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How do you feel since the update

Member Posts: 175

Personally as a 50/50 killer,survivor player I think the update has balanced a lot of issues in the game.I basically stopped playing killer as I felt it to frustrating as the game was very survivor orientated.The update has fixed that and I enjoy playing killer again.I hear a lot of people moaning re DH being nerfed but it was long overdue.I don’t see much difference as survivor,other than queue times being much better.Finally BHVR have listened,

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  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I want them to appease survivors so queues go back to being instant and games stop being thrown. Whatever they want, give it to them. I do not even care what it is. Just do it.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I both agree and disagree 🤪,to be fair the queues were horrendous when a lot of the killers gave up not so long ago.😀

  • Member Posts: 52

    This patch ruined the game for survivors, I'm leaving until they fix this. Brought a competent 4 man team that use to win all the time... to The Game with 3x Tool Boxes and Brand New Parts and still got steam rolled by a Spirit. The why...

    1. Iron Will is effectively useless, any killer with a headset can trace sounds (footsteps, breathing, loud moaning now) EASILY, spirits just teleport and trace without a beat now.
    2. The additional 10 seconds per gen, which effectively passively impacts variety of other perks to 13+ seconds due such as Thanatophobia
    3. Jolt is absolutely crushing regression now ontop of it
    4. No dead hard to make plays anymore

    If you're argument is that there's a "passive 5 second BT", that barely offsets face camping or tunneling. Which happened before anyways, what is 5 seconds when you have another 1-2+ minutes of gen time to do.

    Statistically, before the patch I was escaping with at least 1+ survivor at a pretty standard pace maybe out of 10 games, 5-5 escape to death ratio. Post patch, with a discord team, 3-14, and one of those wins was maybe a killer just messing around.

    Not only that, the number of "mercy" escapes from killers I have seen skyrocketed post-patch - the fact that killers are "mercy escaping" survivors is a testament to the imbalance.

    It's really simple to balance this game, take the data you have on number of survivor escapes and deaths per game and balance it so there's a 2-2 escape to death ratio. Take this data by killer and adjust perks accordingly to balance.

    Also, I play as killer on the side, and I went 5-0 (Oni w/ AOT skin, Meyers, Trickster), 4 kill, 4 kill, 4 kill, 3 kill, 4 kill. It's a breeze in the park... especially as a PC gamer.

    If you also noticed the queue time for killers have gone up, its also evidence that people don't want to play survivor... which speaks to the lack of balance and fun.

    I'm retiring from DBD until they fix this.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Game is more boring as survivor

    killer is ok? Since I primarily play m1 killers the buffs were nice

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited July 2022

    It was positive at first, but it's gotten increasingly negative. Solo queue is in a truly miserable state and the perk changes, while they have shifted the exact perks comprising each meta, have completely failed to change the dominant strategies on either side. Survivors are still married to second chance perks and killers are still forced to stack slowdowns against good squads (which in turn ends up being complete overkill versus solos.) Survivors that want to live are hammering generators/holding W and predropping, and killers are still tunneling the first person they see, and I'm feeling like at this point we need some actual mechanical incentives to spread hooks, and to get out and hunt survivors instead of hovering at the hook so you can down the rescuer and then the rescuee again. Tunneling should not be the most efficient strategy, and yet it is; whether that's giving the last unhooked player persistent buffs in chase or altering survivor repair speeds based on hook allocations, I don't know, but we're never going to wean off the sheer baked-in need for anti-tunneling perks with bloodpoint incentives or asking nicely.

    We also need a cap on action speed slowdowns, because Jesus Christ, I'm not sure you can find a more universal definition of an unfun game than a Legion or Plague running Thana/DL/Plaything/Penti.

    It's sad, because I really like the killer changes and feel they were necessary, and I'm still glad as hell that DH has been dethroned. Survivors just didn't get adequate protections in return and killers are not, despite innumerable statements otherwise, using their newfound slack to play any less hardball. Killers are better equipped to deal with SWF, but solos are in turn much less able to keep up. Those floated solo queue buffs cannot come out soon enough.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    For Killer? This patch is great, it's like the reverse 1.9 patch.

    As Survivor? Oh boy is it painful.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2022

    As a glutton for punishment solo survivor I now run MoM, Sole Survivor, Wake Up, and Dead Hard.

    In the beginning I work on protecting survivors that suck at chase while getting MoM stacks using DH. After that I reserve the 3rd protection hit for whenever I need MoM activated.

    If I’m the last survivor I’ll open the exit gates incredibly fast after the killer finds hatch. If MoM is active I’ll open it in a killer’s face as they walk up. I’ll endure all the hits until I’m out.

    This build falls flat when SWFs sandbag you. It’s so annoying that their dead buddies can spy on you, and tell their remaining party what your intentions are based on what you’re using. They’ll make it so no one escapes even if they’re bad. Hoping the killer spares them, which they almost never do. That’s why I grew to hate dbd. SWF intel is simply game breaking for non-SWF period.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Please don't give me mid animation stun PTSD, that was probably the game's lowest point.

  • Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2022

    A bit frustrated tbh. I think the changes are mostly good, but a lot of survivors are acting like it's the end of the world, and on the flip side some killers are camping as some sort of protest? I don't really understand either of those, and honestly it just seems a bit petty to me. When both teams play normally the game seems a lot healthier to me tbh, and honestly I'm happy not to have to be carrying BT around all the time.

    Some few things are weird, like Iron Will having an exhaustion condition to it - I mean, I feel like it's most useful after an exhaustion perk has been used. And I'm not sure about DS being 3s instead of 5? 5s is a looong time for a killer but 3 isn't always enough to get away, I think?

    But you know, when you compare perks to autodidact you have to think...well it's not that bad, is it? :P

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    To be honest, I haven't played this update at all.

    I was really excited about it before the second round of changes. Then the Botany and Overcharge changes just rubbed me very much the wrong way... and I just have no desire to play DbD. Also VHS came out around that time too, so I've been playing that when I want to play a 1v4 game.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Poorly. Almost every game my friends and I have played survivor wise has been a tunnel/camp fest. There are a few here and there where the killer has been merciful but it has been a miserable experience. Thus far anyway.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I gave survivors like 5 hooks (2 hooks, slug twice then last hook) and still 4k...

  • Member Posts: 91

    Don't really like it anymore, primarily a survivor player but I play both frequently enough. The "good games" are pretty boring with no room left for fun plays or risk, and the bad games are god awful. (And before The Usuals get up in arms, the only nerfed perk I ever used before was Spine Chill, so I'm not missing my crutch or whatever.) Even Killer is pretty boring for me now, too. I already would get 3-4ks most of the time on Legion, even before the rework, and now it just feels like there's no thrill or challenge or anything. Just like yeah. The survivor died. They do that a lot now. Friend of mine's been doing a meme of playing all the killers with only clown's perks and no power usage while he's been disabled and has 4k'd every time. The game just feels too much like a foregone conclusion at this point to be fun on either side.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    For me it's mostly good but there is a 2 big issues.

    Killer is fine for the most part, still feels kinda weak at times but I think that's maps being badly designed. 1 of the big issues is tunneling. Tunneling seems even more appealing as opposed to not which isn't good. Gens are can be pretty fast still but it's not stupid anymore. I think they should do something about tunneling but I think they need to do something for the 4v1 aspect cause if tunneling is basically removed, it becomes almost impossible for most killers to get a 2k. Maybe add a built in earlygame mechanic or make endgame more threatening for survivors and stronger for killers.

    Survivor is pretty alright, there is a huge difference in how good survivors are in chase (I wonder why) but I'm sure there gonna adapt and get better. The other huge issue though is solo q. I don't know how but there are so many people in solo q who are really bad or are literally doing nothing. I actually can't tell if they're throwing on purpose or not sometimes. Swf's are still fine though.

    Overall I think the update is good but solo q and tunneling needs to be fixed as well adding a better way of getting/killing survivors.

    Side note: I thought a meta change was supposed to change the meta for both sides not one side.

  • Member Posts: 206

    Honestly? Bored (never thought I'd say that about killer but here we are).

    Queues are averaging around 10-15 mins for me depending on the time (worse during the day, more so than usual and only slightly better in the evening / late night). I was already winning the vast majority of my games pre-patch and now it rarely feels like there's games which challenge me (outside a full stack). Most of the time it's just crushing soloq / duoq players who didn't need to be in a worse situation than they were were prior. Played 15 games of nurse over the last 2 days and it's now got to the point where I'm having to run 2 perks (BBQ / Shadowborn) with no addons just so that the game isn't over at 3/4 gens.

    That being said, it's not all bad news. Since the bloodweb changes, doom engravings have been consistently appearing so my billy isn't anywhere at risk of running out anytime soon. Many survivors like seeing a good curvebilly so those games are still enjoyable (had a Cheryl bless her who wanted to 1 v 1 at shack for a good 10 mins after her team died). Some of the weaker killers are a bit nicer to play as well due to STBFL + basekit changes, particularly on doctor, trapper, pig.

    Survivor I had to stop playing outside of a 3/4 man stack, unless playing for Archives / Daily rituals as lot of the fun has been sucked out of it. Camping to second stage and/or tunnelling off hook is still rampant and the basekit changes have done very little to combat how effective it is (let's be real, what killer can't count to 6...). DS stun timer needs reverting ASAP since it doesn't even give 2 seconds of clearance (it's about 1.3 seconds for the survivor to start moving at full speed from the beginning of the drop animation). In terms of the meta, not much really has changed, killers are stacking slowdowns (just different perk names, same outcome) and survivor is OTR, Prove, Exhaustion + Adrenaline (2016 anyone?). Running a killer to bloodlust 2 isn't as punishing as it was before since people either refuse to hammer out gens. Had only 2 killers recently that I saw even attempt to moonwalk tiles or mind game around L + T's. Don't get me wrong, it feels awesome to have a long chase, but there are now more times where I'm left wondering "did you outplay me or did the game do it for you?".

    Hopefully they'll walk back a couple of the changes, too much was done at once. Focus now needs to be on information for soloq, slowdown stacking and map balance.

  • Member Posts: 151

    It’s been easier to not actually play this game. I signed up on the forums to see if others felt annoyed and what others had to say.

    glad I’m in the majority. The Ususl Suspects around these parts aren’t winning with their self-christened victim status.

    it’s up to the devs now!

  • Member Posts: 857

    Killer is great, having a lot of fun especially with aura reading builds, STBFL focused builds (I have a feeling this will be nerfed), and Sigma Pallet Grindset builds (SF+End+Bamb+BS), although the 10+ minute que times discourage me from playing a lot.

    SoloQ is unplayable, so I stopped playing survivor for the time being.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Expect a lot of confirmation bias, then. People don't generally sign up for the forums to declare how much fun they're having, they sign up to complain. The people who are enjoying this patch or don't notice a significant difference don't feel driven to go tell people, so... yes, of all of the people on the forums complaining about the patch, the majority are complaining about the patch.

  • Member Posts: 938

    Been playing a lot more survivor. Idk why, but it's been pretty fun tbh

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