 22% of 80 seconds is less than 22% of 90 seconds.
Old thana made 80s into 100s
New thana makes 90s into 115s
An extra 15 seconds is quite significant I think
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If 2-3 survivors are being hit by Frenzy every minute, then the survivors are clearly doing something wrong.
Split up and run away as soon as you hear his terror radius when he is Frenzy. 99 your mend and then finish it when their Frenzy ends. Camp pallets when they are in Frenzy and drop it AFTER they hit you so no one else gets Frenzied.
Legion is boring as heck, but they are still a terrible killer as long as you play smart.