Game is still survivor sided even after the patch.
50charges total gen time isnt that much more than 45seconds of waiting out freeBT (9 of 12 hooks are able to be BT'd). And it's still possible to split those 50charges for up to 4 players.
0 -
Oh trust me I know the game rough for new players, iv tried teaching new player and help them get into it and its definitely alot to take in and solo Q is definitely a mixed bag and as someone who has been playing solo since its release iv seen it all.
Yesterday 70% of my games had a survivor dc or give up while today i have escaped 13/17 games so it's all hit and miss while people adjust and settle into a new mmr bracket
And thanks! I thought it was a fitting name lol
1 -
You're literally standing next to the hook for all 9 unhooks that you have to wait out 45 seconds?
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This is spot on,there were a number of updates last year which were all survivor sided, it got to the stage that as survivor you waited an age to get a game as so many killer mains had left or switched to survivor out of sheer frustration,me included.Having played as both killer and survivor since update i would say that the game feels more balanced and fair,these changes have been long overdue.
2 -
Thats acutally not true. Even the best survivor players dont escape much at all in casual games. its definitely not a skill issue for survivors. It was a skill issue for killers before, most are just patheticly bad at playing killer. now those get carried by 4 slowdowns. somehow competent killers now 4k every single game. there are even 50-50 players that dont want to play this easymode killers anymore, but theyre also suffering from impossible games as survivor. anyone still claiming that this patch didnt broke the game is completely biased.
3 -
The survivor main streamers that i watch still escape just fine, when their teammates don´t give up on the first down...
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Stopped reading when you said camping gives survivors "no chance". Camping a first stage hook is an instant win for the survivors if they slam gens and only go for unhooks as a team. A killer who camps a first hook is lucky to get a 1k and will find himself at the bottom of mmr in no time.
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I didnt say when Killer camp.
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Or maybe, you're just bad at playing killer? 🤔
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FINALLY someone who says something rational instead of emotional!
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Well, by now at least the survivors I play at my MMR range have long woken up from their stupor and are slamming gens, looping like a god and t-bagging me after every second palette stun. It nearly feels like before the patch, but games are still much more fair and fun and I actually got a fighting chance against this tough survivors and catch more of them barely at a vault etc. Also the DH nerf was such a liberating act, its hard to put in words.
But at the other end of the spectrum it sounds like some soloQ players are eaten alive and I feel for them. I still feel like it is mostly a skill issue, as my soloQ games don't feel that bad, compared to what some other players experience. In survivor games it now isn't a given that you escape, but you actually have to throw in your weight and help the team. But if you manage to loop the killer for a good while you will still hear 2 gens popping in quick succession.
I hope that BHVR quickly does something to help soloQ and somehow address camping .. tunneling less so, as its sometimes a necessary evil, but I guess the 5s base kit BT don't do too much.
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Bt got buffed to 15s technically, and gives a speed boost
I still think basekit bt should be like 8s and the perk nerfed to 7s (exact same duration, just to clarify)
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Just wanna say that killers being more powerful was something people asked for. I will say though that solo q adjustments was also asked for.
2 -
What the heck did I just read?
There is absolutely no way anyone genuinely thinks the game is survivor sided right now.
I refuse to believe it.
11 -
Go read the patch notes dude, survivor got many perks buffed.
Yui's perk, Jake's perk, Botany, BT, OTR, the ones I have on my mind but there are other ones.
You are just a troll or a new player who dont know the game.
1 -
I did read the patch notes.
I'm sure you, the person who says "solo q is fun" while actually playing swf and not solo, can tell us all how pharmacy, botany, calm spirit got buffed.
Yes, I am a new player yet I'm almost devotion 27.
4 -
Too many clowns for this early in the a.m.
1 -
Again you are lying about what I said, you re just a troll I wont feed again.
Have a nice day and I hope you will enjoy the game someday.
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Which survivors do you mean? Solo or swf? Its not the same, you know.
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they balanced killer around the baby killers who don't know how to play yet. and they balanced survivor around the top 1% of swfs
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At this point in the game if you are still having trouble as killer it's purely a skill issue not a game balance issue, with the perks available to slow the game down to 3 min gens it's solely your own fault if you aren't using what's available to win games.
2 -
Everyone does remember that the devs specifically stated that they were trying to balance things by improving killers as the kill rates were lower than they want, right?
So they said they were improving killers and they did that, while still giving survivors some buffs both basekit & perkwise.
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If you don't get tunneled and your team makes generators, you get out in most matches. Nothing changed for survivors
0 -
I wouldn't say its survivor sided, but at my MMR spot everything feels basically the same as before the patch, with the benefit that everything is slightly more relaxed, I win more chases and DH is gone.
But good survivors will make gens fly, loop really good, greed palettes to the max and t-bag you at every opportunity. Still, matches feel somewhat fair now, and a mistake by the survivors side often leads to a down.
1 -
It seems to me that many survivors liked to intimidate the killer and at the same time have time to repair the generators. Right now this is only possible against beginners
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Oh yeah, JUST 5 seconds of BT for free.
0 -
Thank you!
0 -
I literally played Legion with bad add-ons on THE GAME against the top 4 people on my platform and I won fairly easily.
If you're still having trouble, it's you tbh.
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That is on you, and your skill alone.
1 -
Even you're gaslighting killers?
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When we're talking about killer, the match result is never just dependent on the player's skill. Shame on you for saying that to people.
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It's really not that bad you could catch someone in 5 seconds before they make the shack window if they're in basement. I've had many games where the base kit BT does something or it just does nothing cause you catch them by the time there bt is gone.
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I appreciate the idea that I'm a Killer main.
I simply say what I think is good for the game.
If you are still having trouble in this patch, it would seem to me that you are not in the correct MMR bracket.
5 -
Right now? Yes, it is.
I am not saying you will win every single one of your games. That is just unrealistic and would be dumb if it was true.
But, if you are still struggling as killer, you only have yourself to blame. Perhaps you didn't play as well as you should have, perhaps you failed to exploit a mistake some random Survivor made, perhaps you didn't adapt your strategy. Those things happen, and they are natural.
There are VERY few things in Dead by Daylight's history that were truly outside of the player's control or capability to deal with. The current state of the game is not one of them.
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Nah, all games balance around people who know how to play. DBD vets have all learned thing the hard way. Guy who plays one day a week shouldn’t be able to compete with people who play a lot. In fact, I would argue that any game that lets moderate players compete with experienced players isn’t a game worth my time.
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That's a very disingeneous argument. You assume that the entire survivor player base are just crybabies who are upset about being unable to bully killers. The reality is that a vast majority of the player base is casual and just wants to have fun regardless of whether they win or lose. They aren't out to bully killers.
This patch gave killers a lot of basekit buffs. Shorter chases, faster Bloodlust 2 & 3, better gen regression and longer gen times. Meanwhile, survivors received some unnecessary nerfs to make it even easier for killers. The devs want to boost kill rates, but they want to do it in a way that makes it significantly easier for killers.
Tunneling and camping were basically buffed thanks to shorter chases and 2 stacks of STBFL basekit. To say that people are only struggling because their MMR is higher than their skill level is a disingeneous argument since nobody knows what their MMR is, and you can't just assume it's a skill issue for everyone when relatively little has changed in terms of their build and how they play.
You could argue that it's a skill issue for people who relied heavily on dead hard, but even that's a bit of a stretch.
3 -
Tag me when Favor the Killer is no longer a thing. The game's foundation is built on favoring The Killer in the most crucial area: hits. Hits being handled on The Killer's end provides an immense advantage in every trial at the expense of the Survivor's experience. There's nothing fair about it.
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It always does something, because they also have Haste at the same time.
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Survivors are not held anywhere near the same standards as killer. "You lost? Must be you. Must be that mistake or 2 that you didn't capitalize on." Survivors are never told that, outside of talks about punishing camping and tunneling, which they reject as "not real counterplay" and "not our fault". This is the irony of this game.
2 -
"Survivors are never told that"
You were saying...?
2 -
Surely you aren't talking about the OP perk Calm Spirit???
Overcharge, Eruption, STBFL, Monstrous Shrine, Gift of Pain, Thanataphobia and Surge all got buffed massively. Killers got basekit STBFL, faster kicking speed and Survivors get less distance off of hit.
OTR is good, but I would hesitate to say that OTR alone can make this patch Survivor-sided.
No, just from the numbers alone, Survivors definitely got nerfed this update.
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You told them that, yes. But you're alone in telling them that. If you didn't say it, nobody else would.
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Is this a point being stated?
Or a type of praise?
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This may be your own personal experience because in mine, I feel like killers are given more excuses, or at least excuse themselves and people tend to agree and not criticize. A lot of killers blame any loss on SWF, both online and in post-game chat before crossplay was introduced. On the other hand, I have seen people tell a survivor to loop better to avoid being hooked and possibly camped and tunneled, because the game wasn't meant to have 3 hook states, which is holding them to a high standard if you ask me. "You lost because you went down."
2 -
All this posturing is pointless, stats will show the truth here. Before patch, I had 40-50% escape rate (no DS or DH) and my killer averaged 1-3 kills. Post patch, my escape rate is 10% (out of just under 100 games) while my killer is 95% 3-4k only losing a few here and there to hatches. The extra 10 second gen time is brutal. All the killers use that to proxy camp and tunnel because they know they can get away with it now. If hook time had increased 10 seconds for each stage this would be very different.
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Kind killer gang (Ω.Ω)
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It's praise, but at the same time you're claiming that "every survivor hears that, because people are actually saying it", but they're not.
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Both sides got buffs.
1 -
Of course killers got more than survivors it was supposed to be a killer sided patch. If the would of gave both side equal buffs it wouldn't of changed anything.
Survivors still got many perk buffs they took the BP from bbq and left the perk but took the BP from WGLF and buffed it. They made hope last all endgame buffed some gen speed perks. Survivors got stuff they just didn't get as much as or more the killers for the first time in along time.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I do know that games are balanced around people who know how to play. And I do agree that people who play really casually shouldn't have to face peolpe who play a lot (yet, I barely have 100h, and I see killers with 2.2k hours be put against me).
Still, there is a difference between a game where the balancing is made around people with 2k+ hours and a game where you can get reasonably good in 100 hours.
A lot of the nerfs on survivors are coming from the idea that "SWF is op", which in itself is not true unless you look at, again, SWFs with 1k+ hours of game, who are more cocky. Is it worth it making the game less playable for the majority of survivors, just to balance the top ?
If a game does not care a minimum for the casual players, it will soon only have the several-thousands-hours players, and that is a much more narrow playerbase.
Low mmr is ridiculous since the changes. I can barely escape one in ten games, but I can get consistent 3Ks and 4Ks as killer ? That does not feel balanced, is all I'm saying.